Twelve ➵ S. H

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I woke up that morning experiencing it different than I've ever had before. When I changed into one of the usual outfits and slipped my green bag over my shoulder, I headed out to see my parents happy. For the first time, they weren't arguing over bills to pay or nothing of that sort. It felt... Nice, and comforting.
"Hey Shawny! How's my little man doing? You going to see your girlfriend Jasmine today?" My dad asked.
"Yeah..." My voice trailed off, surprised they took interest.
"We love her already, Shawn. She's a good girl." My mom said, forming a smile. I just looked at them, smiling a little.
"She's wonderful." I agreed.
"Well, you going to eat up today?" My mom wondered, pointing out the breakfast that was all set up across the counter. I was silent for a moment, then finally spoke.
"Yeah." I said, heading to the table. I flashed them a smile, and ate my breakfast, enjoying it both with my parents.
I headed into the school, feeling a bit happy. I saw Jasmine right away at the lockers talking to Topanga. This was my chance to surprise her.
I sneaked up from behind her, and put both my hands in front of her eyes.
Jasmine smirked, and turned around, wrapping her arms around my neck, with mine around her waist.
"Hey you." She greeted, kissing me on the lips.
"Hey. My parents love you already." I informed her. She smiled, her eyes sparkling.
"That's good. I love them already too." She responded, and I just smiled.
"Well you two, class is starting in almost a minute." Topanga reminded, the first bell eventually interrupting us.
We headed to the classroom, but thing is on the way there, Jasmine bumped into a wall.
"Ouch." She said, and I turned her around so I could look at her.
"Jasmine, you okay?" I asked her, examining her eye. She squinted, looking as if she couldn't see.
"Yeah, I just ever since the other day I haven't been able to see clearly. My vision has gotten a little blurry." She admitted.
"If it's still worse by today, you might have to go see an eye doctor." I said to her, acting like some sort of Doctor. She nods in response. I got a hold onto her arm, leading her into the classroom. She sat in her seat, luckily not bumping into anything.
"Alright guys. Since we read The Outsiders already, I decided we should watch the movie version. Remember, still be able to learn from it. Have any questions?" Mr. Turner asked. Since no one said any, this gave Mr. Turner the intention to start the film. He turned off the lights so we could see the movie,
and let it be.
However, I couldn't pay attention to the movie cause I was focusing on Jasmine. I scooted my desk closer to her, observing her. As she was watching me the movie, or try to, she kept on squinting her eyes.
It was like that entire time we watched the movie. Once it was over, the bell rang, signaling us to leave the classroom. I waited with Jasmine, noticing she was having a hard time picking out her books for her next class.
"It's this one." I pointed out to her. She both had blue notebooks, with the words as in period 2 & 5 on the top right hand corner.
"Oh thanks." She said, putting her period 5 notebook in her backpack while leaving out her period 2 out.
"How about I walk you to the eye doctor after school today? I can walk you over there, it's in town." I offered her.
"Okay." She sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"It's nothing, I just wasn't expecting my vision to get this bad." She confessed. I held onto her arm, helping her walk to our next class together.
After school was over I met with Jasmine by her locker.
"Ready to go?" I asked her. She nodded simply, and we both headed to the eye doctor. When we came there, we headed to the desk.
"You can sit down Shawn, I just have to sign some papers." Jasmine said.
I did as she requested, and Jasmine signed some of the paperwork. The doctor gave her the signal to go take a seat, and she did. We waited for the eye doctor to come and get here, which took a while.
She decided to get a magazine from nearby, flipping through the pages.
She set it down, still a little bit bored.
She gazed at me, and I got a hold of her hand.
"You okay? You look nervous." I whispered.
"It's just, what if I get glasses? What if I look horrible with them on?" She said, feeling a little insecure about herself.
"It'll be okay. You'll look gorgeous no matter what." I insisted to her. She smiled, and I squeezed her hand tighter. She smiled, and just then the eye doctor came.
"Jasmine Clayton?" She called. Jasmine stood up, heading there. I got up at first, but the eye doctor stopped me.
"Jasmine can only go back here. Just wait here." She ordered. Jasmine turned her attention towards me.
"I'll be okay." She said, and followed the doctor towards the back.
I went back to my seat, waiting for her to come back.
I waited for about a half hour for Jasmine to come back.
I looked up, seeing Jasmine. She looked absolutely beautiful. She had a pair of dark brown rimmed glasses, that matched her hair and eyes perfectly.
"You look beautiful." I complimented her, speechless. It was true. She looked down at her feet, blushing.
She just smiled, and I went with her outside.
"How about you come with me? Maybe we can show my parents your new glasses." I suggested to her.
"I'd like that." She said, and we headed there. Once my parents saw her with her glasses, they supported her no matter what. In fact, they said that her glasses looked great on her.
She stayed for dinner again, just like last night.
"How are they so far?" My mom asked her.
"They are okay. I'm not used to it so my eyes are straining to help me see." She admitted. My mom just nodded in response.
"It'll take a little while." She said. After eating Jasmine and I hung out in my room, talking the entire night onward.
I walked her home, and stood outside her house. It bothered me knowing I haven't been in her room just yet. I wondered what it looked like.
"Thanks for another great night." I thanked her. She smiled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Of course. I'm glad you like me with glasses." She said, and I smiled.
""Why wouldn't I? You look stunning to me either way." I flirted with her. She blushed a deep shade of red, and I kissed her on the lips. We made out for a while, until I realized I was going to make her a later than expected.
"You'll be okay right?" I wondered.
"Yeah. I will." She reassured. I kissed her goodbye, then stayed to watch her walk back inside. I left a few minutes later, her traveling through my mind abruptly like some sort of fast train zooming past through the town.

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