13: The Surface

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AN: So I'm making a UnderNight Sans X Reader fanfic. That way I have more than 1 fanfic, because no ones giving me idea's for my UnderLust fanfic... oh well! So when there is a letter infront of a name, like H Asgore, it means HorrorTale Asgore, the letter of the name of the AU. If that makes sense. I hope it does. Also, I hope you like the Pickachu I drew! It was based off of a picture I found on the internet, So I technically don't fave full credit.

"Thanks!" I smiled. "HOW MANY SANS' ARE THERE!!!" Asgore yelled. "You'll see, we're all meeting at the surface, but, whatever." Sans answered. "I'm Sans! This here is Lust." Sans smiled. "But he's Sans." Asgore pointed at Horror. "Na, I'm known as Horror." Horror smiled. "Horror?" Tori asked. "What?" Horror responded. "Why Horror?" Asgore interrupted. "Reason's." Sans shrugged. "I wasn't asking you!" Asgore growled. "Man, your just as bad as him!" Lust added. "SHUT IT!" Asgore yelled. "Heh, na' I'm good. How do you put up with them though? I don't get it. I've been trying to get to Horror for ever. You come in and you already got to him!" Lust added. "I don't know, I'm sure Horror's getting a little blood hungry, we should get going." I answered. "Wha- oh... I forgot about that." Horror commented. "I did to, longer than I thought." I smiled. "What does she mean?" Sans asked. "Heh, well... some red eyed child came and burned our house down.... and turned me I to some blood thirst creature." Horror rubbed his head. "CHARA!!!!" Lust yelled running out the door. "I'll get him." I said walking after him. The door was wide open. "CHARA WHERE ARE YOU!" Lust yelled angerly. "Man, never thought I'd see you angry." I smirked. "NOW'S NOT THE TIME!" Lust yelled at me. "I think it is." I put a hand on his shoulder and teleported I to the house, taking away his abilities and locking the door with my magic. Lust looked at me angerly. "Calm down bud." Horror said, noticing our return. "HIW CAN I BE CALM!" Lust screamed. "Uh... take a deep breath, that's one way to do it. Or count to ten." Horror answered. "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!" Lust yelled. "Eh, I do, but choose to ignore it. Besides, it's not a big deal!" Horror shrugged. "NOT A BIG DEAL! Y/N ARE YOU HEARING HIM!" Lust yelled. "Yeah, why is it such a big deal, I almost killed her, or tried to. It's done, can't be undone." I shrugged. "Plus, if Horror's actually going to let this slide, I'm not going to interrupt it." I added. "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SHIPS!" Lust yelled. "Oh? And what are you going to-.... there..." Chara walked into the room. "Great, now you summoned her!" I growled. "I can't help it! She almost ruined my ship!" Lust complained. I stared at Lust. "This is unbelievable, Chara, you can go back, and if you refuse I'll just have to take care of you myself." I smiled. "I liked to see you try." Chara smiled. "The knife is the item that gives you power? Am I correct?" I asked. "Smart, but not like you can do anything." Chara answered. I took the power away from the item. "How did you know it was going to work?" Horror asked. "I didn't..." I answered. "C-Child..." Tori asked. "Oh, and it's the two goats... this should be interesting." Chara crossed her arm. "I think you'll be suprized." I smirked. "Na-a-ah! I'm the one that gives suprizes. Wanna play a game?" She asked. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." I shrugged. Chara tried to summon something, it didn't work. "Huh? It actually did work." Sans sighed. Chara tried again, no luck. "What?" Chara looked at me. "Out! And maybe I'll think of letting your magic back." I growled. "Hmph, I don't get out that-" I snapped my finger's and teleported her somewhere else. "Annoying." I mumbled. "Tell me about it." Horror agreed. "WHERE IS MY CHILD!" Tori yelled grabbing my arm, and pulling me towards her. "She's fine-" I tried. "WHERE IS SHE!" Tori interrupted. "Let go T." Horror growled. "WHERE IS SHE!" Tori repeated. "I sent her to Waterfall, that's as far as I could teleport her without going myself." I answered. Tori then slapped me. "You. Didn't." Sans gasped. "That's. It. T GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Horror yelled. "I'm fine! It's just red!" I tried. "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Tori yelled. "Wrong answer." Sans mumbled. Horror summoned his Gaster Blaster's and bones. "I've never seen your Gaster Bkaster's..." I mumbled. "Yep! Your doomed!" Lust smiled. "And why do you say that?" Tori asked. "Sans... or, Horror, don't summon his Gaster Blaster's unless he is really pissed off." Asgore answered. "He can handle-" Tori started, a Gaster Blaster fired at Tori, Horror teleported me away before he did though. The light from the Gaster Blaster was a blood red. "Oh no..." List mumbled. "Tori, I would run." Asgore warned. "Any. Last. Words?" Horror growled. Tori looked at him in disbelief. "Sans? What are you doing?" Tori asked. Horror's axe appeared in his hand. "I sense death-... Horror? Are you okay?" Reaper asked, his psyche in hand. "Tori pissed him off." Sans explained. "How?" Reaper asked. "Tori slapped Y/n, other than that. I have no idea." Sans answered. "HORROR I'M OKAY!" I screamed pulling Horror back, or... trying to. Horror didn't budge. "TORI I WOULD SERIOUSLY RUN!" Asgore screamed. It was kinda weird, there wasn't a red glow around me, or him. And I still couldn't move him. "Guys I'm gonna need a hand." I looked at Sans and Lust. "Let's just do this the easy way." A blue glow surrounded Horror. Horror was lifted from the ground. "Wait, can't you use your magic?" Lust asked. "Oh yeah.... I forgot about that. I don't think I dare though." I answered. "Don't blame ya'." Lust agreed. "HEY!" Horror screamed. "C'mon, were going to the surface." I walked out the door. "I'M NOT DONE! SANS PUT ME DOWN!" Horror ordered. We all walked out side "Uh... I don't know... you literally just tried to kill Tori, and... I'm soooo not in the mood to drag you all the way to the barrier the hard way." Sans rubbed his head. "PUT ME DOWN!!!" Horror screamed. His hands falling out of his pockets as he swung them around. Hmmm.... I thought. "Put him down. I got an idea." I walked over to Sans. "If you say so." Sans let Horror down and Horror looked at me. "And what are you going to do!?" Horror asked evilly. "You attack Tori, one more time, I'll leave." I smirked. "What?" Horror asked. "I'll leave, back to my family, or out of state. Somewhere you'll never find me." I repeated. "You-" Horror's eye's went back to normal. "Don't make me Horror." I warned. Horror thought for a moment, then put his hands in his jacket pocket. I could tell Horror didn't want me to leave, but he wanted to hurt Tori so badly, that part was easy to read. Horror didn't answer from there. "And Tori, if you slap me again! I'll send Chara out of the underground! And somewhere else! Do you understand!" I growled pointing a finger at her. "WHAT!?" Tori yelled. Chara had came back and I held my hand out, a S/c glow surrounded her, as she was brought to me. "No Tori, I know somewhere she'll be verry welcome. She'd fit in with my family quite well. And my family's in jail. So back off." I warned. "Is that a threat!?" Tori asked. "It can become one, I could just hand her over to Reaper." I smirked. "Heh, no heart. I like this kid! When did you learn how to threaten like that?" Reaper asked, walking up to us. "Who are you?" Tori asked. "Reaper, just so you know what I'm capable of." Reaper picked up a flower and held it up. "Anything I touch... dies." Reaper smirked. "NO!" Tori yelled at me. "Than back off! You already pissed Horror off! And your about to piss me off!" I growled. "But-" Tori began. "Listen to them Tori, you don't want to deal with her. I'm suprized she got Hirror to calm down." Asgore warned. "Don't you mean... cooled down." Sans corrected. "Ugh... let's get going. Everyone's waiting." Asgore took the lead from there, I never let Chara down, Reaper walked next to me, and Horror kept his distance from Tori, also through a bunch of deadly glares at her. When we got there, Horror started to get closer, cautiously. At least to Tori. When we did get to the surface there was a bunch of different AU's fighting with each other. All the Sans and Papyrus' tried to break it up. "HEY!" I screamed. Everyone froze and looked at me. "QUIT FIGHTING!" I ordered. "AND WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!?" Fell Asgore asked. "Don't get on her bad side." Horror warned. "Thank goodness you two are here! These guys have been at eachother's thought's for the past hour!" Ink exclaimed. "I've got this under control now. Everybody no more fighting! No more yelling screaming, anything like that, we're going to get along!" I walked up to the center of the groups. "Who is she?" R Asgore asked. "Touch her! And I'll touch you!" Reaper threatened. "The names Y/n-" I was cut off. "Wanna go to my place?" A monster from UnderLust came out to the open and put a finger on my chin. "Off. I swear! Your just as bad as Lust!" I growled, pushing him away. "Someone's having a tantrum." He smirked. "Do you want to continue that little game of yours or do you want to listen? Cuz' pretty sure you'll be in trouble." I asked. "Hmm... I'll continue the game." He answered. I formed. "Last chance bucko!" I growled. "And for the other's, let's get down the mountain. We need to get a move on." I instructed. "Make a pritty good leader." Horror rubbed my head playfully. I sighed. "Okay whatever, lets go." I took the lead and Horror and the other's followed. When we got to the city, it was empty. Really, empty. "Looks like you were right kid." Horror elbowed me softly. "Unless it's a trick... now that I think about it, what if it was a trick?" I asked. "Than we'll just have to be prepared." Horror answered. "I could go back. See if anyone's there?" I suggested. "I like that idea." H Asgore agreed. "Great, I'll be back." I teleported to the underground, there were people here. "HEY! I SEE SOMETHING!" Someone yelled. I quickly deformed and walked up. "A human? I expected monster's down here." A man said. "Well, there's more than catches the eye." I answered. "How long-" He started. "Y/N!! HEY! Uh... wait a minute? H-HUMANS!!" Grillby froze. Crap. I thought. "WERE IS EVERYONE!" Grillby asked. "Calm down Grillby, everyone's safe. I wouldn't let them hurt anyone! But, aren't you supposed to be with the others?" I asked. "Yeah, I had to grab some things before I left though. I couldn't leave so many items behind!" Grillby confessed. "I see, you might want to catch up with them." I smiled. "I think I'll stick with you. Besides! I think Horror might be pleased." Grillby winked. "He told you huh?" I asked. "Not exactly, but let's go with that." Grillby answered, he walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "THERE ARE MONSTERS!" He yelled. "Yeah, we should get going." I started to walk away, Grillby walking by me. "Wait! Aren't you going to show us around?" Someone called from the group. "Na, I'm good." I answered. "Hmm... why is your cheek red?" Grillby asked. "Tori... slapped me." I answered. "How did he take it?" Grillby asked. "Not well, he might have summoned his Gaster Blasters... the light from them was blood red too! I don't know if it could get redder!" I answered. "They don't, they get brighter, the angrier he is, the redder they get, when they reach that limit, the brighter they get. I've never seen his Gaster's shoot red light though." Grillby thought. "What's there original color?" I asked. "Wight, pure, snow wight." Grillby answered. "What's a Gaster Blaster?" A small kid asked, he seemed to be following us. "Stay with your family. I'm sure they don't want you getting lost." I kneeled down to the child. "Answer my question!" He growled. "Na-a-ah, keep acting like that, your going to be in trouble." I smiled. "C'mon Grillby, let's get out of here." I walked away. "Wait a minute!" The kid yelled, causing everyone to look. "We can just follow her out right?" The kid asked. "Good luck with that!" I laughed. "I don't see how your going to loose us." The same male from before smiled. "Remember what I said, there's more than meets the eye! Shortcut?" I asked, holding out a hand. "Did you get that from Sans?" He asked. "What?" I asked confused. "Holding out your hand. And asking about the shortcut." Grillby answered. "Huh... I guess I did. Never really noticed." I answered. "Shortcut, take it easy will ya'? I don't teleport very often." Grillby answered, taking my hand. "TELEPORT!" The kid yelled. "Ugh, secrets. C'ya later, maybe. Have fun!" I snapped my fingers and teleported to Horror and the others. "Uh... kid?" Horror asked. There were a hole bunch of people around us. "Got you guys out of that old place... bout' time to!" A voice came from behind the group, it was a male voice. "I'm Byron. Nice to finnaly meet you all." I could hear a snicker grow on his face. "Was there humans down there?" Horror asked, looking at me. "Yes, there was two people who actually talked to me." I answered. "Grillbz? You saw what she saw correct?" Horror asked. "Yes, there were at least a hundred or two." Grillby answered. "You dragged us out here.... JUST SO YOU COULD SEE US!" Horror yelled. "HORROR CALM YOU SKULL DOWN!" Ink yelled. "CALM DOWN!! I'M EVEN PISSED OFF!" Fell yelled. "We need to stay calm! It's not like we're in trouble." Ink sighed. "THEY MIGHT NOT GIVE US TROUBLE! BUT ASGORE AND I'M SURE GASTER, PLUS ALPHAS WILL BE ASKING ALL ABOUT THE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES!" Horror yelled. "I am quite curious." Asgore answered. "I can see why there freaking out Ink, it does make sense. I wouldn't want to go back to a tube." Sans shrugged. "I get it too! But freaking out is never the way to settle things. We all know this." Ink answered. "True." I agreed. "Hmph, I'm still going to freak!" Lust crossed his arms. "Than freak out on the inside, we need to concentrate." I begged. "Fine!" Lust answered. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll back off, after all, I'm a reaper." Reaper shrugged, a evil grin on his face. "Only if it comes to that! Geez! You, Horror, and Fell always turn to violence!" I barked. "It's in our bones." Horror smiled. "I can see that." I said. "Welcome." Byron opened his arms. "TACKLE HUG!" Blueberry yelled, tackling Fell. Fell lost his balance and fell. "BLUE STOP IT WITH THE HUGS!" Fell yelled. "Awe...." Blueberry complained and got off. Fell sat up and rubbed his head. That's when I realized Horror was missing. "Where's Horror?" I asked. "Oh boy." Sans answered. "What does that mean?" Byron asked. "I'd keep your eye's open." I answered. "Heheheh..." A dark evil laugh echoed through the crowd. "Okay Horror! I know your mad but nows not the time!" I ordered. "Heh." Horror teleported behind Byron. "Horror!" I growled. "What?" Horror whined, summoning his axe. Byron turned around and jumped, a little yelp came out of him too. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "Whaaat? Naaaa." Horror answered. "We'll be right back." I smiled and grabbed Horror. "Hey! I'm fine!" Horror assured. "No your not!" I growled. "Don't even try to lie to me!" I added. "Really! It's just a little jump scare!" Horror added. "Hmm... if you are just pulling pranks! Then will you fix your eye? Really Horror, now is not the time!" I pleaded. "Fine, I'll behave." Horror smiled. "Thankyou." I thanked. "YOU SCARED THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME!" Byron yelled. "Good! That's the point." Horror teleported to the group, I walked there. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes I'm sure! Drop it will ya?" Horror asked. "Alright." I shrugged. We could have walked in the woods together. I thought. We'll do that later. Horror assured. I froze. "Pfftahahahaha!" Horror laughed. "What?" Sans asked. "Nothin'-haha- don't worry about it." Horror answered. Horror almost lost his balance then. "Okay? What's your guyses names?" Byron asked. "I'm Y/n, this is Horror, Reaper, Fell, Lust-" I started. "Lust? Why is he named Lust? No affence." Byron asked. "Don't mention it. But, to answer your question, do you wanna go do something wierd?" Lust asked. "This is where you say no." I instructed. "Oookaaay! I've had enouph of that!" Byron answered. "Uh... continue." Byron added. "Sans, Science, Spazz, and Blueberry... that's all I know." I answered. "I'm Night, it's nice to meet you." Night had a star on his right side, near his eye. He had a blue jacket that had a few stars on it here and there.

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