Chapter 2-Hogwarts Letter

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Chapter 2-Hogwarts Letter


  Opening my eyes from a unbelievable dream my vision started to become clear as the sun rise shine as it goes through my window, shining at my eyes. I rubbed my eyes while sitting up my bed as I felt my usual scar at the left side of my face, I shuffle myself to the side of my bed and put on my slippers. Standing up as I walk up to the mirror, seeing my eyes in a different color, I walk to the bathroom and stripped down. I turn on the shower as water spring down through it and to my body.

  When I finished taking a shower I walked up to my cabinet and opened it, I started shuffling a few clothes and finally laying my eyes to a simple dress with a white collar. I took the dress out of the cabinet and started dressing up for the morning, when I was now wearing my dress I walked to my desk in front of it was a mirror. I took a muggle product that they call a 'concealer', I put it on on my scar to hide it. I started blending it with the smallest brush that muggle's use for blending from what they call 'makeup', I finished blending the 'concealer' and looked at the mirror once more. I took a another muggle product which they call, 'contact lens', I put a white liquid on it before I put it on my eyeball making my eyes the same color, black.

  I looked at the mirror in front of me once more to look at my appearance, I stood up from my chair getting my black sandals and heading down stairs to eat some breakfast. I enter the kitchen seeing my grandma putting a plate of Bacon and eggs, she looked up at me with a huge smile as I returned the smile to her.

  "Morning, Grandma!" I said to her, as she rubbed her hands on her floral kitchen dress.

  "Morning, Y/N! Sit down and have some breakfast." She said as I sat down in front of her, I started putting Bacon and eggs with a piece of toast on my plate and started eating my breakfast. At the middle of mine and my grandma's conversation about the muggle world an owl straightly got inside and flew in front of me with a yellowish envelope that was clenched by it's feet, I took the envelope and saw it  has a logo that I haven't seen anywhere then, I realized it was my Hogwarts Letter.

  "Oh my God! Grandma, I finally got my Hogwarts letter!" I said excitedly standing up and jumping all around the kitchen with a huge smile plastered across my face.

  "Go on, open it!" My grandma said with a smile, I looked at the back of it that says:

Ms. (First letter of name). Snape
The small room upstairs
Little Whinging

  I ripped the envelope open and unfolded the yellowish parchment, it has writings in it that we're written in ink with a quil, I saw that the Hogwarts logo was on the very top of the letter, I started reading the letter out loud for my grandma to hear.

  "Dear, Ms. Snape,

  We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry.

  Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

  Term begins in September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress"

  Looking up at my grandma with full of excitement I suddenly started jumping up and down all over the kitchen once more as my grandma laughs at me from my excitement.

  "Grandma! I'm going to Hogwarts! And I can't wait to have friends!" I said to her as I smiled widely, remembering that I don't have any friends in my life so far because they were scared of my scar and also my left eye, they find unusual and creepy but, some people thinks it's cool but, they never ended up as being my friend. I looked at the letter once more and I saw that there was a list of things that I needed to buy for starting Hogwarts.

  "Let me see the list." My grandma said as I handed her the letter, she looked at it for awhile and looked up at me. "There's only one place to get all of this and that is..." My grandma stopped.

  "Diagon Alley!" I said excitedly, she nodded as I sat down at my chair and continue eating my breakfast.

  "Y/N, go and sent Severus a letter you know that I won't be able to go with you to Diagon Alley, even though I wanted to." Grandma said, as I remembered that she usually have work to do even at her age.

  "You could be absent for about a day, it's only a day!" I said, crossing my fingers for her to agree.

  "I'm sorry, Y/N but, I can't you know that... I'am sorry." She said holding my right hand as I nodded to her in agreement, when we finished eating I immediately walked up the stairs and started writing to my brother, Severus, about him helping me get all of my things in Diagon Alley, I wrote:

  "Dear Severus,

  I finally gotten my Hogwarts letter! And will you please go to Diagon Alley with me to help me buy my books and equipments that I needed, and also thank you for giving me the potions book and other subject in Hogwarts it had helped me a lot to learn more of things that I needed to know in advance! And will you please write to me as fast as you can and I know that you're quite busy at Hogwarts but, please?

Your sister,
Y/N Snape"

  I finished writing my letter and folded it, I put in a envelope and got my black owl that Severus gave me to let me send him some letters of what's going on in mine and grandma's life here in the muggle world. When I let, Charcoal, flew to send the letter that I wrote for Severus, I sat down to my bed and reached out for the potions book that Severus gave to me to learn potions in advance, I just finished reading Transfiguration the other day and immediately read the potions book, I have learn a lot before even going to Hogwarts. I just hope I will meet a lot of people in Hogwarts or even meet some people that are starting Hogwarts in Diagon Alley.


Hello! Hope you liked this chapter, you finally had been successfully accepted in Hogwarts woo!

Draco isn't here yet, I know but, just wait and he'll be there.

Just wait and the person that we want to see will come, okay? Okay.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And also the rest of the Story!



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