Chapter Six//Learning To Love Again

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Thanks for being patient my laptop broke but i got a new one as an early birthday present!

Jax pulled into Sophia's driveway, his brow lowering as he knew she was supposed to be at work. He knew something was wrong when the secretary told him that she always takes this day off. He knew that what he knew about her was personal and he felt terrible for even asking Juice to tell him, but it also explained a lot to him about why she was how she was.

"Sophia, baby?" Jax said as he knocked on the door, listening as Tyson ran up to the door, Jax putting his ear to the door as he heard Sophia faintly crying. "Baby—let me in." Jax said as he tried opening the door, his hand going through his hair as he walked around back. He smiled as he saw the spare key under the welcome mat, his heart racing as he walked inside and was greeted by Tyson.

"Hey buddy." He said as he quickly pet him and walked into the Livingroom, his mouth dropping open as he saw Sophia laying in the middle of the floor, pictures spread all around her as she sobbed quietly. "Baby—are you okay?" He asked he knelt by her side, his hands gently pulling her into his arms as his hand rested behind her head.

"Today—isn't a good day, Jax." She cried as Jax looked at the pictures on the floor, horrible pictures of her that looks like they belonged in police files. Pictures of bruises and pictures of her brothers and sister all looking malnourished and bruised.

"Talk to me, baby." Jax softly said as he held her close, his head rested on hers as he allowed her to grieve, his heart breaking as he wanted to take her pain away.

"Fathers are supposed to protect their children, not hurt them. I was ten the first time it happened, my father made me think it was some sort of game. It wasn't until I was twelve and learned about it in school that I realized—is wasn't right. I was thirteen and no one even noticed that my clothes got bigger, and if they did—they didn't care. I had my son in the shed out back, as my sister held my hand. I didn't know what to do or who to call, so I wrapped him up in an old shirt and walked the ten miles to Stockton." Sophia said as she looked up at him, tears filling his eyes as he couldn't even imagine the pain she had felt.

"I'm so sorry baby—I wish I could take this pain away."

"It wasn't your fault. Today marks fifteen years ago that I gave birth, fifteen years of terrible memories with one bright spot. My son is out there somewhere, hopefully blind to the truth about who his parents are. Jax—I wanna be intimate with you, you are the first person I can honestly say that to, but—I"

"I won't pressure you baby—if you are ready we will move forward. I just wanna—I wanna be with you." Jax confessed as he weakly smiled down at Sophia, his thumb brushing away her tears as he gently pecked her lips with his.

"I can't believe the man for me—passed out on my lawn after a night of binge drinking." She smiled, Jax chuckling as he pulled her closer. "I feel really vulnerable Jax, I wanna know something about you—something that you are ashamed of." She asked as her hands gripped his shirt.

Jax chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to think of what he could say that would be even close to what she had shared. Jax was a criminal, and knew it, but he feared that his past and present would cause him to lose on the greatest woman in his life.

"I'm not a good man, baby—I'm a criminal, and a killer."

"It's hard not to love a bad boy who is good man, baby. I know about who you are, my sister pulled your record, tried to scare me away from you the first day I met you. I don't care about that Jax." Sophia said, Jax kissing her passionately as he had never felt so accepted in his life.

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