Chapter Seventeen//Broken Vow

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Sophia sat in her friend's car, knowing that Jax would recognize hers. She watched as he stood outside on the porch of Diosa, watching as he smoked his cigarette and laughed with Nero. Sophia watched as a tall leggy blonde walked up behind him and whispered something. She watched as he took her hand and walked inside with her, her hands shaking as she took out her phone.

She called his phone, not shocked when it went to voicemail. She knew she needed to give it time before she walked inside, her body shaking as she sat there. She waited thirty minutes before she slipped from the car, her hand going through her hair as she looked down at her jeans and yellow shirt. She felt frumpy compared to the woman he was with, making what was left of her self confidence go down the drain.

She felt like she couldn't compete with a woman like Colette, but she also knew if needed she could kick the shit out of her. Sophia walked into the large house, women in skimpy dresses walking around with all sorts of men, mostly sailors and a few patches.

"Can I help you?" A young redhead asked with a smile as she approached her.

"I am looking for Colette, we have a lunch date." She lied as she forced her best fake smile.

"Colette is with a client, if you want to wait here I will get her when she is done, I must warn you though this client can take about three hours." The redhead joked as Sophia forced as laugh making her realize that this has been going on for a while. She watched as she woman walked away, her eyes going up the stairs as she knew that is where they would be.

Sophia walked by door after door, waiting until she finally heard a familiar voice.

"Mm, I love it, baby."

She heard Jax say in the very last room. She took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves, her eyes looking down at her rings once again. She had put them back on before Jax had gotten home, but she felt like she didn't deserve them anymore.

She opened the door, watching as the blonde rode Jax, his knees up and his hands on her hips just like he had always done to her. She watched as Jax looked at her, his face going pale and his eyes going wide.

"I had to see it for myself—Hi, I'm Sophia, his wife, or ex-wife now. Take your fucking ring, you stupid son of a bitch!" Sophia yelled as she tossed her rings at him and bolted down the hall and down the stairs. She ran outside, her body shaking as she tears ran down her face, her heart shattered so deep she knew it was unfixable.

"Sophia! Sophia stop!" Jax yelled as he grabbed her, Sophia shoving him back as hard as he could. She was impressed he could get dressed so fast, since normally it took him almost five minutes.

"Get away from me! You are a liar and cheat! You promised you would never hurt me, promised me happiness, look at me! I never thought I would say this, but—I want a divorce!" She yelled as she watched Jax's face grimace in pain.

"No, baby please—I made a mistake!" Jax said as he tried to grab her again, Sophia pushing him hard causing him to stumble. "I love you, Sophia, please don't do this, please! I am sorry." Jax said as he desperately tried to get her to stop running.

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare tell me you love me! How much did you love me as you called out her name? How much did you love me as you stuck your dick in her! How much Jax huh?" Sophia yelled as she opened the car door, watching as more tears fell down Jax's face.

"In going with the kids to park, get your shit and get out." She said as she slipped into the car and sped off. Her eyes looking in the rear-view mirror as Jax broke down in the street, her heart breaking as the last thing she ever wanted, was a divorce.

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