Chapter 9-Professor Snape

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Chapter 9-Professor Snape

Y/N's POV:

  I open my eyes, as I saw the black ceiling from the common room of Slytherin, I stood up and saw Millicent rubbing her eyes. I yawn and saw my Slytherin robes, I took it and started getting change, I looked at the mirror from the common room and saw a badge of the Slytherin house that were attached on my robe. I tighten my green and silver tie and looked at Millicent who was sweating from reaching her shoe, as I laughed at her, I took my eye patch and put it on walking up to her.

  "Need some help with that?" I said walking up to her, as she nodded I picked up her other shoe without any sweat coming from my forehead compared to hers. "Here." I said giving her shoe, and smiled at me as I smiled back, I looked at my watch and it was almost time for our first class.

  "Done! Whew.." She said wiping off her sweat with her sleeves.

  "Come on now. It's almost our first class!" I told her, we got our bag that were filled with our books, quill, parchments and ink. We ran down from the girl's bedroom and saw got down, and bumping into the blonde little git, Draco.

  "Hey! Watch where you're going, loner!" He said, looking at me. I stopped and pull out a small mirror, as I walked back to Draco.

  "Here, maybe you can watch your ugly git face than, insulting a stranger. " I told him, handing him the mirror. "And for your information, I have friends than, yours." I told him, as I glared back at his servants behind him, as I smiled at Goyle and he smiled back.

  "And for your information, they're my friends." He said. "Except for Parkinson." He said, as pug face looked hurt.

  "Oh, I think I heard you wrong? Did you say friends? I thought they we're your servants." I said, I turn around and walk back to Millicent as she looked at me with a smile. "Let's just go." I told her as she nodded, we head to our first class which we're with the other first years.

  The time had past because of the stack of things to do, especially Professor McGonagall's subject which is Transfiguration, and she was also the head of Gryffindor house she was real strict and had transformed his desk into a pig and turn it back into a desk,at the end of the class me and Hermione were the only one to succeed. Then, there we're Charms, Professor Flitwick, we're a tiny little wizard that stood up to his desk for us to see him, which Draco thinks is funny. Herbology class was my weakness, second was Transfiguration, Professor Sprout was a dumpy little witch her classes we're in the greenhouse were most of the plants were, I wasn't really interested by plants but, some of them were also a potion ingredients so, I may know some of them. There we're also Professor Quirell, the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, he was just too boring to be a teacher of DADA I was expecting for Defense Against The Dark Arts to be more interesting but, because of his stuttering it was just too boring. And another subject that we're more boring than Professor Quirell's we're History of Magic, Professor Binns the only ghost that we're our teacher had been very old indeed, he usually fall asleep in front of the staff room fire and will be getting up tomorrow morning, leaving his body next to the fire.

  Then, there we're Potions, my favorite class. It wasn't because my brother we're the teacher and his also the head of Slytherin and I'm in Slytherin which makes me it my favorite subject. No, that was not the reason it's because it's the only subject that I was surely going to be good at, thanks to Severus or shall I say Professor gave me a book of potions. The class Potions were in the Dungeons, it was colder here than the other classrooms up the castle. I was sat inbetween Harry and Millicent, suddenly the door were swang open with a loud noise making all of us in silent, it was Severus he instantly stood in front of us, wearing his usual long black robe also with his usual expression and landed his black eyes on me as I smiled at him.

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