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Hey y'all 😄 hows it going . Im good too thanks for asking 😄😄. If i look back on my life i notice how im not discipline .now I'm not talking bout super strict people who know how to have fun , I'm talking bout the person who takes care of the simplest thing to the biggest . Ive always admired people who had discipline like the soldiers, athletes ect they train em selfs , they don't give up and the stand firm . I admire them cause i don't have this quality i would sure want to . If i were to state my ideal self i would be a humble /simple honest person who really doesn't bother if not in the lime light or doesn't need to prove to others how good of a person I am . That would be me if i could. And you to must have an ideal picture of yourself and you probably must get annoyed and exhausted with the way you actually act . Im hear to tell you it is impossible , i repeat impossible to be all the above qualities by yourself . I mean you can train yourself to some extinct but it will surely fade over time . It is only by jesus can you acquire this . When u look to jesus you are automatically humbled by his presence . God is not a God of carelessness he takes care for the smallest things he likes it when u are responsible but even when you are , never be all egotistical about it . He loves you nevertheless so be discipline in your walk with God and everthing i wrote for yall today is really for me to cause i need discipline in my life

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