Chapter 25

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(Joy's P.O.V)

I never told anyone that Harry told me he would date me after we got to know each other. I decided that I would tell the girls today. 

"So, I have something to tell you guys."

T: "What is it?"

"Wait, never mind, I don't want to tell."

A: "I hate when people do that!"

T: " YEAH! Just tell us you RATCHET RAGGEDY ROACH."

"Okay, okay, calm down,-" I took a deep breath, "Harry and I were talking in the car and we decided that we'd do what Alyssa and Niall are doing."

A: "And what exactly is that?"

"We're going to get to know each other first before we decide if we want to go out or not."

T: "Ugh."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

T: "Nothing." She said with an attitude.

A: "Well you'd be the same way if you didn't keep pushing Liam away.."

T: "I'm not trying to push him away, I just don't want a relationship right now."

"We understand that, you've said it a thousand times. Stop trying to play victim." I say while I start raising my voice.

(Louis' P.O.V)

I wanted to take the girls out for breakfast since they've helped us a lot in the past two days. 

I went to go wake up the boys when I heard yelling across the hall. I rushed to get all of the boys.

Right when we got up to go to the door we heard Taylor yell, "Really? Are you Serious? You guys are being really ignorant!" Then Alyssa said, "Ignorant?! Oh that's it!"

What could be going on in there?

We heard Joy yell, "Guys, NO! Stop it!"

We went to go get Paul because we didn't know what to do.

Once we got back upstairs we heard something crash to the ground. Paul then crashed into the door.

We saw Taylor on top of Alyssa about to punch her, but Alyssa is holding Taylor's fist. Joy is just standing there crying trying to pull Taylor off. 

Harry ran over to Joy and pulled her away cradling her in his arms to calm her down. Liam pulled Taylor off of Alyssa and Niall got a towel to wipe the blood off of Alyssa's head.

P: "What the hell is going on here?!"

T: "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" She said while pointing at Liam and then she ran out of the room taking her stuff with her.

I look over at Liam to see him sad. I was going to go comfort him, but Joy already pulled him to another room.

(Liam's P.O.V)

"What does she mean by it's all my fault?" He said as his eyes dropped to the floor.

J: "Alyssa and I were talking about Niall and Harry when Alyssa pointed out that she's pushing you away.-" I cut her off.

"What do you mean she's pushing me away?"

J: "I can tell that you like her, but she doesn't want a new relationship right now so she's trying not to fall for you too fast. You just have to let that time come."

"But why were they fighting?"l

J: "Taylor called us ignorant and Alyssa didn't like that."


(Zayn's P.O.V)

I was in total shock at what I just saw so I just stood there quietly. I then asked Alyssa what happened because no one ever answered Paul.

After she finished explaining Liam and Joy come back in the room.

P: "I thought you said that they wouldn't be harmful.."

A: "We're only harmful to each other." She said with a sarcastic tone.

Joy laughed and I looked over at Paul, he didn't look amused.

N: "They didn't really cause bodily harm to us so it's okay."

H: "And they're best friends, they probably get into fights like this all the time." He said with a slight sarcastic tone.

J: "Yeah, they fight ALL of the time!"

P: "Okay, just don't let it happen again."

Lo: "We won't let them. If we have to, we will separate them."

Li: "I'm pretty sure Taylor just drove back to your house.. She took her stuff and stormed out of here."

"I think one of you should call her."

A: "I'm not calling her."

J: "I will.."

And with that Joy left the room to go call Taylor. It turns out she did go home.

J: "She needs a break."

A: "Well looks like we're not going home anytime soon."

After a couple of minutes Louis brought up what he wanted to ask them in the first place.

Lo: "We wanted to take you to breakfast if you still want to.."

A: "Oh my god, YES! I'M STARVING!"

J: "Typical Alyssa."

P: "Alright just be safe and if you guys see paparazzi just hide your faces."

N: "Okay, let;s go!"

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