Chapter 8-The Slytherins

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Chapter 8-The Slytherins

Y/N's POV:

  When the sorting ceremony was over Professor Dumbledore stood up from his golden chair as the surroundings became silence.

  "Welcome." He said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" He said, and sat back down. Suddenly, the food appeared at the front of us, my jaw fell seeing all the food there we're some roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and, for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs. The long tables of each houses we're full of food, the students started eating as I took not that much food because I ate too much toffees on the way here. I just got some pork chops, fries, Yorkshire and some roast chicken, Millicent looked at me with a strange expression as she saw the food on my plate.

  "Is that all your eating?" She asked me pointing at my plate.

  "Yeah, why?" I asked her, she gave me a strange look.

  "Nothing, it's just that your so skinny and that's all your eating?!" She said looking at my body, I looked down seeing my body and saw nothing that was wrong with it.

  "There's nothing wrong with it!" I told her.

  "Come on! Look!" She said pointing at my robe sleeve that was too big.

  "Come on! All the sleeves at our robes are always too big! Maybe, you just need a little bit of a diet for you to know that." I told her, as I heard some Slytherin's said 'ooo', she looked at me and just rolled her eyes.

  "Whatever, I'll eat whatever and how much I want!" She said, taking a bite of her sausage, as I smiled at her. Every other moment at the corner of my eye, I saw Draco glancing at me as a girl keep taking off his attention from me by talking to him, I believe that her name was, Pansy Parkinson, I saw her glared at me once or twice or maybe even more than twice. The only person that I had close with that is Draco's friend was, Gregory Goyle, he looked like a bad person but, his not that bad. He was acting so nice to me as I slowly started trusting him.

  "What's your blood status?" I heard Goyle asked me, as I looked up at him before I could answer he stopped. "Oh, who am I kidding to ask you what's your blood status!" He said to himself as he chuckled awkwardly.

  "Why?" I asked him.

  "Your the daughter of Eileen Prince that married a muggle, obviously your a Half-Blood." He said, as I chuckled, remembering my nickname that was given by Severus himself,  the Half Blood Princess. I raised my eyebrow at him, he looked at me confused.

  "What?" He said, shuffling to his seat.

  "Your a Pureblood, right?" I asked him, as he nodded. "Aren't you suppose to be disgusted of me because I'm not a Pureblood?" I asked him, as he looked surprised.

  "If you're in Slytherin then, I don't have a problem if you're a pureblood or a half blood, except if you're a Mudblood." He said, making a disgust expression when he said the word 'Mudblood', Severus didn't tell me anything against muggle-borns but, I didn't wanna argue about that in my first night here at Hogwarts.

  "How's your food, Draco?" I heard Pansy Parkinson asked Draco, I looked up and saw Draco frown just like what he did when we we're in Diagon Alley.

  "Can you let me eat, Parkinson?!" Draco snapped at her as she fell in silence, the other Slytherin's suddenly smirked at Pansy's pug face.

  Some Slytherin's got up to get some other food at the other side of the table, looking at them as I finished eating.

The Half-Blood Princess / Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR ONE)Where stories live. Discover now