Chapter X: Mates All Around

Start from the beginning

Ashton suddenly jumped up, making me fall over. I was about to start yelling at him when I saw him running over to a girl that had been heading inside. He got down on one knee and held up his half eaten ring pop. "Will you marry me?"

The girl with mahogany hair and pale skin stood still with shock. At first, she didn't know what to do. 

"Oh my God, just yes yes already! I want to start training!" Erin yelled at the poor girl.

She glanced over at Erin who was, again, face down on the ground, not able to see anything.

"Just ignore her. Everyone else does." Lulu called over.

"I would get up and kick your butt right now, if One: I wasn't sore, and Two: this patch of grass didn't smell so good." She said.

Everyone, excpet for Erin, looked back over at Ashton and the girl. A big goofy smile broke out on my brother's face when the girl shyly nodded her head.

He jumped to his feet and kissed her cheek. "I'm Ashton, what's your name?"


"Well, Kes, would you like to skip class with me and go to the candy store to get you a different ring pop?" Ashton asked.

"Mr. Sin, you cannot skip class. This is important." Mr. Benton told him.

"I'm getting married! My future wife needs a new ring! If you have anything against that, take it up with Alpha Sin."  He growled. "That's my dad, if you needed a clue." He wrapped an arm around Kes's shoulder and started walking towards the front gates of the school.

He sighed and turned back to us. "Like I was saying before hand..."

I tuned him out and turned to Andon, who was staring off in the direction his twin had gone. I patted him lightly on the shoulder and smiled when he looked at me. His face was etched with a mixture of sadness and longing. I knew how he felt. The same thing happened when Sienna found Jaxon.

"I bet you'll find your mate soon." I whispered. "You do have that weird twin bond. You two are just like us triplets. Everything you two do, even if it is seperatly, happens in the same day."

When I turned back to start "listening" to what the dean was saying, Erin sprung to life. "He acts like he's fucking sex deprived. I'm going to kick that boy's ass." She stomped her way into the school. 

Lulu shook hid head, laughter bubbling from his lips. I just sat there, a little confused until everything clicked. Eww...  Wait. I was even more confused now. How would Erin know that her mate was doing the five knuckle shuffle? The question must have been written all over my face, because Lulu's eyes widdened. 

"You can feel your mate's emotions after a few weeks of meeting. It can happen sooner when one of them is either the Alpha or Beta." It sounded like he was just saying it out loud to himself, like he had just realized it.

"So when will that happen to us?" I asked hesitantly.

"In the next day or so." 

My eyes widdened. "I swear to God if you spank your monkey when that starts, I'm going to murder you!"

Lulu's cheeks tinted pink and he avoided eye contact.

The bell rang, saving the dean from having to deal with all of us any longer. Lulu and I made our way back to the gym locker rooms so we could change back into our uniforms. When we got into Mrs. Honey's class, Ashton was there smiling like a madman. Andon had his head on the desk while he tried not to listen to his twin rambled on and on to Sienna about his mate. Lulu and I sat on the other side of the room as all of them. After our first day in this class, Mrs. Honey has told me that she prefers me to sit away from my siblings. Stone sulked in the room.  He's been acting strange since taking Wendy's side. I don't think he likes the choice he made. He sat near the front, away from all of us.

"Alright," Mrs. Honey said, gaining everyone's attention. "Today, there are a few wolves that are in their second year, that are coming into class to show you a few things. One is that changing doesn't hurt as much after the first year. The pain you feel now, will be cut in about half, depending on your ranking. The lower your ranking, the faster and less painful your change will be. When you are a high rank, your changes take more time and are, unfortunately, still pretty painful. Even if you are just the mate to a high ranking wolf, your changes act as if you too are high ranking."

Ashton's hand shot into the air.


"What if you are sibling to the Alpha and to the female Beta that has a chance of being Alpha?" He asked.

"Well, then your changes will be just as painful as they are now."

He glared down at his desk for a moment before getting that easy grin back on his face. The door to the class room opened and four people piled in. I recognized Trace and Eddy-- or Wardy as I have decided to call him. The other two, I didn't know. They were both girls that I've seen a couple times in the halls. One had bleached blonde hair and the other had natural blonde hair.

Even from across the room, I knew there was something going on with Andon. He stiffened in his chair and stared directly at Trace. His eyes widened. Trace glanced over in his direction and froze. Oh. My. Jeeznuz. I think there is something Andon forgot to tell us. Ashton glanced behind him, to his twin. He gave him a weird look before focusing back on Mrs. Honey. I stood from my seat fast enough to knock it over. Everyone jumped from surprise. I raced over to Andon, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him passed everyone where I fisted Trace's hair. I forced them both out into the hall, Mrs. Honey calling after me. I knew Lulu would try to follow me so I shot him a back-up look.

When I let go of the two boys, they looked at me as if I'd grown another head. "Don't give me those looks. Nothing that goes on in my family goes unoticed by me."

"Except for when Stone found his mate." Andon pointed out.

 I slapped him, earning a low growl from Trace. "I thought you were the smarter twin! Don't back talk me!"

"Okay, okay..." He said, rubbing his cheek.

I turned my stare onto Trace. "And you! Don't you dare growl at me. You'll learn, that when it comes to the Sin siblings, I'm the brute force, and you don't want to get on my bad side."

"Yes ma'am." He said with a sarcastic salute.

I smacked him too. Andon started to growl, but my glare stopped him.

"Can we go back into class now?" My idiot brother asked.

"No!" I snapped. "You two are going to go on a walk and talk about how you're going to tell both of our parents that your mates."

"How--" Trace started.

"Like I said, I notice everything that goes on in my family." I said. "If I see either of you lurking around the class or even this hall, I will eat your hearts raw." I spun on my heel and entered the class room.

Mrs. Honey gave me an aproving smile as I walked passed her. She knew exactly what just happened between my brother and Trace. It was a little weird that Andon was gay. Its not like I have anything against it... I just never thought that it would happen. Now that I think about it, They are kind of cute together.

"What was that about?" Lulu questioned when I righted my chair and sat down. 

A smile lit up my face. "My stone faced brother just found his other half."

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