Chapter 13

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It had been 3 months since the accident. Linda's wounds had been healing, but still had not woken up. Scarlett only left her side to go to school. She always told Linda about her day and hoped each and every day she would wake up. It was Linda's birthday today and Scarlett made her usual visit.

**Scarlett's POV**

"It's my Linda's birthday!! She's the big 16! " I called out as I walked into her room. I had bought her a fresh bouquet of carnations, her favorite flower. I set them down in a vase by her head and sat down right next to her. "Linda, you'll be better so soon and I can't wait. You're looking a lot better. All those little cuts on your face are all cleared up and you look gorgeous for your big day" I rambled on and on like I normally did, trying not to cry. She was the last person who deserved this. All I want is for her to wake up and talk again. I need my best friend again. I want to hear her voice again, her laughter while we tell stupid jokes back and forth. I need her. "...and Crispin has been asking about you. Not really sure who he is though." Linda's hand moved in mine when I said his name. My emotions went crazy and all I could do was just stare at her. "Crispin says he wishes you a happy birthday." I say, bracing myself for her to move again. She didn't. Maybe it was a coincidence? No way. " I'll be right back Linda, I'm going to go call someone." I set her hand down gently and run out of the room. I pull out my phone and call my friend, Jamie. She answers almost immediately. "Jamie! I need you to tell Crispin to come to Linda's room at the hospital." Jamie paused before she replied. "Uh, why?" She asked "Just do it! It's important! Please!" She was so skeptical and at times like this, it was annoying. "Okay Scarlett.. I'll go tell him and text you when he leaves." And she hung up the phone. I went back to Linda's room and sat next to her. Now all I had to do was wait.

About 20 minutes later, Jamie sent me a text that Crispin was on his way. I couldn't hold down my excitement. I waited outside of Linda's room for him. When he walked out of the elevator, I ran toward him and dragged him to her room. Just before we went in, I told him to talk to her just like he normally would. He looked at me skeptically, but obeyed none the less. As he walked in, he paused when he saw her. After a few moments, he kept walking and pulled up a chair next to her. I sat on the opposite side of her and just watched Linda's hand as he spoke to her. "Hey Linda, uh, it's been a while. Happy birthday, kiddo. I wish you could spend it in a better place than this.." My smile broadened the longer he kept talking. Her fingers would move, her pulse was increasing slightly. I don't know how much this kid means to her, but she responds to him. Crispin must have picked up on this too, because he started smirking and talking more. "'re so beautiful. Wish you could see it. I saw it the very first day I met you. I really miss you." Crispin said. Her mouth twitched into a small smile and her cheeks went rosy. She could hear him. Why did this kid mean so much to her? "Linda, I really love your eyes. They always show how you feel. When you're in pain, when you're happy. You really should open them again soon. We all miss them, especially me, darling." As soon as he called her darling, my breath stopped when Linda's eyes slowly fluttered open.

Intoxicated LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora