Chapter 13

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Waking up by door banging, I groaned in protest. Walking towards the door, I opened it and my eyes widen when I felt my energy being restored instantly just by standing close to him. His blazing silver eyes stared into my soul and he narrowed his eyes.

"Why didn't you go back to our room? Do you know how worried I am!?" Ken yelled. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"I told you I didn't want to bother you! I know you're mad at me but I knew I'm wrong! You don't have to yell at me!" I raised my voice a little, getting a bit mad. How dare he! He growled.

"I'm worried sick Mina! You just put yourself in danger before that and I'm waiting for you in our room and you didn't return! And you promised me! You promised me you will tell me if anything like that happened again!" Ken growled, slamming his fist on the wall.

"I told you, I don't want to bother you. That means I will leave you alone ok.." I sighed and walked back into the room. My knees felt fine and it just stung a little when I bend to much. I sat on the bed and Ken invited himself in, not before closing the door.

"No! You should know better Mina." He yelled but his tone turned soft at the end. I turned my head away.

"You should know how my wolf acts Mina... You can't leave us. Yes we are mad but we need touches from you and skin contact just to calm my wolf and me down. We need to know you are safe and no longer in danger.." Ken's voice is soft but disappointment still laced in his voice. I hung my head down in shame. I'm being selfish and I didn't think about his feelings. I still, ended up hurt his feelings. My ears flamed in embarrassment. Ken titled my chin up and I stared into his eyes, feeling guilty and sorry.

"I'm sorry... It's just that you won't look into my eyes and you won't speak to me. I knew you are angry and I thought that you need some space.. I-I..." My words got all jumbled up and my mind went blank.I don't even know what to say anymore. Pursing my lips, I looked down again. I let go of the block and I felt him entered my mind. Cupping my cheek in his warm hand, I closed my eyes and he leaned his forehead to mine.

"...I know how you feel.. Please Mina.. just promise me not to do anything rash when I'm not around. Please." Ken begged.


"No.No you don't. See how it went the last time? You got hurt Mina! I can't take the risk of letting you get hurt again! Do you even know how I feel at that time Mina? I felt that you're going to leave me! I-I didn't even tell you you're my mate yet!"Ken said in a hoarse voice and turned away from me. Silence enveloped us and I just stared at his back as he breathed through his nose, his shoulder going up and down. I walked towards him and grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers with his as sparks spread from our touch and hugged him from behind. I placed my left cheek on his back as he tighten his grip on our laced fingers.

"I promise Ken.." Feeling all the guilt building up, I felt really selfish. I hurt him. Just at that thought sent a pang of pain to my chest. My heart clenched painfully. Letting go of our laced fingers,Ken turned back around and pecked my lips, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him and kissed my head through my bangs.

"You're not selfish Mina.. you put the others before yourself and I love you for that but you are a girl, and jumping into rogues.." Ken shook his head and sighed. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. Feeling his chest moved in and out as he breathed.

"I want you to be safe Mina." He whispered beside my ears in a soft sad voice. Snuggling into his hug, both of us just tighten our grip on each other instead of pushing each other away. We don't intend to let go. He pecked my head and whispered sweet words until I had to stop him.

"How's your leg by the way?" Ken asked as he pulled away and turned his focus on my knees. I sat back down on the bed as he touched my knees and kissed on the bandage.

"The pack doctor said it should be fine in a few hours." I watched as Ken ran his thumb on my knees and I sighed. I opened my arms with a pout and stared at him. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, warmth and tingles spread through our touch and I love everything about it.

"Mina.."Ken whispered beside my ears and pushed me onto the bed, my back on the bed. I smiled at him and kissed him full on the lips.

** * * * * * *

After the attack, the pack members were on full alert. Alpha Ryu and Luna Kira also managed to get helps from the other pack and everyday,every week, pack warriors changed shifts to run patrol. Even Ken and Oscar are out for patrol but most of the time, they are back early.Rogues appeared more and for now, females are learning self defense too. Looking out the mirror, I pursed my lips and sighed. All the females are shifted into their wolves.

I sat on the corner, out from their sight and stared as they opened their jaws, learning how to attack. A sense of jealousy washed over me. I'm just a hybrid, a half werewolf and I can't shift. I'm weak. are not weak. Ken's voice soothed my mind. I sighed and looked away.

But I can't even shift. Shifting will make me stronger, I can protect myself. I can run faster. I have more advantage.. But I'm just a mere human. I replied in distaste. Clenching my hand into fist, I walked outside the pack house and waited for Ken.

You are not just a mere human Mina. You have werewolf speed, scent and vision. It's above all mere human and you are strong. Even though you hurt yourself and I hate to admit it, you killed a few rogues by yourself. Don't ever doubt yourself. Ken said. I let out a deep breath and stared at the empty road.

I guess so... it's just... I'm jealous of them. How does it feels like having fur? How does it feels like running like a wolf, running in the wild? I may have the speed of werewolf but... I'm running with my bare legs. I said. Soon, a car appeared in front of the gate, filling in the empty road and Ken is the first one that came out from the car. I smiled sadly and stood up. He ran inside and hugged me instantly, pecking my lips again and again. Oscar came out from the car and grinned.

"It's too early to be lovely isn't it?" Oscar teased. I blushed and buried my face in Ken's chest as Oscar kept on teasing and laughed at us.Ken snickered and teased Oscar back and before he had the chance to tease us back, Ken pulled me away and suddenly, he shifted and I'm clenching on his fur as he ran as fast as he could in the forest.

A gasp of surprise left my lips as my hair slapped my cheek and neck.This is how fast werewolf can run? Wow.... my vision is not clear but not exactly blur too. I can see the details of the forest even though Ken's running in his wolf speed. Even I can't run this fast. A giggle of excitement left my lips and I squealed when Ken suddenly skidded to a stop and sniffed. My excitement immediately died down and I jumped off Ken and started sniffing too.

Ken growled in disagreement and I smiled sheepishly. We stood still and silence enveloped us like darkness. No sound, not even the sound of tree leaves ruffling. The scent of rogues is strong here. Like they just passed by. A chill ran down my spine and I ran back to Ken and clunched onto his fur.

"Let's go back Ken.. it's.. unbearable here."

Dun dun dun! Cliff hanger! So, why are the rogues are so eager to invade their territory? Soon! It will be revealed! Glad they made up though *^w^* I can't handle fights since I really really hate fights but hey , there will always be ups and downs in our life! That's why I love to write story of girls being strong and I believe those who had been hurt in every way will always find a light and a reason to stand up. :) ANYWAY! Stay tune for the next chapter! 

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