11:35 pm

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bigboyry has changed your contact name!
urielectric has changed your contact name!
urielectric has changed his contact name

daddy: this name is a lot better than 'bden'
ryro: um no
ryro has changed your contact name!
bden: aw :(
ryro: i like this one better
bden: if you like it,
bden: i hate it
ryro: you're mean to me
bden: oh shh baby boy
bden: big boy*
bden: oops
ryro: are you at gerard's party??
bden: yes?
ryro: i think i see you
bden: really?
bden: come over then
ryro: no
ryro: i barely know you
bden: cmon you asked for nudes
ryro: i didn't mean to
bden: cmon fuck boy
bden: i'll come to you
ryro: i'll be over here
read 11:40 pm

bden: who are you with?
bden: he seems really close to you
bden: i don't like it
bden: he's touching you, and kissing you
bden: i think it's your friend
bden: dallon?
bden: pick up your god damn phone
bden: ryan
bden: i don't like the way he looks at you, with hunger and lust. he doesn't care for you, when you wake up he won't be there to hold you like i would. i don't like the way you're looking back, you should be looking at me like that. i should stop you two, it's not right. if he dares to touch your ass i'm going over there and punching him.
bden: here goes nothing.
messages not delivered! please make sure you have a wifi connection!

and that's what brendon did, he turned his phone off and walked towards ryan, planning on scooping him up in his cute little shirt and tight pants. his furry beamed from his eyes, if looks could kill, dallon would be on the floor with every bone broken. he stared at dallon with such anger that came from no where. he disregarded the fact that what he was doing was irrational, he only knew ryan for a week for fucks sake, but his chest burned when he thought of ryan being with someone else. he felt his hands begin to ache from holding his fists like that.

"hey! dallon right?" brendon said pushing him by the shoulder forcefully, making the two pull apart from each other. brendon knew dallon, he had secrets from 4 years ago that could kill him if he wanted to use them against him. dallon's hands retracting from ryan's frame, brendon's jaw clenched when he saw ryan's lips being slightly swollen, "brendon what're you-" brendon cut ryan off by giving dallon a grin and holds him by the shoulders firmly. "dallon! let's have a chat, yeah?" brendon has his jaw locked and teeth gritted. dallon nodded suddenly infatuated with the sight of him, completely forgetting that he was just making out with his best friend.

"ryan, stay here i'll be back."

"alright listen here, bud. stay away from ryan got that?! you put your hands on him i'll fucking beat your ass, got it. stay away from him!" brendon said that all within a hard push against the brick wall of the house the party was being held in.
"if you touch him like that. ever. again, i'll rip you apart you understand?" brendon said pushing him hard against the chest, knocking the air from his lungs.
"i said: do you understand?!" he repeated, determined to get an answer out of dallon. dallon nodded rapidly wanting to get out of his former teammate's grip but living the sensation of their skin touching.

with the confirmation brendon wanted he pushed off of dallon and walked back inside determined to get ryan home, into bed where he could rest, maybe brendon would be able to stay and hold ryan for a while.

he went to walk inside only to find ryan sitting on the porch a cup in his hands and his eyes hooded as he moved his eyes to look at brendon. a soft smile playing on his face, "hi." he giggled at brendon, curling up on the chair that gerard's parents had set up to watch the sunset on the weekends. brendon smiled lightly at the intoxicated boy.

"hey ryan." he said softly to him crouching down to his level wanting to meet his eyes, trying to give him a sense of comfort and protection.
"can i take you home?" brendon asked calmly to the boy shorter boy who seemed to be falling asleep as they spoke. ryan simply nodded and stuck his arms out, he wanted to be carried.

brendon didn't even blink an eye before grabbing ryan behind the back and under his knees, pulling him close to his chest. ryan wrapped his arms around brendon's neck, moaning in comfort. brendon didn't find it sexual at all, i fact he found it cute, finding himself smile in fondness.

"okay, i'm gonna take you home and we'll have a nice sleep, sound good?" brendon whispered into ryan's ear, to have him nod against his shoulder a squeak sounding from the high of his throat.


brendon tucked ryan into his bed after taking his day clothes off and changing him into a pair of sweats and a plain t-shirt. brendon couldn't believe he ever thought ryan was a fuck boy, he acted like a kitten, he swore sometimes he could hear ryan pur, but that didn't bother brendon, he loved the way he reacted to brendon doing... anything really. "okay love, go to bed. i'll be downstairs." brendon didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, especially while he was piss drunk but, to brendon's surprise, ryan shot up, grabbing onto brendon's wrist, "stay." was all he was able to mutter out being so tired.

brendon didn't protest, what kind of person would say no to that, his brown doe eyes making him melt even more.
"alright. whatever you want." brendon smiled, having already being changed, he climbed into bed, opposite of ryan.
"thanks." he heard ryan say before the brunet was curled up into his chest, brendon felt a warm sensation in his chest, "for what?" brendon inquired, loving the softness of ryan's voice against the exposed skin of his collar bone. "taking me home, i really wanted to go home with you." ryan yawned his mind slipping into dream land. brendon only smiled to ryan's words happy that he felt the same.

brendon felt his own eyes fall heavy and he kissed ryan on the top of the head before wrapping a secure arm around him, falling asleep with thoughts of a beautiful boy dancing in his mind with a timid smile on his face.

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