Chapter 7

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I stumbled backwards, not expected the sudden pull. "I don't know who you think you are.." I stopped mid sentence and stared up at who had grabbed me. Tristan Baltia was standing in front of me.

(Tristan was my ex boyfriend. He abused me but I refused to believe it. I thought I had deserved it because I made him mad. He used to hit me, slap me, and I'd go home with bruises. He's a few years older than me and he left me because I was a "bitch" for not having sex with him. He found a girl that would and left me. He was pretty damn shallow and I personally hate him with a burning passion now that i know what he was truly after.)

"Tristan, you have exactly 2 seconds to get your hand off of me before I break it" I said through clenched teeth. His eyes widened and he took a step back. "Babe wow, you're feisty" he said as he winked at me. I glared at him and turned to walk away. "Wait, I seriously need to talk to you.. Linda please.." he pleaded. I rolled my eyes and turned around as I crossed my arms over my chest. "What?" I sighed. He looked at my eyes then down at his hands. "Linda..I've been thinking..I miss you and I didn't know Candice was bothering you and I want to be able to protect you and call you mine again. I know I wasn't the best boyfriend. But can we please try again.. I miss you and I thought it was pretty sexy how you told Candice off, please.?" I glared at him bewildered and shake my head. "Oh so now that I stand up for myself and tell off a girl, you suddenly want me back? Now that I finally make myself noticed and don't get pushed around you're interested again? Do you really think I'd ever take you back? You abused me and left me because I wouldn't have sex with you. I'm not just going to pretend it didn't happen and give you another chance. Not to mention, I'm no ones second option!" I say as I turn to walk into class. 'Who the hell is he to ask for me back. The nerve of some people' I frowned at the thought. 'No one likes me anyway, they all just leave when they get bored anyway'

Even though I had tried to convince myself it was no big deal, Tristan's sudden interest in me had been bothering me that entire morning. I was nothing special. I was that girl in the back of class everyone made fun of..  I was off to my favorite class,mythology, only to realize on my way there that Candice was in that class. "Perfect." I mutter as I walk in the door. I look toward my seat and notice that kid who stood up for me sitting next to it. He waved and beckoned me to come over. 'Oh god. what was his name again,' I thought to myself as I slowly walked over to him, dragging my feet. "Hey Linda!" he smiled at me. "Hey.." I quickly glanced at his folder and found his name "..Crispin" I mumbled as I slid in my chair. I'm not going to lie, this guy was odd. I would always catch him glancing at me when he thought i wasn't paying attention. After about 30 minutes of it, I snapped. "Why the hell do you keep looking at me!" I whisper harshly at him. He chuckled and smiled at me. "I can't help but admire your beauty" I looked at the ground then back at him. "Okay, well I'm not. You're clearly crazy. Will you please stop.. " I stutter as I try to focus on my work. He smiled at me and continued to do his as well. 'What the hell was that all about?' I thought to myself as the bell rang for lunch..

I told Scarlett everything as soon as I sat down at the lunch table. She told me about her first couple periods of the day as well. we laughed about our encounter with Candice this morning. It turned out way better than I thought. Not very many rumors, Candice left me alone except for a few dirty looks every now and then. I was used to them by now though. Scarlett and I always seemed to make each other feel better after a weird day. The bell rang telling us to hurry up and finish the garbage the school thinks is food. We went to our next class. Everything was fun until school was out....

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