Chapter 32

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Time to meet the wolf's pack

It was a dream. The most perverted and realistic dream I'd had in almost a year. Could he see all of it? "Hunter?"

"Yeah, I know..." oh god, he saw it all. I sunk deeper into my sheets and tried to bury myself into the mattress. "I wasn't sure if I could manipulate your dreams until a while after you fell asleep." Memories flashed back to the surface of my mind. Hunter lifting me out of the snow and carrying me all the way home. I kissed him, and then fell asleep like an idiot so that he'd have to carry me up the stairs.

"Wait, you mean...all of that...was you? That whole dream?" there was a bit of fear welling up in my chest. I realized that I had made a mess of myself under the sheets. F*ck!

"I told you that things would change if we kissed. I almost lost control of myself after you fell asleep, and it scared me to hell. I...had to express myself somehow," he drifted off to let that sink in. That moment where the dream started feeling more realistic, was when he must have taken over my dreams. I didn't know he could do that. I don't even know he could have a presence in my mind. "I shouldn't have come back. That wasn't called for. I shouldn't have done any of that!"

He covered his face with his hands and I reached over to touch him. Hunter was on fire. My hand singed from a mere graze of his skin, and he jumped onto his feet.

"You couldn't just let it go; you bloody idiot! Everything about this is wrong, but you keep letting it happen! All you had to do was move on, and now it's too late!" part of me wanted to be hurt by his words, but somehow I knew he wasn't talking to me anymore. He was insulting himself. There was so much more to this mating thing than I ever realized. I couldn't see his face, but I could feel the pain radiating off him in spasms.

"Hunter, it's fine," I said the words, but I'm not sure if I meant them. The dream had me unsettled and horribly embarrassed. My legs felt weak to the point where I felt unable to stand. Dream or not, it still felt real and- apart from the lack of soreness- it might as well have happened.

"How was that fine? It didn't help me at all. I just feel hotter and more..." he didn't say the word out loud, but I heard it anyway. Horny. As if it wasn't obvious from the barely restrained erection under his tight red slacks. I did my best not to look too low.

My phone buzzed and I immediately thought back to my father's 'werewolf babies' comment. The cringe was almost painful. "Wait, what? When did you tell your dad? What babies!? Are you..? no!" he spun around and stared at me in shock and horror as the text message fully came back into my mind. "That's impossible! I mean I didn't go in that time...right?"

I gave him a grim shake of my head and patted my stomach. "That's why you should always use protection. My mom agreed to help raise them." The absolute devastation that enveloped the confused werewolf's face was beyond words. I could see the word babies running rampage through his mind as he skipped the obvious. Tell me this is a joke! "Of course it's a joke, stupid wolf! I'm still a guy, despite what everyone seems to think nowadays. There are no babies and I'll kill you if you try to change that somehow." The relief came rolling over his shoulders and for a moment he looked better.

There was a long moment of silence where I thought he was recovering well, then he looked at me solemnly and spoke. "This doesn't work, Jake. There's no way that this ends well for us. I may have been wrong to come back..." the words stung my heart. "I'm sorry, but you don't understand what this is like for me now. I feel like I'm just seconds away from losing myself and all my control."

Something was happening while he spoke. A pulse that made his entire body grow and shrink in waves. I couldn't remember how tall he was supposed to be, and I don't think he was aware of that either. His hair was losing it's dirty yellow glint and his eyes were filled with tension. While I felt drained and pretty loose, he was still burning up and tense. "Then what? What happens now?" I croaked. This all sounded a lot like our old conversations. The ones where he shut me down repeatedly.

"I don't know, ok. I've got to go and cool myself off somehow. Maybe I'll throw myself into a lake for a bit. A little hypothermia sounds good right now honestly." He spun on his heels and left without another word. I fumbled and tried to jump out of bed, only to end up tripping over my own feet and falling flat. I could hear his laughter echoing down the stairs as my embarrassment skyrocketed again.

The message on my phone had actually come from an unknown number. It read: Hello, this is Archer Sin, I'm Hunter's dad. I understand that you've begun to involve yourself...significantly with my eldest son. As the prime Beta, I believe it's time we had a talk. It would make it much easier for me if you came to my store tomorrow for our meeting. Many members of our original pack will be meeting at the same time, so you can see it as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the family.

I responded with a simple, 'O.K.' and dropped my phone like it was a grenade. There was something instinctively terrifying about the idea of meeting Hunter's father. Also, the part about him being the beta didn't make much sense if Hunter was really his son. From his texts, he gave the impression of being this old-fashioned no-nonsense 1980s father figure. Not to mention, if his son and daughter were anything like their parents, I'd most likely feel like a tool the moment I walked in.

Yet, this was a chance for answers that I now desired. I threw off my sheet and started the quick walk of shame to my shower where I washed off the dream's leftovers. I'd have one night to rest before it was time to meet the wolf's pack.

I bet you were thinking you already knew everything that was going on in the story, right? Nope, you'll see this story from Jake's eyes, and Jake does not see or know everything. Hunter still has his secrets, and the pack dynamics have been a mystery up until now. That will change in the next chapter though.

If you're looking forward to seeing some mysteries revealed, leave a vote or comment ;)

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