Jasper x Tamara

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Tamara walked into the Magisterium library the familiar musty smell hitting her nostrils, a smell she had come to love since she started attending the Magisterium. All the other students in her year were in the gallery having fun. She just felt she needed some quiet time to herself, unfortunately she didn't get that. There disturbing the peace was Jasper. He was trying his best to use wind to open a book which wasn't working so well. The only wind he could produce was about the same strength as a rusty old car Stebbins refused to scrap even though it didn't move at all. All it could do was splutter. Tamara tried her best to ignore him but it was hard, him looking so pathetic she couldn't just ignore him. Before she could stop herself she walked over, sighed and asked "Need some help?"

Jasper looked up and said "Oh. Its you." Then looked down again. "No its fine go back to your friends"

Tamara sighed "Jasper whats wrong? What happened to you? You and I used to be good friends."

Jasper rolled his eyes "Really? So thats why you chose him over me."

"I didn't choose him, I had no choice but to stick up for that loser. You were making fun of him and he is in my fellow apprentice. Might as well be friendly with him."

Jasper sighed "Then why did you start hating me?"

Tamara raised her arms in frustration "Because you started being a jerk! I remember you used to be kinda nice. We've known each other since we were kids, we grew up training for the magisterium side by side. Remember when we accidentally set one of Stebbins cars on fire and started running around screaming and panicking?"

Jasper chuckled slightly "Then you used your water powers to throw your smoothie in the fire to try and put it out. Seriously you weren't half the brain you are today" he joked

Tamara slapped him playfully. "Shut up."

Jasper jumped back slightly "What? It was a compliment!"

The two laughed so hard the magisterium librarian gave them a dirty look.

After she recovered Tamara said "So, Do you still need help with that wind power?"

Jasper grinned back and at that moment Tamara recognised her best childhood friend, the non jerk version. "Sure" he replied

The two spent an hour working on the proper way to produce enough wind (the elemental way, not the other way :p) and finally stopped when the librarian told them to go back to their rooms for the night.
As they walked away they laughed to each other softly and continued to talk about their time at home.

"So..." Jasper said as they stopped outside her room door. " That was fun." Tamara smiled
"Not to terrible"
Jasper smiled shyly "You want to do that again some day? I still need some help"
"Clearly you do" Tamara smiled "But I definitely want to try that again."
Jasper grinned again, the same smile she had loved for the longest time.
They hugged and Tamara could have stayed that way forever, melting in to her best friends arms.

I'm not good at writing sappy :p. I mean they hugged *gasp* such rebels? hehe but aye Jamara amirite?

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