Chapter 11

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**Scarlett"s POV**

"Chloe! I know your sister turns everyone on! but you're the one I wantt!!" My ringtone rudely inturrupting my slumber. 'Ugh, who the hell is calling me at three in the morning' I thought as I rolled over to answer the phone. "Hello?" I croaked into the phone. Wow, so that's what I sound like at three in the morning? Gross. "Hello, is this Scarlett Winters?" It was a woman, she sounded pretty tense. "Yes..?" I said confused on how she got my number. "This is Memorial Hospital, your friend Linda Hathomire was in our emergency care center and has been in a coma for several hours. The person who accompanied her has requested that you were to be contacted." I almost dropped the phone, my heart skipped a beat. "She's..what?" I stuttered into the phone. "She's on the 5th floor, room 518 sweetie." she hesitated before continuing "She..She's in a coma." It hadn't clicked before, but now it was clear as day. "I'm on my way!" I said as I hung up and ran to get ready. My addrenaline was pounding through my body. 'How could this happen!?' I screamed at myself as I pulled on a decent pair of jeans, almost falling over. A million things ran through my head as I grabbed my keys and sped out to my car. 'She's always so cautious! How..' I thought as I turned the keys in the ignition. The speed limit was the last thing on my mind as I drove to the hospital.

I pulled into the parking lot, searching for a parking spot as close to the hospital as possible. My car makes a sharp left into a stall and I turn the ignition off as soon as I stopped. I got out, slammed my door shut and locked the doors as I sprinted to the entrance. As soon as I was through the doors, I was running at full speed, ignoring the secretary at the front desk yelling for me to sign in. I must have pressed the "up" button in the elevators a million times. Finally one came down and I jumped on. I pressed the "5" and leaned against the wall, out of breath. The wait to go up was by far the worst part if this entire experience. All the anxiety and worry I had was ten times worst at this point. I had no idea what to expect. "Level 5" the elevator voice rang as the doors slowly opened. I took a deep breath and walked out. I started walking down the hall, looking for her room. "515..516...517... Ok.. Here it is.." I whispered to myself. I stopped a few feet from the door and tried to calm myself down. I held my breath as I walked in....

I dropped my keys onto the ground as soon as I saw her, a small squeal escaping my throat. My best friend, beautiful Linda, laying in front of me helpless, bruised, cut and broken. Her leg was bandaged, as was her head, arm, and opposite ankle. Tubes, iv fluid, and machines were attached all over her. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces as I looked at her. I couldn't control the flow of tears coming to my eyes. My shoulders crumpled, and I started crying. I almost didn't notice Tristan sitting next to her, holding her hand.

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