Chapter 14

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It's official. We are going to have a war with rogues. Rogues had kidnapped Luna Kira and Mina. They left a note, saying that is a payback for not letting them take away the young one. Saying stuff like, failed to take the young one as a warning, we will take the important one for war. Not to mention, our mate mind link were cut as soon as Mina got grabbed away.

Alpha Ryu grumbled, still missing Luna Kira and both of us are not doing well. Mina was captured to lure Luna Kira out when we're on patrol. I had no idea how did they managed to cover their scents and passed our patrol without us knowing. Walking into the gym, I stared at the sandbag. A vision of Mina stood in front of the sandbag and started punching it out of her life. A small sad smile appeared on my lips and arms wrapped around my shoulder. I immediately turned around, hoping it's Mina but no... it's Alissa and Oscar.

My shoulder slumped and all feelings crashed into me make me buried my face in Alissa's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me while Oscar patted my back, saying some calm words. Alissa just let me cry on her shoulder as Mina's helpless voice called me.

"K-Ken!?"Mina's helpless voice came into my mind as Alpha Ryu and some of the pack warriors doing a patrol with me. I skidded to a stop and listened to Mina, not noticing Alpha Ryu and the rest stopped too.

"Mina?What's wrong!?"

"The rogues! They are back! North Ken. He's with---" Mina's voice got cut off and I yelled for her, getting anxious and my wolf growled. How did they ran passed our patrol!? Suddenly Alpha Ryu growled and started running North, all of us followed and I growled.


"Oh my gosh Ken! They are working with wa---" Her voice got cut off again and my running pace got faster. As we got there, rogues were all around and pack warriors and men are fighting against rogues. Females and children are inside the pack house. I sniffed and killed those rogues that are in my way and Alpha Ryu and I chased after the rogues that got our mates. I heard the screams and yells.

I let out a furious howl and increased my pace...

But we are too late, we are left with a drop of Luna Kira's blood.

"I let her down again Alissa.. I didn't protect her!" I yelled frustrated in a hoarse voice. Alissa cooed me, shaking her head in disagreement. Suddenly Oscar pulled me away from Alissa and punched me right in the face. Alissa gasped and yelled.

"Oscar! Oh my!" Alissa ran towards me and I groaned, holding myself up.Alissa held my swollen cheek and gasped.

"Oscar why did you do that!?" Alissa shierked. Oscar ignored her and stomped towards me and grabbed my collar.

"You can cry all you want but Mina is fighting out there! You said you let her down! But I saw the way Mina's look! I saw the way she look at you! Even times like this, I knew, she believes in you. Even after you let her down, she believes in you! So why the heck are you crying over here and do nothing!? She's waiting for you to save her!"Oscar growled at me with rage in his eyes. Instantly, I saw the protectiveness of Mina in his eyes. My shoulder slumped and Oscar let go of the grip on my collar. Lying on my back, everything Oscar said was true.

She didn't leave me after I failed to protect her twice. I still can feel the love she has for me. I let out a loud sigh and wiped my tears before placing my palm on my eyes. I went through my mind and think everything I can. How did they got through our patrol without us noticing and how did they cover up their scent? I groaned and walked away from Alissa and Oscar. Still in my thoughts. But I didn't miss the smile that curled up on Oscar's lips. Walking into the kitchen, I took the ice and placed them in a bag before applying on my swollen cheek.

I just walked aimlessly around the house. I could even hear the crash from the Alpha's office. This became a serious and big war, even the previous Alpha and Alphas from the other pack came. I walked towards our room and my heart clenched in pain. My wolf howled, missing our mate. My foot slammed into a shelf all of the sudden and I didn't notice it at all. I cursed and picked up all the things that fell.

But one thing caught my attention. The word on the book.


I took it and flipped it open. It has date on it and all serious and important events were written down. I stopped at one page and I grimaced, remembering the day she got harassed by some shit guy and we got into an argument. Reading every page of her diary is like she's right beside me, telling me her day and her feelings. A smile tugged on my lips as I read about her day and her innocent thinking. Someone knocked on our door, snapped me out from my day dream.

"What are you smiling at?" Alpha Ryu's voice rang through the room. I just shook my head and passed him Mina's diary. He looked worn out and bags are under his eyes. I bet I looked the same as Alpha Ryu. He took the diary from me and opened, chuckling at some pages.

"That's Mina for you." Alpha Ryu chuckled softly.

"Yeah..She's a ball of energy when she's happy.... I missed her already."I whispered at the end, cupping my face with my own hands. Alpha Ryu patted my back and sighed. He sound so much older when he sighed with his looks. Alpha Ryu just flipped through her diary and gave me back.Soon, we're summoned to the office. Alpha Ryu and I walked towards his office with grabbing her diary.

"Dad, Alpha Chase, Alpha Ramson, Alpha Peyton." Alpha Chase is the youngest among all Alphas that came to help. He's twenty five, Alpha of Red Cresent pack. Alpha Ramson, Alpha of Fang pack is the oldest, probably the same age as Alpha Ryu's dad and Alpha Peyton, Alpha of MoonChain pack is in his late fourty. We greeted the Alphas before taking a seat. With the book, everyone noticed it.

"What's that Ken?" Alpha Syur, Alpha Ryu's dad asked.

Pass it to him. My wolf said. I said nothing and just passed it to him. I didn't know why I didn't answer him but my wolf just asked me to do it. Alpha Syur stared at me weirdly but comment nothing as he took Mina's diary. As soon as he opened her diary, a small smile tugged on his lips. He flipped page by page and he seemed to be really into it as Alpha Ryu started discussing basements and warehouses.

He's really reading it? I asked my wolf. My wolf just nudged his head as we continued to stare at Alpha Syur. Suddenly he jumped, slamming her diary, managing a growl from us but he ignored it.

"Alpha Syur?" The other Alpha called.

"That's it. Why didn't we thought of that? Warlocks." Alpha Syur said as he stared all of us. I frowned and took the diary from him and read the page. The other Alphas joined in with me as our eyes scanned through every curvy words from Mina.

... I'm just sad that my mate didn't understand me at that moment. He believe what he saw instead of believing in... you know, me. I know it's a moment of heat but it still hurts. I'm not a full werewolf. The damn warlock pinning me is not helping and he used his magic to weaken me.I wouldn't have know he's a warlock if he didn't use the magic on me and him telling me he's one. But I should have try harder. I should have fight the warlock with all my strength instead of standing there in fear.

I stopped reading with my mouth gapped open. That incident still hurt both of us and I made sure that it's not going to repeat again. I looked up to Alpha Syur and he grinned. Staring at her diary, a small smile appeared on our face. Thank you Mina.

"Son,we have a call to make."

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