Chapter 9

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As the Corvette pulled up to the house, the nervousness in my stomach worsened. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this was really..something. It wasn't crazy with beer and people everywhere like in the movies, but it was still pretty crazy. The music inside was blaring and people were jamming out in front of the windows. As I started at this massive house, I realized just how many strangers it could contain. As we got out of the car and started walking, it was like Tristan knew I was rethinking my decision to come. "Linda.." he touched my shoulder and continued, " You don't have to do this if you don't want to." He looked up from the ground and met my eyes. I didn't want to ruin this for him. Despite my heads silent protests, I smiled. "I know, but it'll be fun. Let's do this!" I said reassuring myself more than him. I knocked hesitantly on the door and waited. Suddenly the door swung back, revealing the thud of bass coming from the music and a cute, but clearly trashed guy. "TRISTAN, MY MAN!" he yelled as he pulled Tristan into a sloppy attempt at a hug. He stumbled a bit as he stepped back, Tristan clearly amused at his struggle. "Come on Freddy, how could you start the party without me!?" Tristan said as he winked at me. I stood there for a few minutes as Freddy and Tristan talked. Finally Freddy turned and noticed me standing there. "And who is this sexy piece of ass!?" he said as he reached out to touch my face. I dodged his hand as Tristan slapped his hand away. "This," he said gesturing to me, " is Linda. She's my..guest." I could have swore he almost said girlfriend, but I ignored it and smiled politely at Freddy. "Alright, I'll keep my eye on this one!" he said as he winked at me. We all stood there staring at each other for a few minutes and I couldn't take the awkwardness inside of me anymore. "Let's get our party on!" I shouted rather loudly. Freddy led us inside and into the chaos.

"Wow and I thought the house was packed when we were outside" I yelled at Tristan above the noise. He laughed and nodded in agreement as he took my hand. He dragged me straight to the alcohol in the kitchen. I looked around shocked and nervous at the dozens of drink choices. Tristan, of course, grabs the strongest vodka there and grabs two tall shot glasses. He pours them full to the rim, a few drops racing down the side. The smell was honestly over powering. He slowly handed it to me with an evil grin on his face. I take it internally screaming no, but smile never the less. I hold the shot above my head and scream "FOR NARNIA!' like the nerd I am. Tristan bursts into laughter and shouts it back, nearly spilling it he lifted it into the air so fast. We down the shots, sending a chill down my spine and goosebumps invading my skin. We take another shot just for the hell of it, more goosebumps cover me. I let him make my drink for me, curious to see how he makes them. He poured two shots into my cup and the rest of it with pineapple juice. He hands me it and we walk to join the fun, both going in opposite directions.

I started wandering around, trying to find where the thundering music was coming from. I entered a huge room holding atleast a hundred people, give or take a few. The DJ was set up toward the back corner, eyes closed, to into his playlist to care about the drunk teenagers all over the place. I started dancing to the music and looking at all the people around me. Some people were standing in the corner of the room, others in the middle; partying like no one was watching. After a while, I couldn't tell if my vision was getting hazy from the smoke in the room or the amount of alcohol I'd drank in the past hour but at this point, I didn't care.

As the night went on, I drank more and more. It got to the point where I was having trouble walking. Tristan staggered over to me, a stupid grin plastered on his face. I couldn't help but giggle at him. Once he was standing in front of me, he reached over and grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. I froze, not sure what to do. He winked at me and pulled my face up to his and kissed me, hard. Butterflies invaded my stomach, or was that my drink coming up again? I quickly pulled away and tried to push him off of me. "Linda, please. You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." he said as he looked at me with pleading eyes, tugging my waist. I shook my head and backed away from him. "No! You can't do this to me again!" I said shaking my head harder, trying to make all of the memories that were flooding into my mind, go away. I could feel the tears rushing to my eyes and I was not about to let him see me cry. I pushed my way through the people, stumbling as I went, attempting to get to the door.

"Linda!" he yelled, the pain clearly laced through my name. I kept going but tripped into a door frame, falling flat on my ass. I tried so hard to get up but the people around me were running into me and all I got was frustrated tears. Tristan almost walked right passed me. he looked down and saw me crying and kneeled down next to me. "Linda," His eyes kept moving from mine to the floor. He took a deep breath and continued as he wiped away my tears. "Linda, I didn't mean to upset you. I just miss you and want to be with you so badly. You're my everything, I think about you all the time and you're perfect for me. Leaving you was the worst mistake of my life." his face started turning red and he was staring at his hands. I looked at him, tears flooding down my cheeks. "You're..You're lying! How many times do you think I'll fall for that shit!?" I started sobbing but right as I tried to calm myself, he grabbed my arms and squeezed them as hard as he could. I screamed in pain and started pulling away, only to have him squeeze harder so I couldn't move. "I'm not lying god dammit!" he snarled. I started panicking because the pain was becoming unbearable and he was scaring the hell out of me. I pulled back and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach. He gasped and loosed his grip on me enough for me to crawl away. He grabbed his stomach and turned to face me. I stood up and started running through people, tripping as I ran for the door. Just as he stood up, I was already out the door.

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