4:20 am

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( a '|' after a sentence means message wasn't sent, as in he was typing)
urielectric: hey
urielectric: it's 4:20
urielectric: blaze it
urielectric: i'm really high atm

bigboyry: i can tell

urielectric: you should totally come over
urielectric: it would be sick

bigboyry: i barely know you dude

urielectric: :(

bigboyry: ?

urielectric: you won't come over and you called me dude

bigboyry: why are you getting high at 4 in the morning

urielectric: lonely
urielectric: why are you uk at 4 in the morning?
urielectric: woah, déjà vu

bigboyry: i was actually hanging out with someone
bigboyry: they've fallen asleep now but

urielectric: oh.
urielectric: who?

bigboyry: dallon
bigboyry: the really lanky one

urielectric: yeah
urielectric: i know him

bigboyry: he's a cute sleeper

urielectric: who tops? |
urielectric: why where you guys up so late?

bigboyry: had a giant friends marathon.

urielectric: oh

bigboyry: are you alone?

urielectric: that's why i'm up

bigboyry: right

urielectric: you should still come over

bigboyry: i would
bigboyry: but i don't want to
bigboyry: and dallon gives great cuddles

urielectric: i bet i give better ones |
urielectric: that's gay

bigboyry: yeah, no duh

urielectric: you're quite the character
urielectric: one moment you're asking for nudes the next your cuddles up with your boyfriend

bigboyry: woah
bigboyry: dallon is not my boyfriend

urielectric: he's not?

bigboyry: god no!
bigboyry: i mean
bigboyry: i would consider it
bigboyry but i think he's got his eye on someone else

urielectric: if he thinks about touching you i'll break his fingers |
urielectric: oh, that's cool

bigboyry: i'm tired, goodnight brendon

urielectric: night

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