Chapter 1

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I sat down in my seat and got my things organized. My Black Veil Brides bag was filled with all my school supplies because I refused to get a stupid locker. Prices were through the roof and it's a waste of energy having to go to it all the time. Mrs. Green settled at her small, cluttered desk as the bell rang. She gave one of those "hi, I'm the nicest teacher ever" smiles. She started talking about materials needed, criteria for the class, and things I honestly couldn't care less about. I began zoning out and occasionally staring out the window to my left. "Excuse me!" She blurted out rather loudly causing my was to snap my head toward her. " you will pay attention when I am speaking miss..?" Oh god, here we go again. " Linda Hathomire ma'am." A couple people laughed and few started whispering. Mrs Green looked at me sternly and continued talking to the class about her expectations of us.

The bell ran and it was time to head off to second period. I hadn't seen Scarlett all day and hoped I would soon. My day was slowly turning horrible. I walked into my science class and sat down in the first seat open. I stared at the door hoping Scarlett would walk in, but no sign of her as the bell rang. All through out the day I hoped to see her and I was continuously disappointed. It was fifth period and I was heading off toward my mythology class. As I entered, Mr. Ellis greeted me for my second year. I wasn't exactly a teachers pet, but I was one of his favorite students by far. We had fun and goofed off mostly because I knew so much about mythology already. He showed me to my seat and whispered "saved it just for you" as he walked away. I put my bag down on top of the desk and I heard it.

"Oh look, it's the freak of the school back for another year." I jerked my head around to see Candice Ractsome standing behind me with her little group. Candice is the most popular girl in school and if I may say so myself, a major slut. She sneered at me when I looked at her and I looked down at the ground blushing. "Aw, someone's embarrassed! Look how red she is.!" She taunted. I clenched my fists so tight my nails were digging into my skin. I knew I shouldn't start anything but this bitch was asking for it. "Leave her alone!" Someone shouted from across the room. I looked over to see a face I didn't recognize, full of anger.

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