Chapter 3

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I walked over to the table and sat down. She looked up at me and smiled. I glanced away, half smile all I could give. "I know that look.. What happened?" She reached over the table and touched my hand. I sighed an began telling her about my day. She looked slightly pissed but mostly concerned as I talked about last period. When I finished I leaned back and stared at my hands. "That kid sounds nice.. But typical high school bitches." She said "if you want, I could cut her" she said as a evil smile spread across her lips. I giggled and punched her arm lightly. "No cutting people today, what did the crazy doctor tell you" I winked. The lunch bell rang an we went our separate ways. It turned out we both had 7th period together. My day was pretty good until I started walking home.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A repulsive bitch on the side of the road." Candice's voice sounded behind me. I rolled my eyes and began walking faster, trying to get far away from her bitchy comments. " aw look! She's running away! Maybe her mommy can save her! Oh wait.. Her mommy left her! Said when even your own mother doesn't want to be around you." Candice yelled and began laughing. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, fists clenched, teeth grinding. I whipped around, dropping my things on the ground. " what the FUCK did you just say!?" I screamed at her, all common sense long gone. Candice stopped walking, the smile disappearing off her face. This was the first time I've ever reacted to her comments and she wasn't enjoying it anymore. "What the fuck did you say!?" I repeat myself as I walked toward her, clearly fuming. "I..I.." she stuttered while looking around "That's what i fucking thought!" my fist flying at her perfect little face.

I'd never hit someone in my entire life, but it felt pretty damn good. Right about now, we had drawn a sizable crowd, everyone speechless. Candice's friends crowded around her, trying to help her up. I turned around and walked away, waiting for the new drama and bullshit I would start hearing. I picked up my bag and started walking home. As soon as I turned the corner, I heard her scream at me. "You better not show your face at school tomorrow you psychotic bitch! I'll make your life a living hell!" i kept mosing home, ignoring what she said. The farther I walked, the more her comments about me taunted me. My shoulders began to shake, and I started bawling.

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