Fifty-five ➵ both

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The morning I woke upon sent a sunlight dazing in my bedroom. I completely forget about everything that's been going on, including last night.
I sat up, yawning; time to get dressed.
Fortunately, it was Saturday, and at least I wasn't doing anything. Maybe Topanga could be up for a sleepover today.
I headed to my wardrobe, pulling out a dark red, long sleeved shirt with a pair of dark skinny jeans. I ran a comb through my matted clumps of hair, straightening it at least. Before I headed downstairs to begin my normal morning routine with a cup of tanned coffee alongside waffles stacked on a plate, I turned around to find a figure dozing in my bed. And that figure, scattering there was Shawn Hunter.
How did I not know, that he was beside me right when I awoke? Beside him on my desk, I found the presentation. I glanced and studied it, only to have everything done.
He did this?
Heck, besides the questions all answered, even correctly, the visual portion was done.
I peered back at him in awe, couldn't help but enduring the essence of the newly outer lost boy that was placed on my bed. This act fixated and rolled, like a short film, the time I was vulnerable at lost, like a puppy. He helped me through everything, including the survival of my first year in high school. Now here he was, the picture completely rotated and flipped around. I was going to rescue the lost boy from any harm.
I tip toed carefully across the sprawl of shag carpet that comforted my feet. I headed over towards him, shaking him.
"Shawn... Shawn."
He wouldn't budge a single move. It was like my bed glued him there purposely. I shook him some more continually, and one eye flickered open. It steered into my presence, and automatically he sat up.
"How long was I asleep for?" He asked, hazy.
"Probably a good ten minutes before I realized you were sleeping beside me the entire night." I pointed out, and his eyebrows stroke up in embarrassment.
"Oh." His cheeks flushed and began to heat up. They turned into a saturated rose color, as if he was trying to hide something. Suddenly, my eyes widened at what I realized.
I slept with Shawn, while I was in a relationship already.
On the another note, he noted the expression that spread across my face. "What?"
"I slept with you, and I'm dating Evan."
"What do you mean so? Shawn, I'm in a relationship."
"Well as if I already didn't know." He remarked sarcastically and blunt.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I argued, defensive of Evan's feelings. Apprehensive, his eyes were directly focused upon the exit, and he stomped towards the door.
"I'm outta here."
"Shawn? Where are you going?" I demanded him, running after him.
"It's nothing!" He argued, sheeting his teeth and huffing out a breath as he raised his voice. Taken aback, I watched as he left down the hallway and the flight of stairs, exiting out of the house. As I stood here, speechless, I made it to the kitchen to find my aunt and Topanga's mom chatting.
What an unusual surprise.
"Hey Jas, you okay?" My aunt asked, referring to the outburst with Shawn. That's right, it's not like the kitchen was right by the front door or anything.
"Yeah, just Shawn and I had a small argument."
"I'm sorry about that. I heard about the breakup from Topanga, such a shame! You two were absolutely the cutest." Her mom pointed out. I pretended not to listen, as I didn't feel like embarking on the memories I had with Shawn just now.
"Anyway, is Topanga home? I know she has a date with Cory later, but I wanted to make sure she's home." I questioned Mrs. Lawrence, and she nodded with a yet polite expression spread across her face. However, no guilt about me interrupting her ramble about my precious relationship with Shawn was composed.
"Yes. Go ahead if you need to talk to her. Tell her I'll be home in a little while." She insisted. I told her and my aunt goodbye, storming off to Topanga's so I could talk to her.
When I made it to her house successfully, which wasn't too far from where I lived now fortunately.
I knocked on her door, and she answered.
Just as a suspected. "Jasmine! What a surprise to see you here. Come on in."
Obeying not only hers, but my request, I strolled in, peering a passing glance in her room. It's been a while since I've been here, I thought. I recognized my inner feelings and never thought how much I truly missed this place. It was my other sacred passage aside from Shawn's trailer. I was safe here.
When we made it to her room, I was finally able to vent to someone but what happened and occurred in my room earlier.
"So, what's going on? You seem shaky," she studied me hard and good as I sat on her bed,"are you alright Jasmine?"
"Please don't tell anyone this." I begged her, noting the widening of her eyes.
"What's going on? Please tell me you didn't get hurt. Was it Evan? If so, I'll hurt him-" I yanked on her arm and she sat back down, strictly telling her it wasn't him.
"Oh, well, was it then?"
I inhaled a deep breath, suddenly, it came out. All of it at once.
"I slept with Shawn last night-"
She gasped, pausing me for a moment, but I aspired to continue with the story.
"But we didn't mean to. We were working on our project we were assigned in Mr. Turner's class, and I fell asleep. He went to the bathroom, came back, found me asleep, then he sat up all night finishing the project. Then this morning I woke up not realizing he was there then I got ready and found him sleeping. I woke him up and we got in a huge argument about feelings which I don't know why he is so angry."
I noticed she was smirking, after I informed her the daily dose of needed rambling gossip. I waited for her to frown, but she didn't. Instead, she kept on smirking casually as if this wasn't a bad thing.
"What? You're smirking- now you're laughing. What is it? Is there stain on my shirt or something?" I inspected my shirt for anything just in case, but it wasn't that.
"I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet."
"Figured out what?" I demanded her.
"Jasmine, you're intelligent, but not this time. You're not seeing what everyone knows. Get your head out of the clouds." She pointed out, standing up in front of me. I stood up with her, then asked her what it was. The anxious feeling was a pang and knot inside my clenching gut. Before I knew, the secret was uncovered.
She revealed the secret. "Shawn is still in love with you!"  
I headed and scrammed over to Cory's house, needing a mind to vent to. Someone who would understand what I was going through. My feelings were mixed with so many emotions of regret, anger, and sadness. So many, my head was spinning in the whirls of the world.
As my heart clamped in a daze, the more I needed Cory.
Not wanting to deal with his parents or Morgan- not even a two worded conversation with Eric, I climbed up the limbs of his tree, and towards his window. I knocked on it and two hands slid it up, opening it to reveal Cory himself.
"Hey Shawn." He welcomed my presence.
"Hey." I greeted, my voice faint and huffed. He allowed me in and I dragged my legs to the door, closing it. After making sure everything was safe and secure for me to let my heart out, I asked Cory that one question that started this.
"Hey Cory. Remember what I told you the other day?"
"That it's taco Tuesday at school?"
"No, the other thing."
He furrowed his eyebrows, but then fixated them in place after remembering what I told him.
"Oh your feelings for Jasmine that's never left?"
"Cory I got in another fight with her."
"This morning? That early?"
"I spent the night at her house Cor," I informed him lightly,"I accidentally fell asleep beside her last night after a late night of homework."
"Oh, lemme guess: argument about feelings?"
"Yeah. It's all my fault." My bottom met with bed, and I played with my fingers, trying to hide away the guilt.
"It's not your fault Shawn. Breakups happen all the time!"
"It is Cory!" I stood back up again, rising my voice. Why wouldn't I blame myself for this?
"I was a player. My old antiques with cheating caught up to me. I broke her heart and now she's with someone else. It's my fault. It's probably destined for me to suffer in pain because of this. Because of my stupid self." I continued to blame, as it was true. I didn't even know why I was with Jennifer in the first place. Probably because I needed someone so desperately.
"Why did you guys break up?"
"I don't know." I sighed, my head falling into my lap. So many thoughts pondered through my mind, almost giving me a headache.
"You know Shawn," Cory began, his cue of advice forming through the conversation, "you and her still have a chance of still getting back together. You guys are destined to be together. You've always been there for each other. You saved her when no one else didn't. Your love is precious, Shawn."
He was right.
"What do I do though Cory? She's with someone." I reminded him of the only problem.
"Tell her you love her! She loves you too! She's just confused with Evan."
"Yeah, you're right Cory. Thanks for helping me. I'll go by her house later. Thanks again." I left the window and headed back to the trailer. I knew exactly what I needed to do.
Later that night, I received a phone call with Evan. Apparently he didn't have a long game like he thought he did.
It was perfect, and it was all arranged correspondingly as planned.
I was intending on breaking up with him tonight, then heading to Shawn's later to reconsider our relationship. I craved the midnight kisses and comforts of his warmth, as he secured me tightly in his arms. He always ensured me it was going to be alright.
Tonight, I was going to obtain it all back.
I dressed in one of my new dresses I was originally going to save with a date with Evan, but now it would be for a date with Shawn. It was a dark purple, with short sleeves that were measured the size of my index fingers. It was encrusted with diamonds on the chest area, and it ended in small ruffles that weren't too engulfed in poofs. It was a short dress too, so it was considered kind of hot for my appearance.
I slipped into a pair of flats and started on my makeup. My aunt aided in curling my hair, aware of my informed plan.
"I can't wait to surprise Shawn later." I was jittery all over. All my body was craving was him. I mean, how could I possibly mean it? Even if it included engraving his name into my forearm in a bold font.
"You know, I kind of expected this to be honest," she admitted as she was curling the last ring of curl,"I mean, you guys still have that quirk."
"Yeah. He was your first real love. He saved you a lot Jasmine, before I could. I am grateful you met him at the right moment." She pointed out. It was the truth. I couldn't hide that fact away. He saved me from a lot of abuse. If it wasn't for him, including others as well, but mainly him, I wouldn't have been rescued.
After Aunt Lori finished my hair, the doorbell rang from downstairs. That must be Evan.
"I'll get it!" I persisted, scrambling down the railing. I rushed to the door, but before I answered it, I fixed my posture. I opened the door confidently, unexpectedly to find Shawn there with boxes of pizzas in his hands. From what it looked like, it appeared to be that there were block buster movie DVDs placed on top of them.
"Hey Shawn... what are you doing here?" I asked. Shawn was grinning foolishly. I could tell he noticed my dress, and seemed as if he expected us to be dating already.
"Oh I came here to drop some movies and pizza, make it up to you." He pointed out.
"Shawn, I have to get going." I informed him first thing. His eyes trailed away from the pizza and movies he dropped off on the counter to my presence again.
As he waited for an answer, I simply told him it was Evan.
"It's Evan, you see-"
"Oh. I get it. A special late night dinner. Great occasion. Lemme guess, fancy rich dinner? I'll get going on it." With the pizzas and movies in his hands again, he was rushing towards the door but I tried to stop him.
"Shawn, at least let me explain?" I insured to him. But he didn't budge. I watched him as he bumped into Evan, who was dressed in his letterman's jacket.
"She's all yours." He said as he shoved past Evan, leaving him confused. Evan shook his head, ignoring his outburst.
Dammit, I screwed it. I shouldn't of even said that.
Great thinking Jasmine.
He closed the door behind him after entering, getting a hold of me in his arms.
"Hey Jasmine." He greeted me with a kiss.
"Hey, I thought we were going to meet up at that one place?"
"Oh that," he says,"I thought we could take a walk there. More romantic."
If I remembered correctly, the place he specified was near Shawn's trailer. I could still make it up to him.
I waited before I could break up with him as I felt like I didn't need to rush. Before we made it into the restaurant, was the right moment.
"Hey, Evan, I need to say something." I spoke first off in the silent, night stroll. The only sounds that hovered in the night were the winds howling in the breeze, as if telling me to get this over with already.
"What is it?" He asked. I stared into his eyes with a blank expression on my face. I never broke up with someone before.
"I'm breaking up with you."
"What? Why?" He demanded me, stepping closer to me. I backed away but only with the building.
"It's just not working out." I admitted, almost a lie. Half fable, half truth. However, he didn't take it well, just as I feared. He scoffed, taking it out of proportion.
"I get it. You love Shawn. You rather have trailer trash than me."
"Shawn's not trailed trash. And what's side the attitude?"
"You're kidding right?"
"We've only been dating for a month Evan." I reminded him, but he was blunt.
"Of course. You're just like every other girl. Using the month and not working out excuse on me. Well you know what, I'm tired of it. You should be disciplined." He threatened me.
Not liking the sound of that, I scurried away from him but unsuccessfully.
"Hey, get back here!" He ordered me, he got a hold of me and thrusted my weight into the pavement.
Since it was raining, that meant that I got shoved into a puddle. I was soaking wet, unable to see anything due to the slight fog, and I had a guy that was now on top of me. He pinned me to the ground, as I shifted and tried to pull away from his force.
His grip was strong, as his finger nails were digging into my wrists. Just as he was about to raise his hand, which would of collided with my cheek, someone pushed him out of the way.
My chance to escape, I stood up but tried to make out the figure who saved me.
However, I could tell who it was. The shine of the leather jacket reflected in the nearby light of the restaurant, and the fact his hair was in a wet clamp from the rain.
I heard punching, and I didn't know what to do. I noticed the shadows stood up, but I also spotted Shawn shoving Evan away. I was at least able to make that out.
"And stay away from her." He growled defending my honor. His back was turned to me, making sure that Evan was completely gone. After he was done with that, his turned around to face me.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked me. I shook my head no in response.
He got a hold of both my hands, leading us toward the outside exterior of the restaurant. He studied to make sure I was okay, and also to give me some shelter.
"You're cold though." He noted, and he took off his leather jacket, handing it to me. As it was big over my skinny arms, it warmed me up. Oh how I missed this feeling.
As our gaze was completely locked, the raining pouring down on our hair and almost melting the flesh of our skin, we embraced into a hold then kissed each other. Our lips smeared as if it was truly craving the essence of our love. It gave us the power of our relationship. Our true loves were each other, not Jennifer or Evan. It was us. Always us truly. After we pulled away, we both ceased in a smile, silent. Perfectly silent, which fit the mood.
"Is it too late for pizza and blockbuster film night?" I asked, both of us chuckling.
"No," he murmured,"with you, it's never too late to do anything."

The Secret Life // A Shawn Hunter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now