Chapter 5-The Platform

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Chapter 5-The Platform


  It was late at night I was still wide awake and was waiting for the sun to rise. I was too excited to sleep because tomorrow was going to be a long ride to Hogwarts, I sat up and open my lamp at my bedside table, I saw the eye patch that Severus gave me when we meet in the Leaky Cauldron with the Malfoys.


  Me and the Malfoys we're done buying for mine and Draco's equipment for our first year at Hogwarts. We entered the Leaky Cauldron once more as I spotted Severus at a table by himself clutching the Daily Prophet on his hands with a coffee on top of his table, we walked towards Severus.

  "Severus." Lucius said, Severus dropped the Daily Prophet and put it aside at his table.

  "Done buying for your equipments?" He asked as I nodded. "Well, then.... Y/N, here." He said, pulling out my hand open as he put an eye patch, I looked up at him confused.

  "What is this, Severus?" I asked him, looking extremely confused.

  "It's an eye patch." Severus said, as I rolled my eyes.

  "I know that it's an eye patch! My point is that what am I suppose to do with an eye patch?" I asked him.

  "You obviously wear it! You don't have to use a muggle product because a muggle product at our world won't work because of the magic surrounding our world. Now, wear it to cover you scar and also your eye. I don't want people bragging you about things in your past and about me, understood?" He said as I nodded in agreement, I stretched the garter of the eye patch and put it on, covering my left eye and also my scar.

  ~end of flashback~

  I lay down my bed once more as my hair spread down at my bed, I looked at the blank white ceiling with a light bulb attached to it. I looked at the time and it was almost one o'clock in the morning, I sighed as a random thought came into my mind.

  Draco's actually quite cute I thought to myself, I shook my head taking the thought away and saw Draco's grinning face with his platinum blonde hair, I smiled to myself looking like an idiot then, something moved. I looked up and saw my black owl, Charcoal, he was scratching his cage lock signing that he wants to go out to have a fly. I ignored him, as he made more noises, I sat up and frowned.

  "Alright, fine! You can have a little bit of a fly but, come back sooner because we're going to Hogwarts tomorrow." I told him as I set him free from his cage, I looked at him as he flew through the sky. I walked to my bed again and lay down and then, before I knew I was already sound asleep, in a very deep sleep.

  ~next day~

  "Y/N! Wake up!" I heard my Grandma shouting at me, I shuffle around my bed and saw it was just 10 o'clock in the morning.

  "Too early! The train will be leaving at ele-" I stopped realizing that I only have 60 minutes to get ready I stood up my bed and walked to the bathroom brushing my teeth, I took a quick shower and walked to my wardrobe.

  "Y/N! No need to pick, I already picked something for you." Grandma said walking inside my room, she gave me a black and green flannel and a black shirt with some black jeans, I put it on and got my socks, I took my white converse and put it on. I looked at the mirror and saw my hair was a mess, I walked to my desk with a mirror in front of it and looked at the time, it was 5:30 o'clock and I still have some time to get my hair done, I brushed and dried my hair, and just letting it down. I put on my eye patch and looked at my reflection again, I was looking quite good for now, I saw that my case was now downstairs or on the car, I headed downstairs and saw my Grandma waiting for me at the living room.

  "Ready to go?" She asked me, as I nodded with a smile that is full of excitement. We got to the car seeing all of my things there, I got my wand and put it on my pocket while heading inside the car and we drove off to King's Cross.

  Before I knew it, we were at Kings Cross station, we got a trunk and put all of my case on top of it. We got inside the station and saw muggles walking and heading inside the train, I looked at the ticket and said 'Platform 9 3/4', I was confused where do we have to go to get into the Platform 9 3/4, and then I remembered Severus said that to get into the platform is that you have to go straight across the wall between 9 and 10.

"Let me see the ticket." Grandma said, as I gave her the ticket she looked at it confused. "9 3/4, how do you get into the platform?" Asked grandma.

  "Severus told me that I should walk straight across wall 9 and 10, there!" I said, pointing at the wall between the sign of 9 and 10. We walked up to the wall between 9 and 10 as I looked at my grandma.

  "Well then, do you want me to go with you or your fine on your own?" She asked me.

  "I'm fine on my own." I told her, she gave me a hug and kissed my for head.

"Good luck, dear. Oh! I'm going to miss you!" She said, her eyes we're almost filled with tears.

  "Grandma, don't worry! I'll send you an owl at my journey in Hogwarts, no need to worry anymore!" I told her.

  "Alright!" She said, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief. "Good luck!" She said, hugging me one last time. She stepped back as I looked straight of at the wall, it looks so solid I closed my eyes and opened them once more breathing heavily.

  Before I knew it, I was bow running towards the wall. I thought that I was gonna hit the wall but, I didn't, it reveals a huge train with the sign 'Hogwarts Express' I looked up and saw the sign 'Platform 9 3/4'. I smiled to myself as this was the start of my new journey.


This chapter was quite short, dunno why. Just did.

But, hope you liked it anyways!

And if you like Tokyo Ghoul you know that the boy there has an eye patch? That's where I got the idea from, and if you hadn't watched anime or Tokyo Ghoul then, what the hell are you waiting for?!

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter it's a bit short but,  it's okay.



The Half-Blood Princess / Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR ONE)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat