1: Walking In The Cold Snow

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Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
(I'll probably add more as I go on.)
Y/n's POV!
Hi! My name is y/n. I would give you my last name but that's not a very smart thing to do when it comes to strangers. But this is my story.

I was walking through a cold snowy path. I already got through Toriel and Flower was on my shoulder. "Y/n, I don't think we should be here." Flowey whined. "Why not?" I asked. "Look at this place... there's... monster dust everyware." Flowey shivered. "Monster dust? You can explain later, but we need to find a place to stay. It's starting to get cold." I looked at Flowey as his roots wrapped around my shoulder. "Yeah, before Sans finds us. Or even worse... Papyrus!" Flowey froze out of fear of his own thoughts. "Witch reminds me! We need to get across the river, but we have to take a different route. That's Sans station. And if we do see him. Whatever you do. DON'T accept anything he offers without me knowing. Especially his hot dogs." Flowey looked at me. "Ookkaay?" I asked shrugging it off. "C'mon! I think I might be able to jump over the river through a tree." I said walking a little more into the woods. "Through a tree?" Flowey asked. "Yeah! You climb a tree and jump of and bingo! Your across!" I smiled as I spotted the perfect tree. "Your CRAZY!!! You'll get hurt!" Flowey yelled. "Who's there? Is that the little flower?" A deep, creepy, shivering voice asked from behind me. "Go!" Flowey whispered. I ran up to the tree and got stable ready to climb when a bloody Axe chopped the tree down in one hit! How is that POSSIBLE!!!? I asked myself. "Y-Y/n!!" Flowey shivered. I was way to shocked that the Axe cut down the tree in one hit as I ignored Flowey. "HOW!? THAT'S AMAZING!!!" I squealed as I looked at the stump. It was pure smooth. As if it was sanded down or just a plastic decoration. "WHAT THE HECK!!!" I exclaimed as I felt the wood. "Y/N!!!!" Flowey yelled bringing me back to reality. "Hey kid." The same voice whispered in my ear, causing shivers to go down my pine. "Heh... h-hi." I answered terrified. I felt a smirk grow on his face. "Want a hot dog?" He asked. "No thanks... I-I'm good!" I studdered. "Alright." He said standing up strait. I slowly turned around to see a skeleton around my height. "What?" He growled. "S-Sorry! Just never seen a, well, alive skeleton before. Usually there just decorations, or from dead animals." I answered looking away quickly. "Hmm..." He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." Sans said bring out a hand. "Don't." I heard Flowey whisper in my ear. Making sure Sans couldn't hear. "What are you telling her about me?" Sans asked noticing Flowey whispered something to me. "N-Nothing!" Flowey spat out. "I'm Y/n!" I said and took his hand. We shook hands and Sans put his hands back in his pocket. "You... didn't try to cut her head off?" Flowey asked suprized. "Na! I've done that to much. It's kinda getting old." Sans shrugged. "Nothing gets old for you." Flowey said crossing his leaves. "Ookay!!! That's enouph Flowey! If he doesn't want to cut off my head! He doesn't have to!" I said trying not to get Flowey to give him idea's. Sans smirked. "What?" I asked. "I found something WAY more fun than chopping heads off." Sans smirked. My face froze. "Uh... okay? You know, I've got to go and make a shelter someware so I'm gonna go now." I said slowly backing away. "FLOWEY!!!" I growled softly. "Sorry, I think I might have got him an idea." He said in such a ashamed voice. "Where do you think your goin'?" Sans asked walking towards me. "I'm gonna go make a shelter, like I said, and I'm gonna let you do your own thing." I said backing away a little more quickly. "Hopefully not involving me." I mumbled. "Oh, it does." Sans said walking closer. He must have heard my mumble. I bumped into a tree not being able to go anywhere. "Mind if we do it... some other time. I've got-" I was cut off when Sans threw his axe swung into the tree right above my head. I looked at the axe terrified and before I know it he has me locked in one place. His arms on both side of my head. I looked at him and gave a weak smile. "Heh..." I shyly, yet terrified giggle came out of my mouth. sans smirked. "You said you need somewhere to stay right?" He asked. "Uh... yes." I answered. I really can't lie, I'm a bad lier. Sans smile only grew wider. Sans leaned in close to my ear. "Come with me." He whispered. I just gulped, he seemed to enjoy my freighting state as I didn't respond. "Won't you follow me?" He asked. I started to shake. He pulled away, still not letting me go. I looked down and rubbed my arms thinking. "I don't think we should." Flowey whispered. "Where are you going to take me?" I asked cautiously. "Me and my bro have a two story house. We have an extra bedroom. Plus. My bro really wants to see a human. So, I won't kill ya. But, you gotta help me out. Bro's been down lately." He shrugged. "This is just so your brother can feel happy?" I tilted my head in shock as I started at him for an answer. "If you want me to be blunt, yes." He answered. "It's a trap." Flowey urged. "Shut up Flowey. This is my choice." I snapped. "Knowing what he does-" Flowey started. "I said shut up!!" I growled. Flower had a shocked face that slowly faded away. "Fine!" He said crossing his leaves and shunning me. I sighed controlling my anger. "Kitty's got claws." I heard Sans smirk. I ignored him and made my final decision. "Alright! I'll come. As long as you promise me this isn't a trap of some sort." I looked up at him as his smirk grew to a frown. His face full of shock and surprise. His frown turned into a smile. "Promise." He said letting me go, standing up strait and pulling his axe out of the tree from afar. "SERIOUSLY!!! Y/n! Your joking RIGHT!!" Flowey exclaimed. "Flowey, if you don't want to come than go BACK TO THE RUINS!!! BUT I HAVE MADE MY CHOICE!!!" I snapped. "I'm not your puppet!" I finished calming down a little. "FINE!!! If you die don't come crawling back to me." He said jumping off. "And if Toriel try's to kill you to come running to me for protection." I answered back. Flowey froze. I smirked knowing that he knew Toriel would try to kill him if he went back. "Grrr." I heard Flowey growl. "You'll die." He finished. "Maybe, just maybe he really does want, or need, help Flowey. No ones perfect." I said. "I guess your right!" He mumbled and came back to my shoulder. I see Sans carving something in the tree. It was a little chart.

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