Haha sorry...

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Fuck me and my indecisiveness! Okay guys! Here's the Brand new extra fresh update on what I'm doing with the BCIB series.

My friend convinced me that I should put and effort to edit it and make it readable and to continue the second book.

B-b-buuut! I am going to wait to start the sequel up until I'm finished editing the first book.

Sorry about my back and fourth of weather I should delete it or not.

And here is my final statement:

I will not delete the books. They've helped me get through so much I started writing them when I was Eleven and now I'm 16. The love and support I get from you guys is amazing. I don't get that type of appreciation from family or friends.

So thank you guys for bearing with my shitty writing moments and still saying that you love it. It honestly means the world to me.

Whew, that's enough sappy shit!

Anywhore peace,


Be careful I bite (a Naruto fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ