23. Teenagers...On Wattpad...

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Since I've basically yakked about my adorable students for at least three chapters and the fact that you're reading this means you probably read them, I will not be talking about my students this chapter.

Instead, I will be talking about Wattpad

There are more than a million people using Wattpad, whether it be on app or on computer, and if you stop to think of that it's actually pretty mind blowing since I was a toddler at the time where PHS's were used.

Or maybe it's because I literally have zero social media accounts.
I've never really seen any use in them.

Anyway, I love clicking on comment sections because personally I'm not really bothered by spoilers and I don't get mad easily even if I see an idiotic comment. I'm literally just amused.

So, I click.

I see an user stating their age. They were 13.


I see another user replying to that enthusiastically, overjoyed that they're the same age.


ANOTHER reply is below that, and since the sentence they had commented on was something along the lines of
'12 year olds are not fully capable of controlling their actions.' (I agree to an extent.), that user had exclaimed it was a good thing because they were all 13.

Yeah? You see my amusement?

I don't know, maybe I've forgotten how much one year of age can mean to you when you're around that age, but what I thought as I read those comments was,

"You're all 13. That's like 12 plus a bit of hair."

Not in English, my thoughts are normally Japanese.
But, I hope you can understand when I say that I find these things adorable.
Enjoy your innocence while it lasts.

Then, you see the high schoolers. And the junior high schoolers that are trying to stand on the tip of their toes so they can look big and strong.

I've always thought the system in America was strange. I mean, you have 5 years of elementary school, 4 years of junior high, and 3 years of high school?
You just throw in kids that haven't even turned 12 to the same place 15 year olds are?
What, do you want them to feel insecure all the time?

In Japan, we have 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of junior high, and 3 years of high school.

I don't know, I personally feel like that's better.

I don't know, I thought this was a reason why students in my country don't abruptly start cussing at someone you don't know on the internet.

Or maybe it's the environment?
Adults are cussing all the time in front of children so kids being kids, think it's so cool.

Naturally, kids want to grow up, so they do what the 'grown ups' do.

They cuss.

But the problem is, that they don't have a vocabulary for cussing so it's always a flurry of overused boring words.

Which is why I think it's so adorable.

I work with high school students that are the most politest thing you can get.

And then I see a person that suddenly lashes out like a baby animal that doesn't 'think' of what it's claws are for.

Voila, I give you an extremely amused Noise.

And when I'm amused, I can get pretty irritating because using words and sentences in my favor is what I study.

You can be sure I will nitpick at every single letter you typed, that I will look through your history and find mismatching statements, and that I will never, ever lose my temper.

Well, not every time because sometimes it's best to just tickle them and see their reactions. That's fun.

I will simply look at your reply with a smile on my lips and chuckles from my throat, bidding you good day and actually meaning it.

Look before you jump, my friend.


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