Chappie 15

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"Ah, unicorn poop."

I quickly ran away and hid behind a tree.I look behind the tree to see Sasuke throwing Shuriken with wires on them.'Crap if I move mask will come off an- shit my mask!' I quickly shut my eyes as the wires wrap around me.

'Fuck! I took too long to think.' I heard footsteps coming closer to me. "Duckbutt get me my mask now!"I yelled at him.

"Why are you closing your eyes?" Then suddenly my eyes started burning.'Why now Jashin, help me!!'

"Misumi blood is coming out of your eyes, open them!"He yelled in a concerned voice. "GET ME MY MASK FIRST!!"I heard him run off to who knows where.

Five minutes later he came back and cut the wire."My mask?"I asked holding out my hand with my eyes still closed. I felt the smooth wood in my hand and quickly put it on. 'Ah that feels better,' I thought in my head.

"What was that?"He questioned my behavior. "For me to know and for you to shut up."He gave me a curious look and said,"Hn."

"Gee, what great vocabulary," And with that, I walk back to a now awake Naruto and Sakura."Where were you?" Sakura asked.

"Well I came and you guys were asleep so I scared duckbutt and he chased me, he should be here in a second," To prove my point Sasuke came out of the same direction I came from. After this is over I seriously need to talk to the Hokage.

Be careful I bite (a Naruto fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora