Call x Tamara

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"I can't believe you did that, you - you... ARGH" Tamara was raging at him, nothing new. 

Call rolled his eyes. He was in the dormitory with Tamara and Aaron, drying themselves of after a long shower and Call could still feel some lichen between his toe... yeah long story short, Jasper was a real dirty something. Even after everything that happened in the journey to find his father he and Jasper weren't exactly friends yet. Which Call didn't mind at all. What he minded was Jaspar calling him the one legged mage. So he may have said"yeah real creative Jasper" and a few other things were said and a few lichen dishes were flung and a full out food fight happened. It was awesome until everyone was sent to their rooms to get cleaned.... yeah that's how he got stuck here with an angry Tamara and a slightly amused Aaron. Surprisingly Tamara looks pretty good with lichen in her hair... wait what? Did I just think that? he thought...


Tamara snapped him back to reality. "Yeah what? Fine just blame me and not blame the guy who is dumb with his insults, throws lichen in your hair and calls your friend out for having a bad leg! He yelled. 

Tamara yelled back  "I am not saying he is blameless, I am just saying you could have ignored him."

The two glared at Aaron and yelled in unison "Tell him/her I'm right!"

Aaron's normally calm blue eyes flickered between the two. "I um... gotta go. Got more lichen in my ear" and he left.

Call groaned, so much for a supporting best friend, now he was left with an angry, lichen covered, beautiful... wait wha. "Shoot did I just say that?" Call thought

"um yeah you did you idiot" the voice in his head thought

"shut up!"


Call snapped back "Look I'm sorry okay but he just ticked me off, I wasn't thinking. And sorry for yelling at him, sorry for causing trouble and sorry for getting lichen in that beautiful, amazing hair. He sat down frustrated.

Tamara looked at him shocked. "Wait what did I say?" He thought

"You called her beautiful, duh."

"Oh shoot."

"Yep. you gonna be dead before someone hunts you down and kills you for being the enemy of death."

"I think I would rather be killed by the latter."

"You think my hair is beautiful?" Tamara asked

well here goes nothing

"Yes." he said confidently "Yes I do and everything else about you is beautiful"

Tamara moved closer to him on the sofa and bent down "Your not that bad yourself hunt."

As she moved closer, their foreheads almost touching Aaron came in the room.

"Woah." He rubbed his eyes. "This is actually happening."

The two jumped apart and blushed furiously.

"YES! Bro I'm so proud of you. Finally you too realize you actually like each other! I don't even care I'm gonna be a third wheel..." As he jabbered on the two just looked down blushing even more. When Aaron started to mention being a best man and matching tuxes Tamara and Call decided to leave and go to their own rooms, but they didn't leave before giving each other knowing looks of two friends clearly in love.

Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about Call and Tamara. I kinda like them more of having a brother-sister relationship where they still fight but look out for each other but what do you guys think. I'm curious to hear.

Magisterium short stories, headcanons and fun (how cheesy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon