Chapter Twenty-One//Then There Was You

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Hey everyone!! As sad as I am to say this, welcome to the final chapter of this story. This story started with the ending of another and I am so shocked that this story has gotten this far! I am so touched by all your comments all your support and this is why i love writing! Don't worry I have a new Jax story brewing and hope to post it after a couple days of mental rest! Thank you all so much i cant believe all the love this story has gotten and I thank you so much!! The Title of my new story is Knight On A Steelhorse 

Sophia sighed as she pulled into the TellerMorrow parking lot, her Cadillac sputtering as she knew that half the shop was going to look at it the moment she stepped away. She knew that Church was over since half the guys were by their bikes, her mind racing as she knew she needed to do this. Waiting wasn't an option and she didn't care if he had plans, she was going to tell him about their child, and that she wanted him back.

Sophia sighed as she stepped out of the car, her hand running through her faded brown hair as she walked up to the clubhouse, Juice and Bobby waving at her as she returned the smile. It was awkward being in the clubhouse since she filed for divorce, since she wasn't sure she was welcome anymore.

The moment she stepped into the clubhouse she saw Jax sitting on the couch, cuddle up with Allison as he gently kissed her lips. Sophia turned away as she felt foolish for coming, tears starting to well in her eyes as she knew she should have just waited.

"I guess it can't wait." She heard Jax say as she turned to look at him, her stomach churning again as she saw Allison kiss him, her blood boiling as she rolled her eyes and walked back toward the dorms, not in the mood to fight with a croweater. She was emotional and torn, her heart racing as she knew that there was a good chance Jax was going to reject her. She had been cruel to him and told him to move on, so she couldn't get mad that he did.

"What is it Sophia? I told you I am not going back on my terms for the kids." Jax said as he walked into the Dorm and shut the door, Sophia shaking as she wanted to rush into his arms, but she knew she would taste Allison all over him.

Sophia knew she needed to tell him she was pregnant and that she was in love with him, but seeing him with Allison had make her realize that she had lost him. She chuckled as she ran her hand through her hair, the nerve she had in the car now long gone.

"Nothing, just forget it. Have—fun." She said as she rushed from the room, her body hot as she walked through a sea of whispers and glares. The moment she slipped into her car a sob escaped her, everything came crashing down on her as she realized that she would be raising their child without him.

"Sophia?" She heard Jax say as she jumped from fright, her hand wiping her eyes as she started her car and rolled down the window. "What's wrong? I mean you can't be mad about Allison, I told you about that." Jax said as he rested his hand on the door, Sophia chuckling as she looked at the tan line caused by her wedding ring.

"Just overly glad you are happy, made me cry from joy." She said as she felt the bile rise to her throat, her hand going to her stomach from habit. She didn't have her large belly yet, but she knew it was coming. She didn't know how she was going to hide a pregnancy from Jax, but she couldn't bring herself to ruin his happiness. She put the car and drive and sped off, her body shaking as she hated herself for not telling him. She hated herself for allowing her emotions to get the better of her and hated that Jax wasn't hers.

She knew she needed ot tell him, but right now all she wanted to do, was go home and take a hot shower. She knew that the big party was tonight, just like most Friday's, but she also knew that Allison was going to be there, along with her kids. It was her weekend to get them, something she was looking forward to, but she wasn't looking forward to the awkward tension she knew the night would bring.

Then There Was You//Sequel to His SecretWhere stories live. Discover now