Chapter 19

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Staring out at the ocean, I thought of my baby. Everyone think that going to the ocean is good for me to clear my mind. But all I can think of is how far will I be. I have stopped crying and I'm nothing but a lifeless zombie. I don't eat and I only sleep two hours per day. Ken is almost the same but he talks when I don't. Blankets are wrapped around me and I don't have to turn around to know that's Ken. He kissed my hair and lingered for a few minutes before pulling back.

"Mina, don't put the blame on yourself. Nobody's at fault here." He whispered quietly. I just stared at the ocean and shook my head. I failed as a mother. Ken sighed and wrapped his arms around me, I can feel his own heartache.

"You didn't fail.. it's just.. it's not the time for the little one to come." Ken whispered as he placed his hands on my stomach. I grabbed his hands in mine and I stared into his eyes. His eyes looked sad and broken but not totally broken. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile and pecked my lips.

"We're in this together aye?" He asked as he claimed my lips. I smiled a little in the kiss and leaned deeper, needing more. But as I moved,pain shot up from my wounds and I tensed.

"Does it still hurts?" Ken asked as he kissed one of the wounds. I nodded and leaned on his chest as he kissed every wounds on my arms and legs. I giggled a bit as he kissed my neck. He pulled back at my giggle and a big content smile spread to his face. He kissed fully on my lips.

"I missed your giggle." I stared at Ken and felt the guilt eating me up. I hugged him and breathed in his scent. Nothing sensual but just plain hug. He hugged me back and ran his hands on my hair.

"I'm sorry." I apologized softly. Ken shook his head and kissed my forehead.

"Don't apologize. It's okay. It hurts but we will get through this okay? I promise you." I smiled at his words. It may be hard but I believe every word of his. Nodding my head, he gave me a big smile, as if something good just came into his mind.

** * * * * * * * *

"Say what?" Kira said as she turned around to face Ken. I took her hands in mine and kissed her knuckles. She looked at me with panic.

Is she mad at me?? Kira mind linked me in sadness. I shook my head and side hugged her as I faced Ken back. They just got out from troubles and I agreed that they need some time alone.

"May I ask why Ken?" I asked. Kira looked at Ken anxiously.

"I wanted her to clear her mind from all this for now. I just thought maybe a break would be good for the both of us." I watched as a small smile played on Ken's lips. Kira sighed and looked defeated. I rubbed her back soothingly and smiled at her.

"I don't see anyone stopping you aye? Why not? It's a good idea." I told him. He smiled gratefully before nodding and looked at Luna Kira.

"Luna, I'm just going to be straight forward. There's nothing to apologize and we got no one to forgive. So please, don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault." Ken smiled sadly at Luna Kira and left. I stared at the door. Ken was never the one who talk much. But Mina sure did a few changes in him and I'm glad. Mating bond sure is a miracle.

** * * * * *

"An island?" I laughed a little as Ken leaded me down the private jet. Ken smirked at me and carefully slipped his hands on my waist and guided me to the rent car. I heard from Ken that Alpha Ryu and Luna Kira arranged the private jet for us and Ken did the rest. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on his lips.

"How are you feeling?" Ken asked as he opened the door for me. I slipped in and waited for Ken and the driver to get into the car. They climbed in and shut the door, Ken sat beside me and stroked my cheek.

"Sore but I'm fine. It's healing." I smiled at his concern. He grinned at me and pecked my lips. Running his fingers through my hair, his lips played a soft smile.

"I love seeing you smile. I felt relieved.. that you started to smile."I smiled slightly and hugged him close to me. My heart warmed at how much he cared and worried about me. Just being with Ken soothed my heart and soon, I fell asleep in his embrace.

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