Chapter 28

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(Joy's P.O.V) 

We were waiting at the airport. I told Taylor just to meet us here tomorrow morning because our flight had gotten delayed. 

We sat eating our breakfast when I got a phone call, it was Taylor.


T: "Hey, which terminal are you at?"

"We're at terminal, ummmm, 6"

T: "Okay, I'll be there in a couple of minutes. I have to go through the ratchet security..."

"Hahaha alright!"

Between those couple of minutes I went back to eating and I told everyone that Taylor will be here in just a couple of minutes. Alyssa was still a little pissed at what had happened yesterday, but knowing her she'll get over it after the flight. I made sure they wouldn't be sitting near each other on the plane.

When Taylor had walked up everyone greeted her and hugged her, except for Alyssa she just said hi.

We still had like 10 minutes before we had to board the plane so we just sat and talked.

When it was finally time to board, some of the seat were arranged in two's, but others were arranged in fourths.

It was going to be: 

Alyssa and Niall

To the right of them:

Me, Harry, Zayn, and Louis

To the right of us:

Taylor and Liam

When we were about to lift off I was talking to Harry. 

"Hopefully nothing bad happens on this flight."

H: "We can only hope for the best. We have them separated so it should be fine."

"Yeah, I guess."

(Alyssa's P.O.V)

Good thing we were separated. I probably would have pounced on her, but I know what Joy is doing. She knows that if I have space I'll get over whatever I need to get over.

N: "Are you as excited as I am that you're going on tour with us?!"

"I'm pretty sure i'm even more excited."

N: "I doubt it." He said sarcastically and with a hint of snoodiness.

"Really? Cause I've been waiting my whole life just to meet you guys. You've been living this life for a while now. I'm pretty sure I'm more excited." I stated matter-of-factly with a little bit of joke in my voice so he doesn't take it seriously.

N: "Aaahh yeah, I guess you do beat me."


After that conversation I heard Louis scream something. I didn't fully understand it cause my ears we popping.

Lo: "I want to sit next to my wife!" He repeated himself.

T: "What are you talking about?"

What was he talking about?

Lo: "Alyssa's my wife!"

Oooh yeah, I forgot about that. Oops?

T: "Why is she your wife?"

Lo: "Because she can cook."

T: "Oooh gotchya.. Weird, but I got it."

Z: "Why don't we just all slide down a seat so Louis can sit where Joy is. He'll still be near his 'wife'."

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