Chapter 44

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(Louis' P.O.V)

After the traumatic thing that happened to the girls yesterday, we all decided that we would just stay with them today and then go back to work tomorrow. Luckily we didn't have a concert today. 

We wanted to atleast get off of the bus, so we found the closest restaurant to go to and then we went mini golfing.

I think that this has been their favorite day out of this week because of all that was happening; Except when we all reunited. 

Eleanor and Perrie had left before all of the bad things happened and I'm kind of happy that they didn't have to go through that, but I wish no one had to go through it. The girls were really scared and I regret letting them stay on that bus.

I'm positive that Harry, Niall, and Liam regret it the most. We should have made them come inside with us because it wouldn't have happened if they had.

Well, I'm not going to keep going on about it because it is in the past and we all just need to move forward with our lives.

Anyways, we are starting to get closer and closer to the end of the tour and we are really excited to introduce the girls to our parents. I mean they have met them through Skype and everything, but not in person, so it's going to be cool for them...I guess haha.

(Zayn's P.O.V)

We were all out, having a good time, hopefully nothing like that happens again. I was scared for them.

We are now on our way to New York and we were all tired from our fun day out, so we decided to go to bed.


By the time we woke up, we were already in New York and when everyone was awake, it seemed like we were all in really good moods.  Everyone got up and started the day with a good breakfast and then we went straight to working. 

 It felt like a really relaxed day; it felt really nice outside, so when we had some free time we went outside in the parking lot and just played around. Yes there were fans there already and yes we went to say hi.


After the show we all got onto the bus and just played video games, talked, and watched movies.

(Alyssa's P.O.V)

We just finished a couple more weeks of concerts and that means in two weeks the tour is done. It is a bitter sweet ending, but we get to keep working with them and we have grown together. Not just as besfriends, but it's like our own little tour family.

I honestly can't wait till I meet Niall's parents. He had told me that they are planning on bringing me around Ireland and he is going to introduce me to all of his old friends from Mullingar. Maura is going to bring me out, just the two of us. It's going to be so fun!

(Niall's P.O.V)

I'm excited to finish up these last concerts, not that I want it to end because i've had a lot of fun, but it means that we get a break and I get to spend time with my family and Alyssa!

I really hope that I get as much privacy as possible while we are on this break. If I run into some fans every now and then and there aren't a lot, I will try my best to talk to them, but if there are too many, I'm going to have to get out of there!

(Liam's P.O.V)

AAAAHHH!! We are about to be in LA and that means the end of the tour. I don't want it to end because we have all made so many memories just on this one tour. With meeting the girls, all the ups and downs, and then them getting ready to meet our families.. Jesus, we have been busy!

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