Chapter 29

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Just for me?

There was one more surprise within the winter parade. Immediately following the float that carried my...what is he to me exactly? The wolf comes back for a few seconds and my brain already begins to fail me. Following the float that Hunter was on, came a moving throne with one passenger. A large obsidian chair rested upon a platform that released fog into the air. Through the layer of fog, I could make out a silver-haired woman with a crown of pearls and shining silver. Her eyes glowed like brilliant emeralds even from a distance.

Nicole's voice blasted through the snow once more. "I would like to introduce someone incredibly special to all of you today! Blessing us with her grace, Lady Luminaria, Queen of the Lycans!" every wolf in the streets and the four men on stage howled in unison. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Shaken and amazed by the new developments, I followed every bit of movement in front of me. The Queen of the Lycans,...Hunter's queen.

She was stunningly beautiful and undeniably naked. If it wasn't for the mist that curled around her body, I was sure that the camera crews would have a field day. I certainly wasn't prepared for when she stood.

With overwhelming poise and disinterest radiating off her every movement and expression, she walked to the front of the float and looked through the crowd. I could have sworn her eyes narrowed when they fell upon me and I thought she was about to freeze me solid with her arctic stare. Nicholas shifted uncomfortably beside me, but I couldn't look away. Something akin to interest flickered ever so slightly over her lips and she looked away. When she took a bow, I expected her to return back to the comfort of her throne, but instead, she began to grow.

Grow and transform, the entire world her witness. Her body reached ten feet high, but she didn't stop. The fog that I had assumed was coming from the stage began to flow up and around her body like magic mist. She towered above the rest of the world once she grew to fifteen feet and leaned forward. The fog worked in over time to shield her naked curves, but I knew that some men would be fighting nosebleeds regardless. This giant woman was almost every man's dream. Hell, at one point it was mine too!

Gasps and shouts continued to escape the crowd as the queen continued to transform into a brilliant giant wolf with fur of a purer white than the falling snow. The black stage was barely large enough to support her. With her transformation, all interest she had on the parade vanished and she curled up to nap on the float.

"I've got to go. We'll talk later, Jake." Nicholas said suddenly while turning away to leave. I grabbed his arm and held him in place before he could escape.

"I know this isn't any of my business, and you don't owe me anything, but please. Don't cause a scene. Even you can see this has become too public for a feud to continue. There's no point in fighting or arguing over this anymore. Nicky, this war is over." I tried sending as much finality as possible his way. He shook his head and pulled out of my grip easily. When he spoke next, his voice was much darker than usual, but also sadder.

"You couldn't be more wrong. Not even a little." He was gone in a heartbeat and by the time I turned back to the road, the parade had moved on. My phone started going crazy and I opened up a text from my father:

{So, when you referred to that boy as a weren't being metaphorical?} I could imagine the wheels turning in his head as he watched from their special viewpoint. He could probably see everything even now, just adding to his brainstorming.

{No, father. It was literally a werewolf.}

{Was it one of the boys on stage?}

{Yes, the blonde dude.}

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