8:15 pm

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bigboyry: there's this party at my friends place but idk if i should go

urielectric: i'll be there

bigboyry: do you even know the kid

urielectric: probably not
urielectric: but i'll protect you

bigboyry: i never asked for protection
bigboyry: jut didn't know if i should go

urielectric: oh so you like it raw

bigboyry: stop that

urielectric: don't tell me what to do
urielectric: so are you gonna go

bigboyry: yeah i guess
bigboyry: my friend dallon is kinda making me go

urielectric: who's dallon?

bigboyry: he's the one who made me start talking to you |
bigboyry: a friend

urielectric: what kind of friend

bigboyry: and that's your business how?

urielectric: was just wondering
urielectric: what's dallon's last name?

bigboyry: weekes
bigboyry: you know him.
bigboyry: i've told you about him

urielectric: yeah yeah
urielectric: i think he used to play on my soccer team

bigboyry: you played soccer?
bigboyry: never would have thought

urielectric: yeah
urielectric: i stopped after i got hurt

bigboyry: how'd you get hurt

urielectric: dallon accidentally hit me and i fell
urielectric: my knee cap kinda slipped out of place
urielectric: and i've been scared ever since

bigboyry: jesus christ
bigboyry: that sucks

urielectric: yeah but i'm over it

bigboyry: i would say something
bigboyry: but i won't
bigboyry: it's not my job to make you feel better

urielectric: and who's job is that?

bigboyry: your boyfriend
bigboyry: unless you don't have one then i guess i could fill in |

urielectric: i don't have a boyfriend
urielectric: you could be |
urielectric: sooo

bigboyry: rip

urielectric: your supposed to say something like
urielectric: "yes you do. me"

bigboyry: i didn't say that tho
bigboyry: force it out of me |
bigboyry: force it out of me

urielectric: you'd like that wouldn't you

bigboyry: shIt

urielectric: but it did
urielectric: and i mean
urielectric: i'm down

bigboyry: stop talking to me
bigboyry: let me die in embarrassment

urielectric: no
urielectric: but just so you know
urielectric: i'll get it out of you one day
urielectric: ;))))

bigboyry: go home you're drunk

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