14: Book and Chapter

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My UnderNight X Reader is up! Longest chapter I made yet so please check it out! http://my.w.tt/UiNb/LyuQPJniRC This is the book. Hope you enjoy! Now onto the story!

Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
F/f = Favorite Food.
F/w/a = Favorite wild animal.

Horror smiled at me. "What do you mean by everything?" I asked. "Oh, well... you did get us up here." Horror shrugged. "True." I nodded. I walked up to Horror and put a hand on his shoulder. "Did you imagine the surface being like this?" I asked. "Not even close." He answered. "C'mon, I'm sure your getting tired. It's almost dark. Plus, we have to find a place to stay." Horror shrugged. "Your right. Let's get going." I nodded in agreement. We walked out and Horror smiled at me. When we got back to the town, the place was empty. Horror smiled. "I like this way better that everyone yelling at each other." Horror chuckled. I nodded in agreement. "C'mon, there should be a inn somewhere." Horror and I started looking around. We never found a inn, but we found a hotel... witch was a inn. Whatever. "C'mon, why don't we go to the hotel." I suggest, walking towards the place. "Okay..." Horror shrugged. "Even thought Indon't know what that is." Horror mumbled, adding to his comment. We walked in and I went up to the counter. "Hello-...." The female from behind the counter stared past me. I looked back to see she was staring at Horror. "One room please." I smiled. She shook her head, snapping to reality and handed me the keys. "How long?" She asked. "A week for now." I answered. "That'll be 35." She instructed. I took out 3 tens and a five dollar bill. "Thankyou, have a nice stay." She smiled. I walked past and Horror followed. "Hey kid?" Horror asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Hmm.... nevermind." Horror shrugged of his question. "Okay, c'mon, the room should be on the 3rd floor." I walked up to the elevator and pressed the button. The elevator opened and Iw asked in. Horror watched hesitantly. "It's fine!" I rolled my eyes. He glared at me and walks in. The elevator closed and started to move. "Welp... this is wierd." Horror noticed the movement. "I like the way the elevator makes your stomach turn. That's actually why I like roller coaster's so much. I've only gone on one, so we can go on another soon." I smiled. The elevator binged and we walked out, I looked at the paper attached to the keys: B 158. It read. I found the room and opened the door. It was a sweet? That's new. I shrugged it off and hung the keys up. "Wow." Horror looked around. "I'm suprized they gave us a sweet! Usually they just give us smaller room's unless your popular or something." I shrugged. "Hmm... interesting." Horror mumbled. I yawned and stretched, my arms stretching up above my head. "C'mon kid, you should get some sleep." Horror smiled. "Hmm.... okay." I hummed in agreement. "I'll let you sleep." He smiled. "Where are you going to sleep?" I asked, noticing there was one bed. "I can sleep anyware really. You just sleep. I'm gonna stay up for a while anyway." Horror answered. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded and I shrugged and got in bed. I son fell asleep as I shut my heavy eyes.

Next Day

I open my eyes slowly, hearing some kind of machine going through the room. I rolled over and tried to ignore the annoying sound. Eventually I got up anyway. "Sorry to wake you mam'." The same girl that gave us the sweet was vacuuming the room. "Hmm? Oh, no your okay." I rub my eyes. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Fine... why did you give us the sweet?" I asked. "Uh-... It... was a random room I picked." She answered hesitantly. "Oh... I see. You, don't have to vacuume you know." I get out of bed. "It's my pleasure! It's my job after all." She smiled. "If you say so..." I shrugged. Horror walked through the door. He stopped when he saw the girl with the vacuume. "Uh... hey kid!" He waved. I laughed at his unaware expression. "Heh... who's this?" He asked. "H-Hello!" She waved. "Hey..." Horror answered. "So, it turns out they have some sort of water park down the road." Horror suggested. "Your learning quickly. How early did you wake up?" I asked. "I technically never went to sleep." Horror shrugged. "Aren't you tired?" I asked. "Please, skeleton's don't really need sleep. We just sleep because we're lazy and don't want to do anything." Horror chuckled. "Hmm.... okay. Whatever you say." I shrugged. Horror looked at the girl and back at me. "Welp, this is awkward." He shrugged. "I'm Emily." She smiled. "Hey! This is (Y/n), and I'm Horror." I introduced. "Hi Horror! Hi (Y/n)! Why do you call (Y/n) kid?" She asked out of the blue. "Eh, I dunno. Just easier I guess." Horror answered. "I see, well I'll let you to be. C'ya later!" And before me or Horror could do anything she was already out the door. "That was... interesting." Horror mumbled. "You can say that again." I smiled, walking around. "Why don't we go get you some clothes." Horror suggested. "Okay." I answered, and we walked out. We went to a small shop near by and bought some clothes. For some reason... I kept feeling like I was being watched. Not by Horror, but by something else. Hmm... I thought. When we got back to the Hotel, Horror and I got changed and decided to go to the park. "Water park?" Horror asked. "Eh... okay." I shrugged, grabbing a swim suite from the little shop and putting it under my clothes. Horror didn't really get a swim suite... he just swam in his clothes I guess. We walked up to the Water Park and payed. We went in and there were SOO many water slides! "YAS!!" I jumped. "You have to try out the water slides!" I smiled. "Okay okay! Calm down!" He rolled his eyes. We went on a few slides and swam in the wave pool. We went through the Lazy River like a thousand times because Horror didn't want to leave. "C'mon! There are so much more to do!" I complained. "Just a few more times." He begged every time! The stalker feeling came back ever now and then. It would leave for 3 minutes at max, then watch for like an hour. "You feelin' it too?" Horror asked, looking around. "Yeah... I thought it was just me." I answered. "Hmm.... maybe there watching someone else, why don't we get some food. You look hungry." Horror states. "How do I look hungry?" I asked. "I can just tell. Let's go." Horror got out of the Lazy river. FINALLY! I screamed at myself. We dried off, leaving the water park and going to a restraint near by. It read, IHop. "You'll love their oankakes here!" I smiled. "Great!" He answered. "I'm still feeling it." I grumble. "Try and ignore it. Just don't do anything uncalled for." He looked at me. "I'm not going to." I promised. We walked in and ordered our food. "So..." Horror started. "You like the surface?" I asked. He chuckled. "I can see why no one remember's the legend. Heh. They were to buissy having fun." He answered. "I'll take that as a yes." I smirked. "Yeah... It's better than the underground." Horror looked down at the table. "Wierd... they don't just give away Ketchup like Grillbz did." He smiled, outing a hand in his hole. "Well... it's a little wierd just drinking Ketchup for no reason." I said. "Yeah... I realized that." Horror started playing with the napkin out of boredom. "Bored?" I asked. "How can I be bored here!? All these new things..." Horror smiled to himself. The waiter gave us our food and we ate. When we were done we walked out, paying the tip and heading back to the hotel. We walked in and Emily walked up to us and smiled. Horror and I waved and headed to our room. "Hey Horror!?" Emily called. "Yeah?" Horror asked, turning around. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. "Uh... sure, I'll meet you back up at the room kid." Horror instructed. I nodded and went to the room, getting in the elevator and pushing the number 3 for the third floor. The elevator started to move as I loved the uneasy feeling, it alwase at least put a smile on my face. It alwase tickled in someway. The elevator beeped and opened. I walked out and went to the room. I shut the door behind me and Horror appeared in the room, facing the window. "That was fast." I giggled. Horror didn't answer. My smile faded and I looked at him, waiting for him to respond. "Horror?" I asked. Still no response. "Are you okay?" I asked. I walked up to him and waited patiently. Horror took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Do you need time alone?" I asked. "No... I'm just irritated." Horror finally answered. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked. Horror thought for a moment. "Can you promise me something?" He asked. "I guess... it depends on what it is." I answered. "Can you promise me to never let Emily back in this room while we're here?" Horror asked. "You do know she has a spare key to the room right? I'll do my best! But... why?" I asked. "I know who was watching us the hole day...." Horror looked down. "Emily?" I asked. Horror nodded slowly. "Why?" I asked. "She wants me...." Horror rubbed his head. "Uh.... I.... have no words." I said. He closed his eyes again and opened them. His eye flaming weakly. "Do you want to leave?" I asked. "Where would we go?" Horror asked. I thought for a moment. "My dad's place.... he's dead, and... we can kick my brother out." I answered. Horror shook his head. "That wouldn't be right for you." He answered. "It's not about me right now." I confessed. He turned to me. "I don't think that's a good idea either way." Horror shrugged. "So... what exactly do you mean... by, 'she want's you'?" I asked. "She has an obsession... I rather leave it at that." He growled. "Like... a... stalker, like obsession? A friend obsession? Or just because your scary-... sorry...." I looked down ashamed. Horror faced me, lifting my head up. "It's okay. I would be asking questions too. But we need to get out of here soon." Horror hugged me. Horror... HUGED ME!!!! My face became pink. "Your cute when your flustered." He whispered, chuckling. He let go, looking at my flustered state. "Awe..." Horror mumbled. I looked away, turning to the beds. He chuckled and shrugged. *Knock knock*. I looked towards the door. Horror looked along with me, trying to figure out if we should answer. "Hmm..." Hirror hummed. Horror walked up to the door and answered. When he saw who it was he didn't really have a reaction. "What?" He growled. "Horror?" I asked. Horror turned to me, I looked who was at the door. It was Emily. "You have to listen to me!" She begged. "Aaannd I'm done." Horror disappeared. Huh? He usually uses his axe.... what did she tell him? She looked at me, noticing that Horror was gone. "Where is he?" She asked. "How am I supposed to know. He does that all the time." I answered, choosing my words wisely. "What did he do?" She asked. "That's not your business." I answered, walking to the door. I put a door on the handle. "You can't shut me out!" She growled. "Watch me." I smirked. "I'll kick you out!" She threatened. "Go ahead. Horror'll be coming with me." I shrugged. "And what makes you say that?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Well, I've known him longer, for one." I answered, closing the door. I walked around. Where did he go? I asked myself. She barged in. "You can't keep me out." She waved the keys. "Hmm..." I thought. If I turn into Horror... I can possibly get her of his back... but I could make it worse too. I need Horror's permission. Where is he!? I thought to myself. I ignored her and knocked on the bathroom door. No answer. "Horror? Are you in there?" I asked. Still no answer, so I decided to open the door slowly, plus the light was off, but that didn't mean anything. I opened the door, Horror wasn't there, so I opened it wider. "Where did he go!?" I mumble to myself. I looked I. The shower, still no avail. "Where. Is. He." She growled slowly. I thought for a moment. The red flower field! I need to get rid of Emily.... hmm... I thought. She shut the bathroom door, locking me and her in it. "Where. Is. HE!?" She repeated. "Give me one good reason to listen to you. Now, I'm off to find him." I answered, heading for the door, she blocked me. "I'm coming with." She ordered. "Sure, if you can keep up." I growled. She looked at me strange. Then opened the door.  I walked out, her following behind me. I looked down the road, and there he was. I walked up to him. "I thought you would be somewhere else Horror." I smiled. "I was..." Horror looked at Emily. "You let her help?" Horror asked suprized. "No, I told her that she could if she could keep up." I answered. "That's still letting her." Horror glared at me. "Well, I was planning on loosing her." I crossed my arms. "Guess I'll see you there kid." Horror disappeared again. "Good luck trying to loose me." She growled. "Oh, don't worry, it'll be easy." I smirked, walking to the forest. I went a random direction, of course not the direction the flower fields at. I kept walking. "Where are we going. "Question is, where are you going?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me suspiciously. "I know exactly where I am, but you don't. So your asking yourself that question. Not me." I explained. I looked up at a tall tree. I smiled, walking up to the tree. When I got there... I noticed a stump. "Hmm..." I thought. I walked over to it and felt the wood. "Smooth? Must be from when we met." I thought to myself. "What does a stump have to do with anything?" She demanded. "When me and Horror met... he cut down a tree, chasing me in the woods." I smiled to myself. "So he tried to kill you?" She smirked. I smiled at the thought. "Not... exactly." I answered. "Than why did he through something at you that would cut a tree down?" She asked, thinking that I was lying. "You don't know much... I rather leave it at that." I answered. I replayed the shocked moment I had when he copped down the tree. "Hmm..." I thought. I walked to the side of the tree, noticing a sharp, deep cut in another tree. I ran my finger's across it. "What's this?" She asked, pointing to the chart Horror had made.

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