Chapter 15

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(Harry's P.O.V)

Honestly, I was getting kind of bored in the car. I didn't know what to talk about either. Suddenly Joy starts to talk, but I think she was mumbling to herself. I asked her what she was talking about. All she said is that she could see Alyssa dancing in her car. Now I knew why her car was swerving everywhere.

I was getting a little tired, but I didn't want to make Joy seem like she was riding alone. I really wanted to make conversation with her, but I had no idea what to talk about. It was really bothering me so I just asked her what she wanted to talk about.

J: "Well, have you ever seen Pitch Perfect."

"Yeah, I love that movie"

A/N: I don't actually know if he's seen it or not..

J: "So do I! I think Alyssa loves it more though, she knows every single line to the movie. It can get annoying sometimes, but it's funny to watch her."

"I bet it is!"

J: "Who's your favorite character? Mine's Jesse."

"I like Fat Amy because she's funny."

J: "Yeah, I like her too. What's your favorite part?"

"I love the riff off."

J: "So do I! Grab my ipod, find it, and put it on. We can just jam out to that!"

"Hahaha okay!"

I put it on and may I say, I was having a great time in the car with Joy. I should have thought of bringing Pitch Perfect up earlier!

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