Chapter: Final

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The Alpha's obsession

"You know that everyone still thinks you're dead, right?"

"Maybe I still am," he teased.

"I could clock you right now." I reached up and tapped his jaw.

"Do you really want to damage my pretty face, though?"

"Yes," I answered instantly.

"I'd just fix it back, of course." Damn shape-shifter.

"I know, but it would still be satisfying."

"So, would you satisfy me after I let you do it?" my eyes flew open wide.

"Ha! You wish. I'm never letting you get that lucky."

"Oh, but you already have. I can distinctly remember the sounds you were making when I-" his hands wrapped around the arch of my back and pulled me against him hard. His absurd strength had clearly returned in full.

"That was a dream, you asshole!" I put my hands on his chest and pushed, accomplishing nothing more than a better view of his gaze. His eyes were so bright and focused that it was hard to believe he was dead just an hour ago. He'd started recovering so fast that I never even considered getting up to go tell anyone he was back.

"I didn't control the sounds you made in that dream, Jake." My face burned and I buried it into the crook of his neck to hide. It was such a stupid hiding place, but I didn't see any better options.

"You sounded like an animal, so just shut up," I snapped weakly as my nose grazed his skin. Without thinking, I let my lips start trailing along his exposed neck.

"I am an animal, but what was your excuse?" his voice was getting huskier and I knew it was because of me.

"I swear...I'll put a leash on you if you don't shut up," the words escaped before I could rethink them.

"What makes you think that wouldn't get the job done even faster?" he teased as his hands slipped under my shirt from behind. Strangely enough, even though I knew that Hunter's body was putting out an insane amount of heat like always, it didn't burn the way it used to. He caught me off guard and rolled us over so that I was straddling his waist. His eyes grew serious for a moment and a shiver trailed across my skin. "If it's you, I don't think I'd mind being...a little more submissive." The sheer intensity of his gaze while saying those words was enough to light a new fire deep inside my body.

"Now that's got me interested," I smirked. I could get used to being the one on top.

That lasted for less than a minute before he rolled over and pinned me to the mattress. His lips crashed into mine and he set to work robbing me of my sanity. Only sometimes. I'm still the alpha here, in more ways than one. I could feel the cockiness and confidence dancing below the surface.

You're the worst.

But you love me anyway, right? We'd given up on talking out loud, but it was for the best. Finding time to breathe while Hunter continued to assault me was hard enough without adding conversation to it. His thoughts were so clear that it didn't make a difference at this point.

Sadly, I do. It could go without saying at this point

I like to hear you say it anyway.

But what about you, Hunter? Do you feel the same way?  His answer came immediately.

No, not really.

For a moment, I felt confused and offset by his response. It was close to becoming an awkward moment between us, but then I realized what he meant.

I am so much more obsessed than you are, Jake. It's not even close. You have no idea how crazy I am about you already. Even though his thoughts sounded almost somber and sad, it put a smile on my lips.

One of my hands started brushing through his hair and I could see through his senses. Yet all I could see was myself. Nothing else; no bed, no room, and no world. I was the only thing he could see or feel at the moment and he was absolutely fine with that.

Then prove it to me. Show me what it feels like, right now.

He didn't respond immediately, and for a moment I thought he would back down from my challenge. then his grip tightened around my back.

You are such an idiot! you know that, right?

There was no doubt about it. I laid in bed with an extremely dangerous creature of legend, yet I had no desire to escape. Instead, I made him show me what he'd been holding back since the very start. I struggled and resisted even though no part of me wanted him to stop. It was like drowning in a fiery sea of passion and repressed love. All of my walls and restrictions were torn away by the beast's desire. Yet for all of that suffocating, I felt safe.

The rest of the world and all of the problems that came with it could wait. For the entire night and all of the next day, I gave in and let Hunter Sin show me what it was like to have the Alpha's obsession.

Tons of A/N below:

{First of all, I have to thank you. Yes, you reading this right now! It means the world to me knowing that you've kept reading up until now and have followed this story through to the end. I really have to thank all of you who have commented on chapters because literally each comment motivated me to keep writing and keep putting out parts of this book. Especially big thanks to StorytellerMike  for editing and providing so much help during the writing process. I couldn't have done it alone, not even close :3

Secondly, This is the end of Book 1. So, yeah, there will be a book 2! It is still in the early planning stages, but I've already decided on the title. Scorching Bonds has begun uploading on Wattpad and I have a few chapters head start like with Alpha Obsession. It takes place a while after the events of the first book and will deal with all the issues that have opened up during the story so far. Don't forget to add it to your reading list and library so you can catch the updates! :)

Also, there are still plenty of edits to make, simply because a lot of small errors occurred while converting this onto Wattpad. So, I'll be going back from chapter 1 to fix them all starting this week. If you thought this book was fantastic and possibly feel like supporting the creators, the finished and fully edited version will be on the e-book store hopefully by the end of July. That cover at he start of the chapter is what I'm thinking of using officially. I think it's cool :3

Finally, tell me what you thought! You've read over 60k words in this story and I want to know what your favorite parts or chapters were. Who was your favorite character? Did you ship anyone in the story? Were there any moments that just made you smile like an idiot? Because I know I smiled like one plenty of times while writing ;) }

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