Chapter Three//Relieving the Tension

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"It's almost four, I better go, Tyson is probably going insane worrying about when he will eat." Sophia said as she slipped off the couch and stretched her back. They had spend the entire day watching movies and TV, something Jax sure as hell wasn't used to.


"My dog, the one that gave you the death stare, at least I think he did poor thing I never know what way he is looking." She teased, Jax chuckling as he stood and watched her gather her things and slip on her shoes.

Jax felt his body tense as Sophia hugged him, her head resting on his chest as her arms held him tight. He relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back, a smile on his face as he couldn't get over just how tiny she was.

"Its back to work for me tomorrow." Jax said as he walked her to the door, every fiber of his being wanting to hold her, when he knew he needed to resist. Part of him was hating that he was getting attached to Sophia, but it was hard not to want to be around her constantly. At first, he had brushed her off, but she burst into his life like a wrecking ball and now there was no going back.

"For me too—I have lunch hour around noon, we should have lunch tomorrow." Sophia suggested as she stood in the doorway, the light illuminating her face almost perfectly.

"Sure—I'd like that, you sure you don't wanna stay?" Jax asked as he felt his anxiety pushing against him, his heart starting to race as he didn't want to be left alone with the silence and sadness.

"Do you need me to stay, Jax?" Sophia asked as she gently grabbed his hand, his body relaxing as he was growing more and more used to her touch. He knew that is was dangerous for him to get so close to her, but he felt that even he deserved some happiness.

"I think so—My son doesn't get home for a few hours." Jax said as Sophia stepped back inside, her purse in her hands as she Jax noticed she was thinking about something.

"Come with me over to my house, I need to feed Tyson and we can get you outta that head of yours." Sophia said as she grabbed his arm and pulled out of his house. Jax grabbed his Kutte and hoodie before locking up his house, a smile on his face as he saw Sophia sitting in her car.

"Come on! "She said as she honked her horn, Jax shaking his head as he slipped into her car, the smell of coconuts slapping him in the face. Almost everything about Sophia was charming, almost as if she couldn't help but be just utterly adorable. 

"Ever thin of getting a new car?"

"And lose big Bertha, hell no. This is my baby, sure she is old but she is loyal." Sophia said as she pulled out of his driveway. Jax knew that he was getting way too close to her, but she was keeping his mind away from the fact that his heart had been ripped out. He had been avoiding the club and his brothers the past few weeks, Clay keeping him updated on business and meetings. He was glad that his brothers were understanding, but he was also furious that they had remained somewhat loyal to Chibs.

Jax sat in the beautiful chaos as Sophia sang along to the radio, her hand reaching over to brush her fingers through his hair. Jax turned his head into her touch, his eyes closing as she was the only one who could put him into complete relaxation.

"What are you doin to me?" He whispered as he opened his eyes as he felt eh car come to a stop.

"Treating you the way you deserve to be treated, everyone deserves to be caressed, and loved." Sophia smiled as she turned onto her street, Jax smiling as he wasn't used to a woman taking control and caring for him like she did. "Oh no." Sophia said as she saw Tyson running down the street, Jax watching as she slowed down and called his name out the window.

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