Thirty-seven ➵ both

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Two weeks later
It was a few days before Valentine's Day. My first Valentine's Day with an actual boyfriend.
Someone to spend it with.
I was beginning to feel concerned about about Shawn's parents, on the other hand. Their arguments were still flaming up and getting heated.
Shawn told me to not worry about it.
Every couple went through it, he assured me.
I just nodded, allowing him to know I understood, but I couldn't redeem myself from that problem.
I had a sensitivity to yelling and screaming.
He knew that. But I guess this was going to take time.
When we made it to school that day, everyone was chattering about Valentine's Day all day. Passing love letters across the room, some people spending it alone-like for instance, Dawn said she was.
"Don't say that, Dawn. I'm sure you'll fine someone." I reassured her, but she just shrugged, not having a care in the world.
"I don't know and I don't care, honestly. I know what I'm getting myself, and it'll be good." She responded with a smirk.
"And what would that be, Dawn?" Trinie wondered out of curiosity.
"A bouquet of chicken fingers. Maybe with some fries." She stated proudly. Different, yet creative.
The boys walked by, instantly heading towards us where Shawn had greeted me with a kiss.
"Hey babe. Je t'aime beaucoop." He welcomed me, even with French words.
"All hour in French he kept saying that. Get him to stop, please!" Cory pleaded, annoyed. Fortunately for me, I knew French too.
"Je t'aime aussi." I responded back to him with a forming smirk. I kissed him back, then we pulled away.
"I come from a long line of French. For example, not only are we a strong line of Hunters, but we are a strong line of Hunterelli's." He admitted to us.
He also surprised me with a flower, which happened to be my favorite: blue orchids.
"I can't wait for Valentine's Day." He replied, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Me too." I agreed.
"Well we aren't. We are all alone. Alone I tell you." Cory reminded us.
"Too bad you aren't with Wendy anymore." Shawn pointed out.
"I miss Wendy..." His whispered, feeling mixed emotions cluttered with guiltiness and was heartbroken. I did feel bad for him, but it wasn't real. He had feelings for Topanga. It was going to happen eventually.
Just wait.
"It'll be okay, buddy." Shawn consoled him by patting him on the back lightly, then turned his attention back to me.
"Anyway, I know what exactly what I'm going to give you for Valentine's Day, and it's going to be an amazing date. The best ones. I'm not telling you what though. It's a surprise." He hinted with a grin.
"Me too, and I can't tell you either."
Truth was. It was a dress I recently purchased for our date. It was stunning too.. it was white and sparkly. It was lace on top around the neck area, and for shoes I had the same, glitter colored heels to match.
I couldn't wait for him to see it.
For his gift, I still had to give him one.
But I knew exactly what I had in mind he would enjoy.
It was only the day before Valentine's Day, and I was still trying to prepare everything. Cory even helped aid.
I knew how much Jasmine admired animals. I was going to purchase her a puppy.
Luckily they allowed animals around the trailer park. I knew that when the neighbors from across our trailer had a pet crocodile. However, it didn't end up so well when he ended up biting the husband's leg.
As we searched for a puppy, it was hard. Either most of them were expensive, or just too cute to choose from. It wasn't helping seeing them shaking and whimpering, as they were begging me to please take them.
I kept stroking them, causing them to lick my hand frequently.
They were all so adorable.
As I kept trying to choose, I found a puppy that was different from the rest.
It was the cutest little thing.
This puppy had pastel blue eyes, with a dark brown fur coat on the left side of its face, and some on its body. For the right, it was a smokey gray with a dot like patterns all over.
There was something about it that made me want to choose it. Maybe because it wasn't like the rest? Maybe because it was different, in its rare, appealing appearance?
I think Jasmine would adore this one the most. So?
I did what I had to do.
This was my choice in puppies.
"All these puppies. I can't take it Shawn, let's get out of here." Cory insisted. He's always wanted one, but his mom would never allow an animal into the house except a pet goldfish from Morgan maybe.
After we confirmed our purchase, the next thing I did was get a brown box to put it in, along with wrapping it up.
I wasn't going to keep this puppy in here forever.
I was going to allow Jasmine to open it up at midnight.
Next thing I got her was a huge stuffed teddy bear, as well as roses. Thing was, I needed a lot of them for this other huge surprise.
The last thing I had done was make reservations at this restaurant. It wasn't Chubbie's or anything.
I wanted this to be a real date.
No cheeseburgers to scarf down in minimal seconds.
Jasmine was my first girlfriend.
A girl that helped seek out the real me.
A me no one has seen before.
She's made me care more passionately about things I never had.
To me, that was pretty special.
When I got home later that day, I came home to find Jasmine strumming chords on her guitar.
"Hey." I greeted her. When I came home it was around 9:30 at night. Maybe she can open the box little early...
"Hey, where have you been? It's late." She asked, concerned.
"Oh I was out for a while.. I have something for you." I informed her, and she put her guitar to the side.
"What is it?" I handed her the box, and she was unsure on unwrapping it at first.
"Open it." I insisted.
She did carefully as I said, revealing it to be the box. However, as it was being opened, the box began to move. After she was able to unveil the top part off of it, she came across the puppy.
Her mouth gaped open, as she picked up and held the puppy in her arms.
"Oh my gosh.. it's a puppy!" She pointed out.
I couldn't help but smile.
The little pup was wagging its tail, curling itself against Jasmine's chest. She held it tightly closer to her, hugging it.
"Thank you Shawn." She embraced me into a warm hug.
"What are you naming it?" I asked her. The gender was a male puppy.
"Hmm... how about Chip?"
"Cute, but why Chip?"
"Because of the cute specks on it's side  remind of the chocolate chips from a cookie in a way. Doesn't it to you?" She asked me, and I just formed a smile.
"It does, doesn't it?"
Jasmine played with Chip for a while, stroking its ears and getting to know it.
Chip, was a friendly puppy. All I had to worry about was my parents, which it was actually nothing.
Me, Jasmine, Mom, and Dad admired the puppy very quickly. It already seemed to have adapted to a new life.
That night Chip slept with Jasmine in her arms, curled up in a ball.
It was the cutest thing to ever experience.
When morning came abruptly, I found that Shawn no where in sight, only except for the puppy I received to him as an early gift.
I had named him Chip.
Chip, seemed to appeal itself to that name, as if it's predicted destiny was to be named Chip.
I came out of the bedroom to walk in on Shawn's mom setting a bouquet of flowers in a vase filled with water.
Chip followed me, standing right by my side the entire time. I met my eyes with it, as if it was trying to ask me where I was heading to.
I went to Shawn's mom, who spun around to greet me with an inviting smile.
"Hey Jas! How are you?" She beamed.
"I'm pretty good, how are you?" I asked nonchalantly.
"I'm feeling spontaneous if I do say so myself. If you're wondering where Shawn is, he is going to be out for a couple hours. In the meantime, I can help you get ready for Valentine's Day!" She decided. I just formed a sly smile, appreciating the fact she was happier than she has been lately.
"Also, if you're wondering," she started again,"these flowers are from Chet, so you don't have to worry anymore."
I pulled out the dress from the closet as it was time to get ready. Shawn's mom was going to aid with my hair the best she could, as she was planning too. When I decided to go ahead and put it on, she was astounded in awe.
"That's really gorgeous, Jasmine." She complimented me.
"Thank you." I stated.
We decided to do my hair in the bathroom, although it was smile.
Chip of course followed me. Once he noticed I was going to be in here for a while, he laid down and rested his head on top of my foot, bored.
"Alright, this may not seem like much, but, we will do the best we can. I have a rusty, old hair curler so it'll take a while to completely curled. How do you want it?" She asked me, configuring the layout for my hair.
"I don't care, honestly, whatever goes and looks nice." I decided.
"Looks like someone is an easy client." She joked, then she had a plan for my hair. I felt her hands get a swoop of my hair, then combing it out with a tooth pick comb.
After she was done with that, she began to curl my hair. I was getting bored after a while, as I sat there staring at Chip.
He's so adorable, I thought.
I never had a puppy before, but I always wanted one. Especially when I had no one to go to, at least a dog would've of been my best friend.
And now that I had one, I couldn't be more thankful than I already had been.
It took a total of over a hour for Shawn's mom to complete my hair. When she stated she was finished with my hair, she told me to look in the bathroom mirror.
I did as she told, and once I saw my hair, I gasped. It was so beautiful, the way she had it.
It was... different.
Instead of it being placed down like previous occasions, she had it up into a bun like hairstyle, except more curler than it usually was for the original.
She had a couple of my strands in front of my face, which made it appear more extravagantly formal.
Shawn's mom, interrupting me out of my thought bubble, placed her head on the back of my shoulder.
"Well, what do you think gorgeous?"
"This is so stunning. Thank you." I responded, and I entranced myself into her arms. Since she didn't want to mess up my hair, she stroked my back instead in comfort.
Afterwards, she applied some makeup, and just in time, Shawn walked through the door with his dad nowhere to be seen.
Shawn, had been dressed up in a nice outfit.
He wasn't in a tuxedo, but he was attired in a cherry red, button up colored shirt. He wore a pair of black pants, and the way he just had his hair swooped was very attractive.
However, he didn't seem to care about his choice of outfit, although I thought he should cause of how handsome he appeared to me. He handed me a bouquet of a dozen roses to me, and another to his mom, who just grinned at the sight of them. She took mine too, each taking them into vases.
"Oh wow, look at you." I complimented him.
"You kidding? Look at you!" He exclaimed, amazed at how I looked to him.
"Well go on you two. Chet is going to be here in a while for our date reservations. He was actually able to afford us a nice dinner.." Shawn's mom informed us, referring to the none appearance of his dad.
"Well, okay then Mom. Come on, let's go." Shawn got a hold of my hand, but I didn't go just yet.
"Wait! What about Chip?"
Shawn got a hold of him, handing him to me. Suddenly he picked up bridal style, getting impatient.
"We can take him with. Now come on, let's go!"
The place we went to first was this restaurant like building.
What shocked me was due to the fact of how early it was; it was still daylight out.
The restaurant was called Mario's.
It was satisfyingly fancy. Set up with tables all around, I swear as Shawn and I were going to sit by them.
Then I remembered Chip.
I was concerned about him now. You couldn't bring dogs into public places.
Just then, we went to this outside place where there was one table.
Scattered on it was a bouquet of roses along with a set up dinner, as if it was reserved to only us.
Shawn, pulled the chair out for me, and I sat down in it. He went to go sit across from me, with Chip hopping to sit directly on top of my lap.
"Shawn... this set up is amazing. And I can have Chip here?" I asked him.
"You bet. There's actually a plate on the ground for him. Look." He signaled to the plate, and Chip's ears perked up excitedly.
He scrambled down to devour himself into a plate of spaghetti, hearing the loud smack of his lips as he ate it.
For our food, there was breaded ravioli, garlic bread, spaghetti with penne pasta used, and lasagna. For dessert, there was
"Shawn, this is amazing! The food was great and it's so romantic. Viewing the scenery, and just being able to spend time with you feels so special." I told him.
He just smiled, grateful that I was appreciative of him, and what he did.
After we were done eating, we didn't do much but walk around the town.
"You know, that's not all I gave you, right?" He pointed out em me.
"I still need to give you my gift." I responded to him.
Our next destination happened to be back to the trailer park.
Before we revealed each our gifts, Shawn had said he wanted to show me something. Suddenly he stood on top of the kitchen counter, reaching towards the top of the cabinet to pull out from what it looked like to resemble a radio.
"You have a radio?" I asked, feeling a bit astonished.
I never knew they had a radio.
"Yeah, but we barely use it," he admitted, as he set it on the counter and plugged it in,"my dad says: what is the point in a radio when there's a tv to watch instead of picturing the damn thing in you cobble stone head of yours?"
He turned it on and he began to flip out. It was Accidentally In Love by the Counting Crows.
"Counting Crows! I love this song, let's dance to it!"
Before I knew what would happen, Shawn had picked me up, taking me by uttered surprise and swishing me around. After he set me on top of the counter, he hoisted himself onto the top of the counter as well, beginning to dance. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and began to dance. We danced on the counters as if we were little kids, having a fun time. Listening to Counting Crows and bringing back our five year old minds like as if it was some sort of throwback memory.
After the song was over, I stood down from the counter and was gasping for breath. It was fun, but we devoted our energy into it.
Momentarily, it was almost time to open presents for each other. However, before we did that, Shawn said he had to do something.
I wonder what it was, I thought.
I headed to the bedroom to go get the bag of rose petals and extravagant fragrant scented soaps, then went to the bathroom.
I rotated the faucet on the warm dial, and poured some soaps into the bath, forming some bubbles.
This scent smelled so satisfying.
After it reached to the level it was supposed to be in, I planted rose petals on it, floating to the top of the surface.
Just then I was finished with starting a bath, and I headed back out to the living room, getting Jas.
"Close your eyes." I insist, and she did as I ordered.
I decided to cover them myself, being playful.
"But they are closed Shawn!"
"I don't trust you!" I teased, and I led her to the bathroom, with Chip following from behind us.
When we made it to the bathroom, I uncovered her eyes.
"Open them." I commanded her, beholding a smirk across my face.
She did so, her eyes widening with astonishment.
"Oh my gosh, Shawn... this is beautiful. It already smells so well." She pointed out.
"I know. Go ahead and get in. Stay in there as long as you want to. It's all for you." I instigated to her, later receiving a kiss on the cheek for what I did.
Inhaling the aroma of the flower fragrance bath was definitely a treat to be able to end Valentine's Day alongside the gift giving.
I sat in there a long time, beginning to relax. I was feeling a little lonely, so I called Shawn, who came in right away.
"What is it Jas?" He asked me.
"I feel a little alone in here, that's all. Is it okay if you can stay in here with me?" I asked him.
"Of course, I actually have something to read to you. This is your gift, from
me to you." He propped himself on the toilet, posturing himself into a reading position. He pulled something from behind him, revealing his poetry journal. He said:
"A Real Love by me, Shawn Hunter.
The story of a young generation couple,
searching for love in their life.
Astounding themselves from the tragedies they faced, they wished for something to embark on.
A real treasure to open,
thall hearts shall be the key to it.
And only they can open it.
Awaiting their cherished moments,
leaving all the distilled memories behind.
Surrounding themselves are shadows, awhile they only see each other.
Understanding each other in their lust of love.
That with each other,
they are beneficial for each other's devotions.
Not only do they see through the eyes, but unveil the emotional hearts,
the love they intake on,
and find each other through the midsts of every hope.
Everyone else is in black and white, while they are in pigmented color.
And only they are what their world's are.
You, Jasmine Grace Clayton, are my entire world.
I'll love you endlessly."
When he ended the poem, I couldn't help but pull him closer to me, although I was soaking wet.
But he didn't seem to care.
He embraced our hug tightly against each other as I began to tear a little.
"That was beautiful, Shawn." I murmured to him.
I felt his fingers lingering and stroking through my foamed hair, sending me a tinge of emotions that I craved to perceive forever.
Ones I wanted to always detect.
We were interrupted from the sounds of Chip, who was helping it's own cry.
It was jealous, since it wasn't receiving any attention.
Shawn and I pulled away, laughing at how the puppy was fending for itself.
"Okay, I think it's time for me to get out." I warned Shawn before stepping out of the tub.
Respectively, he handed me a towel then rapidly left the bathroom.
I was left alone with Chip, who began to patter me with tiny speckles of kisses with his bright pink tongue.
I noticed on the counter sat a robe. That must be Shawn's, I thought.
I wrapped it around myself since it was the only thing I could put on.
I headed out to find Shawn in the living room sitting on the chair, waiting for me.
I stepped in front of him, gaining his attention right away. He stood up, his eyes widened with now a formed a smirk on his face.
"Wear that robe whenever you want, Jas. Please do." He insisted, and I just crossed my arms. I couldn't help but be serious. He was just too adorable for words. Even when he was trying to act stupid.
"I still have to show you my gift. Come on." I pulled his hand towards his bedroom, where we barricaded the bed in unison.
I got him a total of three gifts:
It had been wrapped for two of them, whereas for the other it was a song.
The song was meant for last.
"Aww, you didn't have to give me these." Shawn persisted, but I didn't budge.
"All for you honey." I restated to him.
The first one he had unopened was a journal I had wrote him.
It was fifty-three reasons why I love you. The ones I've written were special and dearest to my heart.
"Aw.. this is cute, Jas. I'll read a couple."
The first page he turned, said:
"I love you for your personality. Your caring and love nature is simply the main reason I love you."
Others were about how he loved me for me. How he supported me, and how he saved me.
He wrapped an arm around me, planting a kiss on my forehead, our heads pelted into each other, our hands kneading tightly.
He opened his next gift, which happened to be a painting I've done.
This was the first ever painting I really defined myself into.
It was a galaxy heart painting, with a quote I tried to engraved that said:
"To spend the rest of my life with you, and to forever to be able to go stargazing in your arms is my reason of living."
"I love this too Jas. I never knew you could paint." He was absolutely flabbergasted by my presents for him, which made this Valentine's Day more enjoyable, and now my favorite holiday.
The ability to hand someone a gift coming from your heart, and with a cheerful expression was the best present to ever receive in your lifetime.
"But there's one more." I informed him, after he set his presents beside him.
"Huh?" He asked, his eyes transferring from me to Chip, who was crawling on the bed next to him. He established eye contact with Chip, then stroking the top of his head.
I went to grab my acoustic guitar, setting it in on top of my lap. Chip, just like Shawn, was invested into the guitar's appearance, but only into the little details of it, like the shape, the audio hole, the strings, etc.
"This song is called A Heart Like Yours." I began to strum the guitar, only a few seconds before I even began to sing. Then I was prepared to sing as I opened my mouth:
"Breathe deep, breathe clear,
Know that I am here,
Know that I am here,
Stay strong, stay gold,
You don't have to fear,
You don't have to fear.
Waiting I'll...
See you soon,
I'll see you soon.
How could a heart like yours,
Ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?
You opened up my eyes,
You opened up my eyes,
Sleep sound, sleep tight.
Here in my mind,
Here in my mind,
Come close my dear,
You don't have to fear,
You don't have to fear.
Waiting I'll...
See you soon,
I'll see you soon.
How could a heart like yours,
Ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?
You opened up my eyes,
You opened up my eyes.
Hold fast hope,
All your love is all I've ever known.
Hold fast hope,
All your love is all I've ever known.
How could a heart like yours
Ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?
You opened up my eyes
You opened up my eyes
You opened up my eyes
You opened up my eyes."
When I finished serenading to Shawn, he embraced me into a warm, endearing hug followed by a passionate kiss.
"I love you so much, Jasmine." He whispered to me.
I smiled, as I snuggled up against him.
"Good. Because I love you more than anyone I have ever loved." I replied to him. He wrapped both arms around my torso, resting my head on his chest. Right above us, Chip curled up on top of us, laying his head on us.
"Looks like someone is jealous." He joked, referring to how Chip was always in our sight.
"Looks like it." I agreed.
Valentine's Day was a success.
This was the first time I had ever experienced a "Valentine's Day," all thanks to Shawn.
Thanks to him, I was surrounded by love, passion, and contained many treasures I would keep of our cherished memories.
That's what he made me realize.
Every moment we had shared was a precious treasure. It was locked with our hearts, when unlocked, it opened up a whole new world, a dimension, a security.
This lesson, folks:
Keep the ones you love most in your life. You never know what could happen the next day, next week, next month, or seconds.
Cherish any moment you may have, at any given time. If you develop a friendship, or even just a relationship, make it into something special.
Life is indeed a precious, and an embarking, adventurous treasure.
And your newly discovered gold consists of every moment you have created.
Author's Note:
Hey guys. A long chapter again! I thought this was pretty cute to right :)
Also, when searching for a dog:
It was HARD. All were so adorable.
But I guess the reason why I chose this one, was because like I stated earlier above.
P. S.
Please take what I said into notation.
My school has faced a tragedy of losing someone that was once dearly and close to them. It was very tragic, and unexpected; that's what hit us hard.
Think of the ones you love. Think of the strangers who are sitting next to you. Think of the faces you pass as you finally encounter your destination.
Somehow, believe it or not, it will have an impact. Some how.


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