5:47 pm

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the tired boys layed in ryan's bed, brendon tracing shapes into ryan's the exposed skin on ryan's back. brendon watches as ryan looks like he's slowly drifting to sleep, the warmth of brendon's body not helping. ryan felt like he could lay there for years on end, but all good things must come to an end for even better things to begin.
"i'm gonna have to go home soon." brendon whispered, laughing lightly as he felt ryan's grip tighten on him.
"but you're so warm." ryan whined.

brendon kissed the space between ryan's neck and shoulder lovingly with a smile, "believe me, i don't want to leave." they layed there for another ten minutes before brendon and ryan started getting dressed slowly. ryan may have sneakily put on brendon's shirt instead of his own, "are you wearing my shirt?" okay, he wasn't very sneaky.

ryan blushed and nodded, the shirt wasn't much bigger than the ones ryan wore. "looks cute." brendon smiled as ryan smiled back with the same wide grin. "are you sure you have to go?" ryan asked. "very sure," brendon rolled his eyes as he showed ryan the many texts from his mother. as he turned his phone he got another text message, assuming its from his mother. ryan quickly grabs his phone from his hands, brendon confused sits next to where ryan was on the bed. "dallon texted you." ryan said quickly reading the text.

dallon: where are you?

it wasn't very incriminating but ryan didn't like it any less, dallon shouldn't be texting his boyfriend. ryan quickly went to type a response, but stopped looking to brendon, is still his phone. brendon looked back and nodded.

brendon: none of your business
brendon: leave me alone

ryan texted and locked brendon's phone leaning against his front. "sorry." brendon whispered, looking at the slightly distressed ryan. "it's okay, it's not your fault anyway." ryan smiled at him reassuring brendon with a small kiss to his lips. "i'm gonna talk to dallon soon, let him know what you told me, that okay?" ryan asked still basking in the presence of brendon and his forehead.

"yeah, that's really good actually." brendon smiled. his phone buzzed in ryan's hand, his mother was calling. brendon was getting his shoes on at the time, "can you answer for me?" brendon asked tying up one of his shoes. ryan nodded, bringing the phone to his ear, "hi mrs. urie." ryan spoke meekly.

grace calmed knowing that brendon had someone with him, and she smiled realizing it was ryan. "ryan! how are you? i haven't heard from you in ages, you should come for dinner soon." grace spoke happily, making ryan smile along. "i've been good, how about you?" the two carry a small conversation for five minutes as brendon watches fondly. "can i speak to brendon dear? haven't heard from him all day." grace asked politely, ryan hummed and said goodbye to grace.

"hi mom." brendon winced as she raised her voice at him, telling him that he was supposed to be home hours ago. "sorry- yes- i'll be home soon-yes-sorry sorry, i'll leave now." brendon hung up quickly and rolled his eyes as he put his phone in his back pocket.

ryan laughed at the tall boy, "i'll see you at school?" he asked bringing the raven haired boy downstairs to the door. "yeah, want me pick you up?" brendon asked slipping his jacket on. ryan nodded with a button nose smile, "yeah."

brendon nodded, "ok see you later-" brendon kissed ryan sweetly, "love you." he whispered with a smile as he saw ryan blush, "love you too, bye." ryan closed the door as he watched brendon disappear down the street.

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