Aaron x Tamara

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Aarons POV
"Hey Stebbins, Can you get us some more lemonade?" Tamara gestured to the two almost empty glasses on the small table between the two loungers.

" Of course Miss Tamara" Stebbins replied picking up the tray with a sweeping gesture. Aaron shifted in his lounge chair, the hot sun blaring down. He looked over at Tamara her dark hair in its normal braid on one side as she lay down. 

"Hey, Thanks again for letting me stay at your place for the summer." Tamar stood up and took off her sunglasses.

"Aaron, Its been five days and you have been saying that Every. Day. You don't have to thank me every 2 hours." She laughed

"Well I am that thankful!" He grinned even wider which would have made Call tell him to "wipe that stupid smirk right off." He missed him.

Tamara must have been thinking of the same thing. "Did you tell him yet?" 

Aarons smile wavered "No. I don't want to make him feel left out. Ya know?" He frowned.
Tamara reached out and touched his knee, he noted the feel of her hand on him and blushed. 

"He's our friend. We need to tell him soon."

Aaron replied "But if we tell him it won't make a difference! His dad won't let him come anyway."

Tamara frowned "True" She moved her hand away No come back!!! He called in his mind. "We will see him back at magisterium anyway. If his father doesn't let him back we will do something about it okay? We will make him come back this year whether his dad likes it or not."

Aaron laughed at the hostility in her voice, willing to kidnap Call to bring him back "Yeah , I would be down with that."

Tamara nodded "Good. Now lets tan."

They laid back. Aaron looked over at Tamara who had her eyes closed. He noted her beautiful dark skin, her shiny black hair and her soft looking, small lips. The image of her remained in his head as he drifted of to a gentle, warm sleep.

"Hey, Wake up lovebirds!" Aaron snapped awake and saw Tamara's sister Kimiya standing in front of him in a bikini with her arm around her boyfriend, bronze year student Alex Strike.

"What do you want?!" Tamara groaned still lying down

"Hey calm down" Kimiya replied "We are just asking if you guys want to swim."

Tamara sighed "Fine, I guess I need to get up eventually. C'mon Aaron."

Alex Strike laughed "Yeah you need to bring your dear man with you to change."

Kimiya nudged him " Babe just leave them alone. Let them fall in love on their own."

Tamara glared at the couple "We are not in love. We are just friends, right Aaron?"

Aaron's heart immediately shattered. He was in love with Tamara, she just didn't know that and had accidentally swung a hammer into his chest. He was good at hiding it though and put on a wide grin "Yeah!" He laughed "I mean me and Tamara psh. No way."

Tamara nodded "Exactly now lets go." She ran into the house.
Aaron deflated like a balloon. "I will get Tamara one day" he thought. She will see she is in love with me.

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