Sixty-three ➵ multipov

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"I got it! I got it!" I chirped, in a sing-songy way like a bird. There was nothing better than walking into Topanga's dining room on an early Friday morning. I know it was crazy, but she was the only person that was up at this time.
"What is it?" She simply wondered, her lips curving into a smile. Her dimples creased, the visible lines that Cory admired so much. Here I was, acting like an ecstatic lunatic, and still she opened her heart to listen to what I had to say.
"I finally got the promise ring I got for Shawn, wanna see it?" I asked. I was content with the price for it, cause I was able to afford buying a Christmas present for both Topanga and Cory.
"Of course!" She answered, and we both sat down at dining table. I reached into my coat pocket to retrieve the ring box, coated with an emerald velvet layer. It reminded me of a casket, in a way, only because it was elegant yet had a bittersweet touch to it. And inside of it, was the key symbol that represented everyone's love, and the value of this life of melancholy and exuberance.
With a clink, the ring was opened, revealing the golden asset under the morning light that came from Topanga's kitchen window.
Once she saw it, she was in complete awe.
"Oh my gosh, this is beautiful." She murmured, her mouth gaped open. She placed a hand to her cheek, gazing at the ring just mesmerized by it's natural beauty.
"I know, I hope he will like it." I responded, drifting my attention to the kitchen floor. My expression gradually changed, the smile that was once painted on my face faded away. Ever since last night, Shawn's been in a gloomy mood. I wasn't sure if it was because of the stress he's been putting on by work, or something else. I know his parents have been going back and forth at each other nonstop ever since his mom came back. No matter how they attempted to, even for Shawn's sake, they would never make it work.
"What's wrong?" Topanga asked, automatically noticing the changing shift in emotion. I lifted my face up slowly, meeting my eyes with hers, her expression of full concern.
"It's just, he seemed so down since yesterday, even for the past week now. I hope everything is okay with him, all he has been is nothing but a closed door. I want it open between us, at least halfway." I spoke, and she rested a hand on my shoulder, comforting me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sure it'll lift his spirits once he sees this, I know he will. You're the best part of his life, Jasmine. I want you to know that. Heck, you know that." She reassured.
I formed a sly smile, unsure what I would do without Topanga in this world. She's helped me through everything she could, whether if it was escaping my dad's constant abuse, my shattering, previous breakup with Shawn, and deciding to move to New York a while back.
"What would I do without you?" I asked, and she extended her arms out, embracing me into a tight hug.
"Anything." She joked sarcastically, but I took it legitimately since it was true. She's always been there, when I needed a friend to gossip to, an ear for me to bear my heart to, and a shoulder for me to cry on. Just as she was with Shawn, she served an important role in my life. Even Cory.
Working at Little Paulie's restaurant wasn't so bad, although I was dreary when I still knew I didn't have a ring.
Here and there, I was asked to run various "errands" for them. After all, they were the Mafia.
I took a small break and sat at one of the dining tables, taking time to reflect.
"Hey kid, what's the matter with ya?"
My attention turned towards Mr. Fontini and Mr. Martini, who's expressions were both swept with concern.
"It's nothing." I muttered assuringly, although it was everything. I gave that ring away, but it was for a good reason too.
"There's clearly something wrong with ya, now how about you come over here and tell us?" Mr. Martini invited. I stood up and walked towards them, pausing in my tracks.
"I'm just overwhelmed since Christmas is in a few days and I'm celebrating it early tomorrow with my friends and family, and I have no money to buy presents for my friends." I explained, preferring to not go into excessive detail.
"Oh, he is quite short on loot then, eh Fontini?" Mr. Martini asked his partner.
"Yeah, quite," Mr. Fontini noted, "well, it's your lucky day kid. You have earned yourself your first paycheck early this year, $300 total."
He adjusted his glasses firm in place so he could see better and handed me three $100 bills.
My mouth gaped open in astonishment.
"I can't accept this." I denied his offer immediately, quick to retreat. But he was persistent and not backing down from this act of generosity.
"No, kid. You deserve it. You applied more work than former employees have ever succeeded in doing so." He replied, and here I stood, utterly surprised but had a blank face painted over mine.
I could afford the two most important things I wanted with this money, which were a watch for Cory, and the promise ring for Jasmine. Although Mr. Martini and Mr. Fontini allowed me to buy the Christmas presents for them, it was required for me to come back and head back to work.
Choosing a ring and watch wasn't that hard for me to get. With the money I earned, I had a variety of options to select from. I admit, I was still in astonishment when I received so much. I had only been working for a day and they paid me already? They basically just handed it to me, I struggled with a long debate whether or not if I should take it back.
It was too late for that now.
I bought a ring for Jasmine I thought she would like, which suited her personality. It was a pinkish golden color and the gemstone that was encrusted inside of it was a rose.
It was elegant just like Jasmine, a resemblance to her as they were both beautiful.
I also bought a watch for Cory, his name engraved on it too. Proud with myself, I returned back to work in a much better mood than I had showed up prior to that. Once I made my way back, Mr. Fontini and Mr. Martini immediately took notice of my arrival back.
"Did you get gifts for you friends?" They asked.
I nodded, smiling.
"I did," I answered, "thank you again."
The winter, blistering December morning awoke me since I was freezing cold. We had heat, but sometimes the furnace in my room had trouble working.
In the mood for a hot drink, I headed down the stairs to make some cocoa. Nothing like a mug filled fresh coffee and a relaxing aroma to lift up your spirits!
Just as I was making cocoa, a knock on the back door that was an entrance to the kitchen captured my attention. The visitor happened to be Shawn. He opened the door after realizing it was unlocked, and appeared to be in a joyful mood. I knew he has been working at the former job I had, and I tried to convince him to quit just like I had done. He was working for the mafia!
And the only reason he was working there?
Because it provided somewhat conditions for him to work compared to his job at the docks. I understood that, but the job he was working at now could get him in trouble. He was working with other people's potential illegal work. It would only get him in trouble, and I didn't want him to go through that.
"Ho ho ho, my best friend." He greeted, surprising me with a gift.
"What's this for? Christmas Eve's not till tomorrow night." I pointed out, and Shawn slightly shrugged, still ecstatic and persistent on handing me this gift.
"I know that, but I just bought you the best present I ever actually paid for, and I wanted to see your face light up like a happy little elf," he explained, providing a reason, "So, light up.
Light up, little elf."
I opened the box which revealed to be an expensive watch inside. I lifted it from the box so I could hold it firmly in my hands. I studied it closely to see that it had my name engraved on it.
"It's a watch," I murmured, a sly smile creasing on my lips, "a very expensive watch. Which I can't accept."
Shawn's smile faded away immediately.
"Why not?"
"Because of where the money comes from." I replied, feeling bad for hurting him. He tried all he could this year. He worked so hard for his gift and I respected him for that, but at the same time it was easy money from a terrible influence. All his bosses were doing was sedating him to be clandestine and make him do their dirty framework surreptitiously. Planting it on an innocent teenager.
"I had it engraved with your name." He clarified.
I glanced back at the watch, taking a better look at the watch.
"To my best friend Cory," I read, then continuing on,"Shawn, thanks. Hey, listen, now that you finally bought your friend a nice gift, you can quit your job, right?"
I had hope, but Shawn was glued on it.
"Cory, it's easy money. How can I quit easy money?"
"Listen, I made $160 working there.
You can have that. That's even easier money. All you have to do is quit." I offered him, thinking it was better.
He was hassling with Mafia. When I went to go visit him at his job yesterday, there was a sound of a bomb. It was dangerous for him there. To make it worse, Jasmine wasn't aware. I knew she'd make him quit, she wouldn't deal with that.
"No, no. Spend it on Topanga and your family," he denied my act of kindness, standing up and preparing to leave, "I'll see you around."
I stood up as well.
"Shawn, wait." I paused him from leaving out the door. He looked back at me to hear what I had to say.
"You're still gonna be here tomorrow night for Christmas Eve, right?"
"Yeah. Hey, don't worry, don't worry.
That's a tradition I'd never miss." He assured, and made another attempt at exiting again. I stopped him once more.
"Thanks for the watch. I appreciate it.
Not because of what it costs, but because of who it's from." I thanked him at last, to let him know what he bought me was well appreciated indeed. He nodded, opening the door.
"You're welcome."
After he left the house, my attention returned to the watch. I slipped it on over my wrist, a perfect size.
Shawn was dignified a wonderful person. He was underestimated because of where he came from, and it wasn't his fault. Sure he was raised in a rough life, but under those rough patches he was a good person. He tried his best to spend thorough time in life just like anybody else, and made sure everyone was happy.
That was one thing I truly admired about my best friend.
He refused to allow anyone to be penetrated with sadness.
According  Shawn Hunter's book:
it wasn't allowed in this lifetime.
Author's Note:
I apologize for the lack of updates :( it's been hard to focus on this one lately, but I promise I'll try to update the best I can!

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