Fifty-eight ➵ both

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"Hey Jasmine, can you come down here? It's time to prepare Halloween for the trick or treaters."
Here we were on the previous dusk on the partial lastings of the Sunday afternoon. A week to spare notably, and Aunt Lori was overwhelming herself with the need to spoil the kids on Halloween. One of the most acknowledged memories I experienced with my mother and my aunt was a freeway, passaged ticket to a garmented paradise. Ensembles that were costumed with inordinate fashion, picketed with colors that were of all ranges. Either if it was a hue of unsaturated grunge colors, and even bright absorbed vestments that contrasted beyond it. For me, I was dressed in a pig colored pink fairytale dress, a wand coated with a shined star I non-stopped waved for magical pixie dust to flounder around gallantly.
As I tended to her request, I reminded her gently of that impending memory of which we were speaking of.
"Oh yeah, I remember," she propped herself against the wall, elbows arching in escalation as she grasped onto the Halloween decorations,"I don't know if this quite jogs memory lane or not, but your grandmother was there too. She suggested the costumes and everything."
"I don't quite remember her." I bit my lip as sorrow equips my ease. A pondering guilt in my stomach was a major fist to the pulp. It's been way too long to collide on my childhood. I had so much little fragmentations of my mother. I was taken away from the five years I spent with my mother's family; heck, I didn't even get to cherish any momentums with my father's side.
"That's alright. Don't fret about it, chickadee. You were awfully young to remember these things. All we can do is ask and clarify, then maybe settle with at least some rejoicing." She explained, excusing herself to try and boost my hopes up. I configured a smile to assure her, but on the patted insides of my body, it was all sorrow.
The sight of Halloween decorations brought my hollowed mind back to where it belonged. I successfully helped my aunt with painting this canvas of a house with charming decorations. It was splotched resembling oranges, uncomplicated whites, and midnight blacks. They were scattered over the multicolored pigments of leaves that conceived itself onto the grass. After we were done, my aunt and I studied a skeptical glance at the house. With one relieved sigh under our breaths, we shared the same exact thought:
It was beginning to truly look like Halloween.
That following Friday at school when I showed up, already I heard through the gusts of the opened hallways that there was a rumored party at Sydney Ashley's house tomorrow. The rumor described in being, it was a free invite to everyone. Includes all of the geeks too that aren't considered a tad bit reliable for a house party even.
I met with Cory, Topanga, and Shawn at the lockers, having our daily hangout chats.
"So, anyone going to Sydney Ashley's Halloween party tomorrow night?" Topanga was the first to gossip. Stupid question to even ask. Out of our clique, if Topanga was going, we were going.
Even if it was just one of us that was interested in an event- it was convenient for us to all go.
"Babe, that's a stupid question. Of course I am going." Cory just cleared my statement and point being for that one. Topanga gestured at Shawn and me, the only duo available to answer her question.
"Duh Topanga. If you're going, we are going." I answered for the both of us. Topanga creased a grin sparking her face, the dimples implanted on both sides of her cheeks.
"Wonderful," she clapped her hands together gleefully,"the two of us should match. Like couples and couples?"
"I have an idea for that." Shawn formed a smirk, his eyes darting with mine. Intrigued, I wondered what idea he had.
"And what idea is that Shawn?" I asked, smitten. I was leaning against the lockers, with Shawn's composite figure hovering over mine as if he was gawking over a statue. One hand was shoved in his pants pocket, with the other cradling my shoulder.
"We should dress as greasers. I already have an outfit. You know..." I knew what he was referring to.
"You mean..."
"Yes." He answered before I finished my sentence. The referral was to how we met. The connection that sparked our love interest, within the lines of that book. It was connected with the assigned homework for reading The Outsiders.
"I'm all for it, Shawn." I agreed to the idea. Our lips met, establishing an ever longing kiss. We pulled away, returning our attention to Cory and Topanga.
"Aww, we'll figure ours out. Right Cory?" Topanga decided for them two.
When it came to Topanga, she was the one to finalize every decision. She was dominating, although Cory was too, but her mind was full of the ideas. It was no wonder he was in love with her- it was his ideal woman.
"Right my darling!" The two kissed each other as the bell rang. We strolled toward the classroom, happy with the  turnout.
When I came home from school, the first task I asked my aunt for permission was to find something for the Halloween party.
"Aren't you going as Stevie Nicks?" She wondered, her voice faint with reeking disappointment.
"No, I changed my mind. I will accompany myself as a greaser girl. Shawn is dressing up as one too, and we already discussed plans with Cory and Topanga about twinning as a couple. It's easier and cheaper I guess." I responded with a shrug. My aunt sighed, realizing I won this. It was an easy battle- I mean, it's Halloween. It's still a costume.
"Alright, but since the party is tomorrow, can't you just wear the Stevie Nicks costume? So people get that I, Cyndi Lauper, are noticing our female inspirations of the 80s decade?"
I couldn't say no to that.
"Of course. Greaser girl by party, Stevie Nicks for trick or treaters." I commented. It was duality noted to her I understood my role in this.
"Well, I gotta go. I think they are having a sale on outfits in honor of Halloween. See ya Aunt Lori!"
"Bye Jasmine! Be back before dark." She persisted me. I waved goodbye to her and ventured upon my way to the mall. First things first: make sure you don't bump into Shawn so he doesn't peek at your outfit. Surprises are always a premium package at any accessible event.
I arrived at the mall, carrying my money from the babysitting job I was still working. I had a total of $75. I gotta make this a thorough research.
In order to be a greaser girl, I have to be fashionably appalling and creative with this. This was going to be an outfit that wasn't in one piece.
As I searched around the store, my thoughts wished an obtainable desire to be a bit sexier with this costume.
Greaser girls were sleazy. But not me.
I was going to consider myself mature. Sexy? Yes. Revealing a lot? No.
My eyes swerved to the sudden slight urge to get a short skirt. Not too tight, not too relaxing. It was a dark red skirt that happened to be just the size of my index finger. For this one, it costed only $40 originally, $27 for on sale. Awesome!
I continued on with my search til my attention was drawn to a gray short sleeved shirt, that would be fitted just right for the skirt. However, the pricing was $18. I was left with $30.
Not too bad, I suppose. All I had to get was a leather jacket. I continued to search for one in the store, but they were unfortunately expensive. Most of these costed $50 or more.
I bit my upper lip in thought. I only had $75 to spend, and I didn't wanna ask my aunt for money. We weren't poor, but I raised up to not be greedy. She's done enough for me these past few months as it was. Plus, it was one of those parties in high school everyone attended to either increase their social, hierarchical status, or to win a decent game of a one night hook-up.
I strained my eyes to the back of the room when something rather more appealing than the sour lemon caught my attention. It was a 40% off shoe sale.
I completely furrowed and deserted the leather jacket line than directly led myself to the shoes. Heels imprinted my mind. It was like the last bitting of an unsolved puzzle that was solved with just few piece.
Inspecting the price tag, it bold print it said it was $32. Since it was 40% off however, it was only $19.20. I was left with merely a few dollars.
I added this to the bargain. Aside from the leather jacket I haven't bought, I had the complete and full outfit. All I had to do was wait til the party tomorrow. Then Sunday- actual Halloween. I was in for a marvelous, night filled Halloween treats. Now what I was hoping?
The hope was that there was no goons and wicked tricks.
Halloween is always different at the trailer park. It's not your average location in the fall. You know- where leaves tend to collide with the ground gallantly, combusting piles of leaves for the people to rake to the side of the streets near their multicolored mailboxes. However, not here.
In the trailer park, obviously there's no sidewalks. So this means, leaves are given an advantage on it's own granted terms. It's allowed to just scatter around endlessly without any cares given.
I woke up the following Saturday morning to realize it was Halloween Eve. As I clarified and figured, the leaves were roaming around. No raked piles applied to the surface. My childhood was different, and still different than all of the neighborhoods.
The first order I did today was change into my regular outfit and actual costume required for the party tonight. I was going as a greaser with Jasmine-
male greasers- meant sleek, slick flops of hair they can manage to wave.
Leather jackets that informed the person they were tough as nails- even if they didn't speak to them, it was basically a flash warning.
Stepping out into the hallway, I came across a letter on the counter. It was from Mom and Dad. Figures.
I didn't intend on reading it, as it was the usual,"Shawn. Went out for a while. Be back soon. By the way, we will never recover our relationship as we promise a thousand times to you, our only son."
Instead, my intensions were crumpling and throwing it in the trash bin.
Next, I checked the phone to find a voicemail from Jasmine on answering machine. With a push of a button, instantly her voice hovered over the phone.
"Hey, Shawn, it's me. Pick me up at 8:00 tonight for the party. I hope you're alright. Give me a call. Love you, Jasmine. Bye."
A smile lingered over my lips. I slipped out my tongue, licking them to prepare for tonight. A romantic kiss was always wet, remember that kids.
I dialed her number, receiving an answer from her aunt. She knew the cue. Although it wasn't those late night phone calls we usually spend hours on, I usually make it up to her.
"Hey Shawn. Did you get my voicemail?"
"Yeah," I answered, grinning, imagining her grin,"you know, this is our first actual party together. A real one. Junior parties are hits."
"I know. Wait til senior year."
That's my girl. Noticing the "bad" in upcoming parties in the future. I've taught her well with my antics.
"You bet. I just hope the day goes by fast."
"Me too."
A sudden click came right through me.
Junior year. This party was going to be in someone's house. Sex was bound to happen. Heck, even in sophomore year it was occurring. But juniors- sixteen and seventeen year old who think they are wise geniuses on this subject. It was a matter. More alcohol is involved. Drugs. Cigarettes.
"Shawn, just promise me one thing."
Jasmine's voice alarmed me a bit, as I almost dropped the phone. I was investing too much into this.
"Yeah, sure, what is it?"
"That nothing will happen tonight. I'm not ready."
"Ready for what?" I played dumbfounded. A slight sigh whistled through the phone, hinting a tone of disapproval marking her next words.
"The... sex."
I could tell just pronouncing the word for her was already a boundary to that subject. Yes, we've had long kisses and cuddling in bed, but I could never do that to her.
"I promise anything won't happen tonight Jasmine. You know that." I clarified for her.
"I know.. I just want to be careful."
"We will. We will reassure and be prepared every step of the way." I promised her.
"I just want the moment, when the moment is right."
"Me too." I agreed, hesitating a little.
It was a shaky, sensitive subject to even bring up.
"I gotta go, but I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you too."
I hung up the phone. That was one of the most adult conversations I have ever had in my entire life.
It was 7:00, and I was already getting ready. My aunt was helping me with my hair, making it appear greasy.
"So, you ready for your first official party of junior year?" She asked me, combing the strands of hair into a certain hairstyle. For the greaser hairstyle that was ideal, it required hairspray. And lots of hairspray.
"I am." I confirmed. Trailing back to the conversation I had with Shawn today set me off in a real panicky tyrant.
"Your costumes going to look so cool," she predicted,"and what greaser is Shawn going to be exactly? I see him as more of a Dally Winston appearance, with the heart of Sodapop Curtis."
I couldn't help but smile. Ponyboy was a real favorite of mine.
"I guess I do too, except Shawn's eyes are different than Matt Dillon's. They are softer, and actually a baby midst blue in the light, a dark ocean in the nighttime." I contracted a comparison between the two for her to seek into.
"I guess you're right."
During this conversation of boys, she's refused to mention anything about sex. She knows nothing will happen, and I know she's just my aunt- but she's my motherly figure. Yeah she's my best friend, but she's granted permission to even hint at those rocky subjects.
My hair was done within forty-five minutes to despair since it's grown so much longer this school year. It was foundered into a bouncy high ponytail with hair spray dominating the locks of curls. Some bangs were drooping down lazily, yet cute. My hair somehow seemed shiner.
"Shawn's going to be here in fifteen minutes." I pointed out to her.
"You have time to put on makeup, I'll stall him. I'm going to go check and make sure if he's here. I'll let you know if he is, okay? Don't rush."
She left me some privacy as I applied on makeup. It was a natural tan color to my lips with dark, ombré, glittery eyeshadow to match. For blush, it was a simple pink no one could really tell. Except Shawn, if he gazed deeply into my face after, and before a kiss.
I took one last look in the mirror. Wow, I looked different. I already had my costume on and everything, so that was good to go.
Suddenly, the bathroom door opens and thanks to the reflections of the mirror, it revealed my aunt.
"Hey, look at you! All dolled up. I came to tell you Shawn's here."
"Oh, good. Good." It was all I could make out. I was anxious for this party. I had expectations and unexpected realizations pondering my train of thoughts. Anything could happen at this party. Like beer, drugs, smoking, sex. The four matters of subject every guardian looked down upon.
I was just on the verge of leaving, when my aunt took a hold of my arm.
"Hey, before you go, I want to have the 'talk' with you."
She just quoted the talk. The talk.
Leading me to my bedroom, she made sure the door was closed so Shawn couldn't ease on our conversation.
I sat down and prepared myself for what she was about to say. She appeared eager and worried. She thought she could never have to talk about this subject in front of me- like aunts, they don't have this conversation with their nieces. Usually, mothers do.
However, she was given the need to. And she, had no problem with that.
"Be careful, okay? I know you're anxious, your face says it. The way you speak confirms it. Just be calm. I trust you and Shawn tonight. Just one thing. Be careful. Anything can happen at these parties. This is your first big girl party. You're no longer the five year old I threw a party for with your mother. With the chocolate cake with pink icing smudged all over your face? You've transitioned and blossomed into a young woman since then. I love you, and I just want the best for you. Just promise me anything won't happen tonight, alright? Don't become addicted to anything, and by be careful, be careful."
It was a long paragraph of what she was saying, but it was good. Not a lot of people were fortunate to have this prepared conversation with their guardians. I was considered lucky.
Unlike most teens who rebelled, I was glad my aunt was cautious with me. I was relieved she cared enough so much, she didn't want me to go through anything and suffer a damage in my life because of an eventful party.
"Thanks Aunt Lori." I whispered.
"Alright, go have fun," she persisted, and I trailed on my way, but she stopped me again,"you forgot your bow."
She handed me the burgundy, velvet now that was supposed to go with my hair, and I took it.
"There, now you're complete."
I grinned, then resumed my way downstairs. I came across a waiting Shawn sitting on the couch.
The sound of my heels clicking told him I was here. Automatically he stood up, his eyes widening at my creative costume.
"Wow... look at you." He whispered.
The blush in my cheeks expanded deeper, and I was pretty sure the faded pink didn't really seem noticeable.
His eyes fixated up and down my body- mostly at my chest area. I gulped.
I know I was all out for this, and a cleavage was revealed, but it was for him to enjoy. Not anyone else.
His small footsteps trailed towards me, his boots letting out a soft, cluttered stomp. His hand reached for mine, our fingers twining. With his other, his hand lifted to my cheek, fingers grazing upon my temple. Our eyes were gazing and locked in ignition.
Our first junior party was about to begin.
I know I just received my license a few weeks ago, but I was getting away with driving the spare truck for tonight and driving Jasmine to the party.
I was trying so hard to focus on the road. Although my mind was distracted by Jasmine's appealing presence.
I pulled on the side of the road a bit further from Sydney Ashley's house. I didn't want anything happening to the spare truck.
I stopped the car, and put the keys in my jacket pocket. I stuffed them right, making sure nothing won't happen to them.
This truck was a bit higher compared to the other one, and since Jasmine was wearing heels, she was going to have a hard time getting out of it.
I reached over Jasmine's lap, opening the passenger door for her.
"Stay here," I insist,"I'll get you out."
I scrambled out and got out successfully, heading over to the other side of the truck where Jasmine was sitting. She holstered her position towards me, and with my arms, I wrapped them around her waist, carefully pulling her out.
She engulfed into my body, our chests in sync with each other. Our hearts were pounding in a tread. Her eyes looked up at mine for one split of a second. I glanced back at the truck door, closed it, and got out my keys to lock it, then store them back in my jacket pocket.
Hand in hand, we headed towards Sydney's house, where most of the guests have finally arrived.
I have never seen such a house this big. It was huge enough to be a mansion even.
Shawn and I were here twenty minutes and we already found guests scorching beer bottles. Let's say, lots of different games that involved the essence of beer were taken into proportion.
Protectively, he gained a hold of my hand. His lips lingered on my earlobe, preparing to speak.
"Remember: Either you get a drink, or I'll get us drinks." His voice was a soft whisper.
My eyes didn't meet up with his, as my attention was undivided upon the looks of so much beer pong. An actual party.
I don't know why I found myself so surprised at this sight. It was bound to happen. It was high school. We were careless teenagers doing whatever the hell we chose to do. It wasn't what we wanted to do, it was what we chose indecisively. It was influenced by peer pressure, impressions, and a handful of insecure reputations that everyone didn't want to dialect.
Finally, at the main entrance of the kitchen doors, were Cory and Topanga. They were dressed up as Fred and Wilma. Once they caught a glance they headed toward us.
"Hey Fred," Shawn greeted his best friend casually,"when did you get here?"
"Well Barney, not long ago. How about you?"
"We just arrived." Shawn answered for the both of us. Topanga and I exchanged glances, smiling widely then sharing a hug. We let go, and greeted each other similarity as Shawn and Cory with their bromance engagement.
"Hey Wilma." I greeted with a beaming grin. Topanga returned the same gesture.
"Betty! You've become a greaser in Bed Rock! Is that even possible?"
I chuckled, thinking of some clever remark back.
"Gee, I don't know Wilma. I guess that prehistoric Fashion Design machine really allowed me to explore a whole new wardrobe." Cory and Shawn even laughed at the cheesiest remarks we came up with to the best of our ability.
"Have you guys had anything to drink?"
Shawn asked the devoted couple. The two of them shook their heads no, so it signaled us to go get a drink.
"Alright. Let's go."
When we made it into the kitchen, crowds of kids clustered the biggest room of the whole house we've entered in so far. Couples made out on tables, loud smooches that were obnoxiously slobbery. It was disgusting, and yet disturbing. Hey, wasn't this supposed to be a room for eating, not making out everywhere?
I stand corrected. Just then, a girl who hovered a hand to her mouth was about to vomit. Probably trespassing a reeking hangover. The four of us remained silent and slightly disturbed, sharing anxious peers with each other.
Music was blaring on the stereo so you couldn't even hear yourself think. People screamed as if it was a panic room. Also yelling,"chug" repeatedly as if it's become the new magic word.
"What do you want to drink?" Shawn tried shouting over the loud barriers barricading the room.
"I'll have a soda! Grab me any if you want." I shouted back. Shawn heard me and reached over to grab four coca-cola cans for the gang. We clinched the tab open and with a sizzle, some of the pop foam sprouting out, it was our first sip at the party. A good note to take at a party: don't leave your drinks on the counter. Finish in the kitchen. It was bad as it was to have beer and possible unprescribed drugs that are illegal in the presence of this party, but to have someone to contaminate it without you looking is even worse. You don't know what's in it.
We sipped our drinks quickly and escalated out of the kitchen. I took another look at the people revolving around me. Although they were supplying themselves to the beer, they managed to have a good time.
The four of us ignored the drinking. Shawn on the other hand, pleasurably  took me by the waist and pulled me closer to entice his existence.
Our bodies were perfectly sewed in frame. No one didn't have to divine in the idea of mushing us together, as our cravings is what embodied is in collision.
Despite this being our first mature party, it was the time of our lives. Although, staring at the other attended guests had a full on costume for Halloween. Even Shawn looked the part for his costume. He was a greaser. Could anyone tell who I was?
"Hey, you okay?" Shawn asked as he cradled me into his arms, concerned with the dissatisfaction attained on my presence. How could I be okay? Could people tell who I was? My eyes wouldn't stop peering around the costumes; a Sydney Ashley was a cowgirl- her outfit was complete. Full on country boots that resembled the blonde in her iced mochas. The sienna ruffles that coaxed pleasantly with her jean jacket vest. Her braids even going with the outfit well.
Pulling my attention away from the scene, Shawn got me with his hands tugging at my existence that defined me somehow as perfect to him.
It refrained my from the crowd- automatically meeting his eyes.
"It's nothing. I just don't feel like my costume is what everyone thinks it is." I admitted with a frown.
"What are you talking about? You're a greaser girl."
"Well at least you know," I pointed out,"I have received almost confused looks from everyone here."
As Shawn continued to cradle me in his arms, he let me go. He slipped off his leather jacket, all of the familiar remedies of two years ago flustering over me vividly. It's been a while since I've worn this. The most special tied knot of my lumped heart galloped for this leather jacket. For Shawn. It was a part of him. Every time I wore it, it felt like him. Like his existence, it hugged me in frame.
"Jas, you're not just a greaser girl. You're my greaser girl. You always have been from the day I have met you." He assured me. His voice always resulted in me forgetting everything and only memorizing every details about him.
I acknowledge him with my gratitude by planting a tender kiss on his lips.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
This party allowed us to meet our intentions as a couple to the expected extent. Although we reconciled for a few weeks now, it felt as if we never broke up.
"Hey Jasmine," Shawn began, his voice muffled through my shoulder,"let's go upstairs."
He grasped my attention further.
"Okay." I responded. He obtained a hold of my hand, burrowing through the tidal waves of the attenders. It was an ocean spectrum- as everyone casted their surfboards through each current, making their way through.
Shawn and I headed upstairs to come face to face with a hallway threaded with a few people. Their was doors that we weren't sure to go to since there were so many. So, we played a game of chance.
We rammed into a random bedroom and fortunately it was empty. Shawn locked the door behind him and was skeptical of the room. He checked under the bed, the closet, and even the outside railing of the window sill. You just never know.
"I think the coast is clear." He concluded of the rummaging of his short investigation. His hands made it to my waist, his thumbs gripping my hips. Torsos were embraced the heavy breathings of coming from our diaphragms. Hearts pounding to the fainted lungs, as each blood vessel pump was a canvas ready to be splattered with paint. 
Once we inched closer- the bed grabbed us from it's wings, trudging us to the center. Shawn's hands were no longer at the sides of my hips. They were scattered on my face so he could caress my lips with his.
Every moment was a blur- nothing was happening. We were careful. But somehow, if felt magical. His fingertips were pencils. They sketched patterned drawings aligned on my body.
His fingers were indexing my thighs in a welcoming gesture. So kind, so warm. A fuzzy feeling eloped my heart.
His kisses made easier contact with my neck then the next telephone line.
Suddenly, my heart halted to a stop. It was frozen.
My body was heating up.
"Shawn," I murmured through kisses,"careful, careful."
He wouldn't stop. I wouldn't stop. We couldn't. We were in love.
Just as he was pulling off my shirt completely, only to reveal a part of my black colored bra, the sound of sirens interrupted through our ears.
Red and blue flashing lights were abrupt through the window.
He heard them too. We scrambled up out of the bed, me tugging down my shirt and slipped on the leather jacket.
I was almost running to the door until an arm got me.
"Jas, this way."
Shawn was the first to step out of the window. It was a railing, a ledge, no balcony or anything next to it. Not even a maple or pine, oak tree.
"Careful Shawn." I warned him. His grip was strong. He was forceful when he arrived on the ledge. However, one slip- one slip could change that. He was controlling.
Shawn was frozen. Every breath evaporated into exhausts of air in the gusted October wind.
I don't know what was scaring me. Him not responding or him not making any moves to escape. He must of read my mind. He finally spoke, it was hesitant but managed to be a calming gesture.
"Jasmine I'm going to need you to trust me."
"I trust you Shawn."
"Well, trust me enough to jump off of a two story house with no tree to depend on."
"I trust you Shawn!" I repeated.
His eyes peered to me, nodding sheepishly. However, as much as I trusted him, I didn't trust myself.
"It's alright,you've got this."
His feet shifted to allow me to know he was there. He was standing right there, awaiting for me.  I gulped, giving myself time to prepare. Finally advancing myself, I climbed out of the window, alternating one foot and the other. I was still in a position of a turtle in a way- when I made it with Shawn, he helped me up, standing me with him.  My foot slipped at first, but he got a hold of me at the right moment. He wasn't going to let anything happen to me. Although he kissed the side of my temple, my eyes configured to the uproar of the landscape beholding in front of us.
The police were further away from us, advancing our time to run.
Shawn and I grasped hands. It was only two stories. My eyes were shut firmly, seeing pitch black. It was easier to see nothing then what was before us amongst.
"On the count of three: one... two......-"
We jumped at the count of three, but we landed upright on our hind legs. We didn't thrust forward or backward as we landed shape shifted on our heeled feet. We made it.
Shawn and I escaped through Sydney's backyard with no police officers stopping our tracks. Suddenly Cory and Topanga came to mind. Did they make it out okay?
When we continued to run, we met with them. They weren't caught. We all escaped the party successfully. We weren't under an influence however. We were the good kids. The portion of the good kids that got out easily.
Our breaths were faint huffs now instead of rhythm synchronization.
After we found our breaths, we turned to look back at the scene. Some of them were arrested. Most were off of the hook with a warning.
My arms looped into Shawn's, an ear pressed against his beating chest. The thumping made me repress one thing on my mind.
"Shawn, promise me you'll never drink." I whispered, referring to my past. Shawn remained silent, responding with him pulling me closer and coaxing my head. His lips kissed my forehead, also fingertips running through my hair.
"I promise." He murmured.

The Secret Life // A Shawn Hunter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now