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Jesus died on that cross 2,ooo years ago , it is the most significant thing that  has every taken place in history of  planet earth. This time this particular event does not phase out into just history but its so alive that because of the cross I who lives in the 21st century experiences that same love .
Isnt it crazy how many generations have lived , gone to school lived their lives and died? And then the next generation comes . Yet jesus knows each and every soul that lived on earth 
He loved them dearly as individuals and those who were receptive were never the same .
This news is beyond my comprehension .
Im a 17 year old girl who just does normal things like eat , sleep does the occasional hobbies , laugh , cry , get excited etc
And its crazy how God is really interested in me
Like if you look at my life
Im nothing special , i screw up alot
I get nervous etc
But yet God is interested in me
To whoever is reading
You may have done something today or yesterday or maybe a month ago that you wish you didn't do
We all fall , but remember this in our weakness he is strong!
We were not called to this life on our own cause its impossible you'll be exhausted and eventually give up.
But train yourself
Clothed  yourself in righteousness because we get to!!!
This is the real deal !
This is what life was created for in the first place
Communion with your father !
We get too y'all! We get too
This cannot be put into words
Its not a religion its not just I'm in that group and your in that
Its biggger than our boxes we fit in
It beyonddddddddddd
Our thinking

Take courage dear heart .

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