Aaron x Call

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Calls POV
"I'll sleep on the floor." Aaron offered. It was dark and Call, Aaron, Tamara and Jasper were in the roof old barn where Call had lead them to rest on the way to finding his dad. There were only two beds and the four of them were discussing the sleeping situation. Tamara glared at him "No way." She said "That doesn't benefit anyone but Jasper"
Call stood up. "No, Its fine. " He bent down and pulled a large mattress out from under the bed "My dad always kept a spare mattress if one got to dirty and he was to lazy to wash it he would just use this."
Tamara made a face and said"Yeah but I don't want Aaron to__"
" I"ll sleep with him." Call said
Tamara and Aaron stared at him but before they could say anything Jasper said "Works for me" and plopped in to his bed. Tamara glared at him and the other two boys but relented and said "Fine. I'm to tired for argument and you guys probably are to, Goodnight." And Tamara fell asleep to.
Call and Aaron lay down on the mattress. As Call started to close his eyes he heard Aaron say "Hey."
He opened his eyes and faced him "Yeah? What."
"You didn't have to do that you know."
"What so you mean?"
"Aaron stared at him "How can you sleep on the floor with your leg?"
Call started to get mad "Just because of my leg I'm not completely useless." He whisper shouted "I can do just as much as you can!"
Aaron look at him guiltily "Sorry. Its true you can take care of yourself. I'm just worried about you. I care about you a lot."
Call immediately felt bad "Its alright and umm_ " he awkwardly looked away "I care about you to."
Aaron smiled and they made eye contact, Call noted Aaron's beautiful green eyes baring into his, his body warm, only an inch away with one blanket covering them both and for that moment he completely forgot all his problems at that moment, he forgot about his dad, his soul, the fact that they were sleeping in an old barn on the floor, he tuned out Tamara and Jaspers sleep breathing noises, he could only hear his heart beating faster and faster in the waking presence of his best friend, the tall, blonde makar and suddenly Aaron leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the lips. Call had never seen him blush before "I....I ummm..." Before Aaron could say anything more Call grabbed him and kissed him full on the lips. At first he didn't feel him kiss him back then he felt it. Slowly they melted into one another getting closer and closer and as they drifted asleep Call couldn't think of anywhere else he would rather be other than in his best friends arms.

First time I wrote a scene like this so please don't judge. But #Aarl am I right?

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