Chapter 9

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Here comes a pretty big chapter. Last time they met, Jake left Hunter without his silver chain and it's been over a month since they saw each other. Needless to say, things are about to pick up.

So I am an idiot

I'll admit that there is something wrong with me, right here and now. Everything that I decided to do after reaching Hunter's home for the second time, simply didn't make sense, but I did it all anyway.

"Yo, Wolfe! I'm coming in!" I shouted at the door. Compared to the sturdy concrete walls, the wooden door looked flimsy and frail. It only took a slight shove to unhinge it and make my way inside.

The room looked remarkably different. Last time I entered, Hunter's den looked like a prime affordable bachelor's pad with an intense masculine vibe going on. While very little had actually changed, the room gave off a completely different impression this time. Now it felt like a giant cage.

The strings and steel chains that hand hung loosely from the walls, now met in the center. The overhead light fixture was broken, and the windows were boarded up. The only light came from the small candles scattered across the room. When I closed the door behind me, it felt like stepping into a church at night: small and under observation. Hunter was at the center of it all, dressed in only a pair of boxers and restrained by half a dozen chains. Resting on his knees as if already defeated. The shackles around his legs seemed to give him room to move, but he didn't try to stand when I came in. "What happened here? Who did this to you?" two stupid questions. I should have known the chains weren't just decorations. If werewolves were real, then it made sense that they needed to lock themselves up at times.

"Please...just leave," he pleaded. The sound of Hunter's voice shook me out of my own thoughts easily. He sounded raw and pained. It was like he was dying a slow and painful death. I could see the sweat covering his skin as I got closer. Seeing him on his knees with so much grief in his eyes triggered something inside me that didn't really match up with everything else. I kept getting closer to the werewolf. "Jake! I'm begging you! Leave!" but I didn't want to.

Maybe I'm secretly a sadist or some kind of glutton for abuse, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I walked right up and got on my knees to face him. He writhed in the chains for a moment before meeting my gaze. I said nothing. His green eyes were bloodshot and frantic, his blonde hair was dirty and chaotic, and his skin was sweaty with his body odor flooding the room. Despite all of this, Hunter looked amazing to me. There was no danger this time, no reason to run for my life. Yet, my heart raced the way it did every time he'd come at me. The fact that I found him so interesting despite all logic fascinated me even more.

There was a focused look to his gaze for a moment as I watched, and I realized he could hear me assessing him. Can he see through my eyes when I look at someone? "Yes...a little," he said surprising me. I didn't realize my thoughts were so transparent. "Only when you're... this close," he practically whispered the words. His voice was so weak that it was painful to hear. "You really won't leave, will you?" he asked, and I shook my head. "Take a closer look... at my chains." I obeyed, and it took me a moment to see what he meant.

"They're slack." He wasn't chained to the floor as I thought. The steel shackles just kept him inside! He waited till my panic skyrocketed before tackling me. His absurdly heavy body knocked me over and pinned me down in a matter of seconds. For a moment, I tried fighting him off with everything I had and we struggled for dominance. That had lasted all of ten seconds before I exhausted myself and his entire body held me against the floor. I groaned, and he lifted part of his body to look down on me. My breath was coming out in short puffs while his came out in tangible streams of hot air.

"I've never met anyone as stupid as you. You're so stupid it hurts! It fucking hurts! Why won't you just listen to me? Why can't you obey just a little!?" he growled more than talked. His body heat was insane. It was like I was being squished against a radiator. I couldn't look him in the eyes, he was too angry for me to meet his gaze. "DAMN IT JAKE! LOOK AT ME!" I flinched and obeyed.

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