Admiration could not even begin to describe what he was feeling. These were his boys. Tall, dark and strong. The game ended with a victory to the twins' team. He knew that he shouldn't be anywhere near them but he couldn't help it. He just had to see them. Morris children coincidentally went to the same school that the twins went to and they happened to be on the same team.

What a coincidence.

He knew he was violating the terms of the restraining order but he was a Dwight. Nothing and nobody stopped him from getting what he wanted. He was here and damning the consequences. The match was over and the nanny or family friend that he had seen a couple of times in court, leading the twins and George's niece/daughter towards the parking lot.

He frowned as he noticed that they were not heading for a car, but walking to the bus stop. His kids had no business taking a bus. This was what Diane considered good parenting! Anything could happen to them. Why, just last week he was reading about a teenager who was stabbed on the bus. Before Collins could stop himself he was walking quickly to catch up with them. He saw his opening when the woman bent down to tie up the laces of the little girl.

"Juan, Mario!" he called.

The boys turned to look at him. It was a moment that he could never forget. For the first time his sons were looking right in his eyes. Their attention was on him.

"Hello? Mister" Juan called to the mesmerized guy. He was kind of weird just staring at them.

"I am sorry" he apologized giving them a smile. The last thing he wanted to do was scare them.

"Yeah. Umm what do you want?" Mario asked politely.

"Forget that question. How do you know our names?" Juan demanded.

"Oh sorry. I am the uncle of a couple of your friends. Feb and Penelope? I was at your game. Great job by the way"

"Oh yeah. Thanks" Mario answered feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi" Juan replied in a polite voice. But he wasn't exactly friends with those two. They were newbies at his school. And for reasons he couldn't understand had taken a liking to him and his brother. They were constantly around them. Inviting them to their house and parties. But they were busy with activities of their own and always declined.

"Yeah. Do you guys want a ride? We are going out for pizza and ice-cream and was wondering if you guys wanted to come?" giving them a smile.

Before they could give him a reply, Athena walked with Fifa in her hand. "Okay guys ready?" but her smile faltered and her mouth was in her stomach when she saw who the boys were was talking to.

"Guys we have to go. Everyone is expecting us" she said hastily.

"Hello. What might your name be?" he drawled as he held out his hands towards her.

Ignoring him and turning to the boys "Boys you should know better than to talk to strangers"

"He stopped us" Mario shrugged.

"Well, we must be going?"

"You guys sure you don't want to come with us?" Collins asked the boys once again. Hoping that they would say yes. He knew that Athena was in a pickle. She couldn't refuse without giving a good reason why. And that would start the questions rolling.

Before Athena could utter a word she was saved by Mario.

"Sorry. Can't. I have an ice-skating date. Thanks for the invitation though. Say hi to Feb and Penelope for me. Come on guys we are going to miss the bus" Mario urged.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now