Chapter 12

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**Tristan's POV**

'This is all my fault. I was the one who got mad and hurt her. I should have stayed away like everyone told me to.' Thoughts streaming through my mind, telling myself I was never good enough for her, that I should have stayed away from her. Tears lingered in my eyes and I let them flow down my face, beaten. I was holding Linda's fragile hand. I looked up to see her best friend, Scarlett, walk in.

Scarlett's face was the definition of horrified. She just stared at Linda, eyes wide, her whole body shaking in shock, and her bottom lip quivering. Her shoulders shook and she started silently sobbing to herself, seconds from completely loosing it. After a few moments, she looked back up and her eyes swept over me. Her face transitioned from sad to angry in about two seconds. "What the hell are you doing here!' She snapped as she walked further into the room. I panicked as she got closer to me. How was I supposed to explain what happened to her, she already hates me. I looked straight into her agonized face and told her everything that happened, word for word. As I told her the story, her face got dark red with fury. "...Then the ambulance came and I rode with her here and had them call you." I finished and slowly glanced back down at Linda's hand I was still holding firmly. Scarlett got closer to Linda and studied her arms, finding all of the marks and deep violet bruises on her pale skin. Before I could realize what was happening, her knuckles connected with my jaw line. All I could taste was the distinct taste of blood and my jaw started throbbing vigorously. Scarlett went into a rage and I had never felt so monstrous in my life. "Don't you ever put your hands on her again! Don't even come near her or look at her! She doesn't deserve people like you in her life! YOU'RE THE REASON LINDA IS IN A COMA AND MIGHT NOT WAKE UP TOMORROW OR POSSIBLY EVER! FOR SOME REASON, YOU STILL THINK YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE!? GET OUT!" Scarlett was making a huge scene, nurses running in asking her to calm down and sit ina chair. Some nurses bringing her tissues, other bringing her water. I slumped in my seat, taking in the truth of everything she had just said. I glanced at perfect Linda, broken and bruised Linda. She was still perfect to me, even in this state. I couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears attacked my cheeks. I sobbed into my hands and decided it would be best to leave. I stand and kiss her on the forehead and start to go. I stop and go back to  whisper Linda my goodbye as I got death stares from Scarlett. "I just wanted to say sorry. You really don't know how lovely you are, even this way. You will always be my light in the dark. Goodbye beautiful, get well soon. I need my little dose of Linda back." I kissed her forehead again and smiled a little as I walked out of the room. As I was almost out of the room I heard Scarlett mumble just audible enough for me to hear, "I hope you're happy with yourself." 

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