Fifty-seven ➵ both

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It was a long, dark stricken night. Flashing the starlit sky were twinkled specks shining down upon me like light bulbs engulfing the evergreen Christmas tree on the holiday. I was walking with Cory to Shawn's trailer, checking upon my boy. Unfortunately for him, he caught the flu.
Clutching onto the bags tightly for Shawn to help him feel better, Cory with his available hand knocked on the door. Thrusting it open was Shawn, smiling at the sight of me, but his eyes widened in shock.
"Oh, hey," he greeted us, trailing to me to obtain a hold of the bags I grasped firmly upon,"what are you guys doing here?"
"Well, my best friend is sick. His folks are out of town. Nothing like his girlfriend and best friend to cheer him up, eh?" Cory informed him, accompanying the trailer by bolting in with the bags. Shawn and I followed him, watching as Cory picketed with the items we bought.
"But you know, I just bought over a few little sundries to tide you through." Cory claimed the credit for it all, although I pointed out most of the needed medicine.
"Like cough syrup, aspirin, and a kiss from me." I added to Shawn, kissing him on the lips to comfort him. Shawn smiled simply and rummaged to the bags himself, only to pull out a container of vapor rub.
"Vapor rub?" He questioned suspiciously, arching an eyebrow at Cory. I couldn't help but chuckle at Cory's awkward toothy grin. He picked it out, not me.
"What, you didn't bring me flowers?" Shawn remarked flatly, and just as he spoke, Cory pulled a vase of sunshine colored dandelions out of the bag. "Cory, don't steal my boyfriend!" I scolded him, with a slight tease, holding onto Shawn's arm. Cory rolled his eyes and continued to smitten Shawn with the flowers smoothly carrying on.
"I just didn't know if they were appropriate."
"No, they are not appropriate." Shawn answered, judging the flowers and wearing a grimace upon his face. He set the vase down on the counter next to the endless supplies of medical essentials needed to secure his sickness.
"Now if you uh, excuse me, um, I better get sleep. This cough, is very contagious." He coughed after he said the word cough. I romantically pulled him into a hug, not sure if a kiss would endure the cough.
"I hope you feel better baby." I said through his shoulder. He nodded, embracing the hug. His fingers overlapped my back, lightly rubbing them repeatedly. I pulled away, allowing him to get ready for bed.
My eyes softened as our eyes locked in ignition. Under the small light, I caught a twinkle in his eyes glistening. However, Cory ruined the moment when he spoke.
"Oh say no more, lemme plug in the humidifier and we'll be on our way." Cory stated, taking the humidifier he frantically had to buy, heading into the direction of Shawn's room. Until a figure I unlikely saw came out of the room.
"Shawn." The voice spoke, and I couldn't believe who it was.
It was Claire, the new student that recently enrolled into our school.
"Claire?" Cory was flabbergasted just the same as me. Maybe slightly away than me.
"Shawn?"I burst in dismay. My eyes, hurt by what I just saw, I stormed out of the trailer with Shawn behind me.
"Wait, Jasmine." I was almost away from his trailer when he gripped onto my arm. He turned me around so I could face him.
"Shawn! What was that?" I questioned him. Following us were Cory and Claire, confused and shocked at the same time. I wasn't going to settle home with unanswered questions of tonight.
Shawn remained panicky and fidgety, with no answer to at least excuse himself.
"Whatever." I ran off. Shawn Hunter, the Shawn Hunter I got back together with cheated on me again by sleeping with another girl. And he didn't stop me.
When I woke up the next morning, Claire stepped out of the room in fresh clean clothes. She woken up right after me. My mind was off track, pondering about last night. I've been hiding Claire at my trailer for a week, but we weren't doing anything if I may clarify.  False accusations were already starting yesterday as assumed from Jasmine from last night.
"I'm sorry about last night Shawn." She apologized, as I poured her a cup of cereal with some milk in it. She was referring to her still guilt about Jasmine. It was my fault I didn't have the chance to tell her. I mean, I was storing her at my place. Why? Because I, Shawn Patrick Hunter, was stuck in the similar situation Jasmine Grace Clayton was just two years ago.
"Don't be Claire, she doesn't know yet."
"You mean she doesn't know? I thought you said you've told her." Claire mumbled, staring at the cup of cereal as she twiddled with her fingers. When I brought Claire in, the minute I allowed her to she didn't wanna intervene with Jasmine and me. As a matter of fact, unlike most girls, she respected my relationship with Jasmine. I even told her about the situation Jasmine dealt with all of her life. These two could relate to each other in many aspects.
"I know, it's just with Jasmine.. I've cheated on her before." I admitted to her, confessing some of the history between us. Claire perked up, regaining interest. I knew what she was thinking. 'Shawn Hunter, a cheater? How can I trust you' now look. She drifted the thought away as she began to eat her cereal.
"I'm sure you guys will makeup though, right?" She assumed, hopeful. I couldn't help but smile at the hope she continued to raise.
"Yeah," I answered her,"we will. We always do."
At school, it was a silent first fifteen minutes aside from the many questions I was bombarded with from Cory. I continued to search for Jasmine's presence, not seeing her in sight.
"Look, Cory," I spoke at last, alarming him,"I'll tell you everything, okay? Everything's just a mess I need to fix."
"You bet you do. Cause Jasmine is hurt, and I don't wanna see you guys go through this all again." Cory responded, slamming his locker and heading to first hour. In the corner of my eye, I spotted Jasmine; she attempted not to appear frustrated, but I knew she was. Heck, being in her shoes. I would be mad with myself too, but at the same time, she didn't even know much to testify me right now.
I couldn't tell her last night. It was under a condition I just couldn't tell her. It had to be at the right place and time, to be more specific. Like her place.
Trying with all of my might, I tried to talk to her.
"Hey." I greeted her, pursing a smile to my lips. She remained silent, choosing to ignore me. She clenched onto her books, signaling to me her frustration she tried to lock in.
"When are you going to talk to me?" I persisted her. She turned around, glaring at me.
"Until you decide to be honest with me." She said, storming off into class.
Fuck. I headed into class regretfully, receiving many scornful looks from both Cory and Jasmine.
I had to tell Jasmine the truth. Tonight. I called her and received the automatic voicemail so many times. I couldn't stand it. I would eventually tell Cory, but not now. Jasmine is far more important to me.
I glanced at the clock. Claire wouldn't be here for another hour...
I decided to write her a note on the doorstep. Thankfully for me, my parents were gone on one of their "trips." Most likely working on mending their relationship.
I scurried to Jasmine's house, to the brink of dawn setting the previous ombré colored sky. It was a sleek indigo, pattering the night with kisses from stars and a bracing hug from the silver moon.
I climbed the tree outside her window, lurking like the shadow I was. I noticed her hair was tied up into a ponytail just like today, swishing around from peering glances to the textbook and paper.
She wore a light blue colored sweater with a pair of grey drawstrings, noting she was ready to go to bed soon. It was curfew...
In the tree, next to me was a blue orchid flower settling in the fern bushes. I picked one from the stem, and at the right moment, I attempted at knocking on her window. She looked up, sighing. Getting up from her seat, she opened the window.
"What Shawn?" She asked me, annoyed with my attempts in trying to talk to her.
"Is your aunt home?" I wondered, going to her bedroom door and closing it precariously.
"No, why?" She asked me.
"Good," I started, trailing slowly towards her. She glanced up at me, crossing her arms and firmly adjusting to my presence. I handed her the blue orchid and she accepted it, staring at it instead of meeting my gaze.
"Look Jasmine, I didn't mean to hurt you. But trust me: nothing is happening with Claire. I know I have cheated, but that's history. The reason why Claire is staying at my place is because.. her dad hits her."
Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows, skeptical. I continued to explain more, as if she needed more evidence.
"I didn't mean to, but you know. You can relate. You were in a situation once before. You can't just give up on me due to this similar situation now. I also have a favor to ask you, and I'm sorry." I confessed it all to her.
"It's okay," she forgave me, understanding,"I should of listened. And what is the favor?"
"I can't hide her at my place anymore. And since you guys, you guys can relate. I feel like as if it would be better for her to stay here. You have an extra room, don't you?"
"Yeah. I do, but why can't we just call the police? We did that to my dad after many attempts." She suggested.
"No, she's scared. Plus, I don't think she has anywhere to go. Her mom lives with her too."
"Why won't her mom help?"
"She is scared. She's just standing there, watching, and pretending it isn't happening. As if everyone was all a movie and not a reality." I said. She cringed a little at what I informed her. I tried to be careful, as it was considered a sensitive tact. I didn't blame her endless reactions to this situation.
Jasmine sighed.
"Alright. She can stay. But only for a couple days, okay? We need a solution. We can't hide any longer." She persisted. I kissed her as a sign of gratitude, thankful she opened up. I knew she would allow this.
"Thank you, and I promise. We will figure out something." I promised. I headed out of the window, scrambling down the tree and back to the trailer where Claire stood there. I told her everything I just planned. She collected her items that were stored here, and we headed to Jasmine's house. We couldn't take the tree since she couldn't climb a tree. Here we were, knocking at the front door and waiting for Jasmine to answer.
It was time for me to answer the door. I galloped the stairs, slow at first. I didn't tell Shawn about what happened after school today. I knew if he found out, he would be angry. And right now, was obviously not the time.
I opened the door, Claire clutching onto the pillow and standing next to Shawn. She was new to the house. After staying at Shawn's trailer for a week, I'm sure it was a whole new step just transferring into new places. I knew that's how I felt when I moved to New York.
She trusted her instincts on the place, but was studying the house respectively. Her eyes gazed and peered across the room, darting to every picture frame as well as the littlest things that grasped a hold of her attention. Shawn, on the other hand, just watched her and me. We reminisced on the first time I went to his trailer, packing and moving all of my stuff in. The only difference though, was Claire wasn't living here. She was staying here for only a couple days til we figure things out.
Her curiosity widened as she approached a picture frame of a baby picture of my mother and me. One of the few I had. She studied it for a long time, placing the pieces together to make sure it fit. Taking a small step backwards, she turned around to face us.
"Was that your mom?" She asked me, glancing from me to her. I nodded my head slowly, biting my lip and looking down. She continued to do that until she had the confidence to speak again.
"You guys look alike. The eyes and the hair especially."
I remained quiet, Shawn noticing wrapped an arm around my shoulder to comfort me. Not wanting to be rude, I responded a simple yeah, hinting at her this was too much of a sensitive topic to talk about. She understood, only instead trailing towards us.
"So, where am I staying?"
Shawn lifted his arm away from my shoulder, and I lead them toward the guest room upstairs. When I opened the door, she explored the inside of it. Laying there was a queen sized bed, with a multicolored quilt scattered over it. Three pillows were on it, and coordinating it was baby blue colored walls. She studied the room again, examining it. Shawn wasn't leaving til she was okay here. I leaned against the frame of the door, watching her as she was seeking the desired comfort she craved. I didn't blame her for being so invested in this room with a determining examination that happened to be thorough. She wanted to make sure she was safe, and that no one would stand her guard down. I was like that...
After a full on examination, she spun around to meet up with Shawn and me again. The way she walked was considered vulnerable at it's peek.
"This is where I'm staying?" She asked.
"Yeah, you are. At least until things are figured out." I confirmed, trying to key things out. Shawn on the other hand nodded in response, affirming he understood. Claire remained silent, knowing there was an absolute way to get out of this.
"Will you guys be alright without me here? Do you need anything before I go?" Shawn offered us two. I shook my head no but glanced at Claire, waiting for her to answer. Her eyes met with mine, then peered back to Shawn's, shaking her head no too.
"Alright. Call me if you need anything." Shawn persisted, kissing me on the lips. He trailed down the steps and outside, leaving us two alone. An awkward silence arose in arrival. What am I supposed to say?
My mind cross figured with the situation, and thinking of a simple conversation to begin. My mouth gapes open, ready to speak. However, Claire took the role and decided to start the conversation.
"So, how long have you've lived here for?" She asked me out of the plain, ordinary blue.
"A few years now. Although last year I was gone for the school year. I transferred to New York and lived with my aunt there." I informed her. Intrigued, she sat down on the bed, adjusting comfortably. I could tell she really wanted to know me.
"Why did you transfer to New York?"
Placing a seat on the chair across from her, I adjusted myself too. We were facing each other only a couple feet away. With her posture itself, it confirmed not just by her expression and usage of language, but it told her how invested she was into your life.
"Well, a while back, before I transferred there for a year, I auditioned with the help of Shawn's encouragement, for singing. The judges loved my performance, so a few weeks later, maybe even over a month, I received a letter from a school in New York, that would allow me for a year, to get better at singing and learn about other vocals I could equip along the way." I explained, thorough yet easily able to be understood. Claire conveyed the information, a smile tugging at her lips. A dimple creased at the corner of her jaw, creating more expression.
"What songs do you like to sing?"
"Any song I can."
"That's cool. I wish I could sing. You know, your relationship with your aunt; reminds me of mine with my aunt back in Vermont." She admitted, her eyes drifting to the comforter. Another silence abrupt the atmosphere in the room, the sounds of the ceiling fan spinning around like an endless cycle hissing through our ears.
"Claire, may I ask you something?"
I began. Her eyes peeked up at me.
"Sure, what is it?"
"It's about your dad- why don't you go to the police about him?" I wondered.
"It's fine Jasmine. He doesn't abuse me often... it's just he gets mad and is stressed at work. I get in his way at the wrong times..."
I remember I was in her place once. The fresh aroma of nostalgia surfaced me. I was unsure on what to do, but I figured it all out. Now it was her turn. As a survivor, I was going to help her.
"Claire, as a survivor of what you are going through, we must report it to the police. Who's going to stop him?"
Claire didn't answer.
"Jasmine, can you bring me a glass of milk?"
"Yeah sure."
As she requested, probably to stop me from trying to help her, poured a glass of milk and retrieved it. I came back upstairs, only to find Claire already asleep on the bed. She was damaged, like I was. It was all a fresh place for her. There had to be something- someone, who could give her a better life than her parents are providing.
The next day at school, Shawn and I met up.
"So how did things go?" He asked her.
"Good. Shawn, I'm going to the police about this." I answered him. His eyes widened. He jolted us into Mr. Turner's room, where he confronted me about what I just said.
"Look, she likes your place. We can't go yet." He informed me. Crossing my arms, I sighed in response.
"Shawn, listen. We've been through this. I'll tell them. Tell my aunt. We can figure this out together." I added.
"What's there to figure out? Where will she go?" Shawn wondered. Suddenly, something clicked.
"Her aunt's place. She said my life with my aunt, reminded of hers. She could spend the rest of her high school years there."
"You know, that's not a bad idea," Shawn agreed to it, realizing I was right,"I mean, what have we got to lose?"
"What do you mean what we have got to lose?" A voice from behind us asked. Shawn spun around to find a confused Claire standing in front of us. I went passed Shawn, telling her what I just told him. However, she was unsure of what I was telling her.
"I don't know... I would be leaving my mom there by herself." Claire confessed.
"We've been through this before and it turned out perfectly. We have to tell someone Claire. Before it gets too late." I spoke softly. Claire peered from me to Shawn simultaneously, thinking before she said anything. She instead headed to her seat, avoiding Shawn and me. Through out first hour, I couldn't focus on the lesson Mr. Turner was teaching. I was concerned with Claire. She had to realize, this was for the best for her. Even after class, she avoided Shawn and me.
Claire didn't come over to my trailer and not Jasmine's house even. We were worried frantically, sitting in her room and imagining what Claire was going through. For Jasmine, it was an automatic visual. Imagining what was going was easier than what I could. The only time I saw a first straight sign of abuse was when her dad took a throw at her. It was nearly two years ago when that occurred.
"I hope Claire is okay."
Jasmine broke the silence between us. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was the type that made your mind ponder, resisting the doughtily need to talk.
"I hope so too. All we can do is hope." I spoke, grabbing a hold of her hand. I squeezed it, reassuring her that we can figure this out. We can prevent it somehow. A knock on the door caused us to pull away, a glance pausing the remedies of time. It was alarming, although it was only a slight knock.
We knew it was Claire. Standing up, we trampled down the stairs, and with all cares in the word, Jasmine opened the door. Behind the frames of the door, revealed to be Claire with a bruised eye.
"I'm okay, it's really not as bad as it looks." She persisted. Granting her a hug, Jasmine caressed her tightly. The two have formed a connecting bond within these past couple of days. A bond that succeeded in doing the right thing and calling the police. We automatically told Aunt Lori and assisted with informing the sheriffs department of Philadelphia. The results?
Claire was going to reside her remaining high school years in Vermont with her aunt. She promised us postcards of the beautiful, extravagant landscapes there. As for her dad, he was sent to anger management classes to keep track off his breakdowns. After her graduation, she hoped sometime she would be able to reconnect with her dad when he was safe to be around. She was going to write to her mom everyday, so that way they could be in contact.
As for Jasmine, she was overwhelmed a bit, but relieved to have helped Claire successfully.
"You did it babe," I praised her,"you helped someone else that was in the same situation as you. I'm proud of you."
I kissed her on the lips. She attempted a slight smile, but she was too fragile to speak. Memories were trespassing her mind I'm sure. I sat there, comforting her till she felt better.
I waited until Shawn left the house so that way I could come back to the letter I received. It was from my father. From Prison.
My aunt didn't know. She was at work, and wasn't able to retrieve any letter that was sent and delivered. It was him. He was seeking a desire to see me. He's taken anger management courses to handle his breakdowns. Like Claire's case. Not only was I over handling the situation with Claire, but this problem myself that was forced on my behalf.
I had no way in telling Shawn of this incident. If he knew, he'd flip.
All of the things he's done to me most of my lifetime. Tragedies, devastating, broken commitments, and sacrifices that left me on the line. There was no way in hell I was going to tell this to anyone. I was going to forget and move forward as if it never occurred.
I didn't wanna reconnect; it wasn't in the eyes I beheld, to establish that authority.
Crippling it into a tossed ball, I threw it in the garbage can. I pulled out the trash bag out of it's can, cross tied the strings, then took it out. Harnessing it in the dumpster outside was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was a life I would never roam back to. It was a hopeless life I rendered for multiple amounts of durations that seemed endless.
To that action, it was resembling the words.
Fuck you.

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